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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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They had an info graphic at CES that reiterated what was revealed previously in the Wired article

nothing weird about it, and Matt already said the GitHub leak wasn’t indicative of anything

there’s more ambiguity in the XSX’s 12 TF figure than there is with PS5 having hardware based RT
Not quite, hardware accelerated Ray tracing could mean just assisted/accelerated by the GPU like the Cryengine demo, the most correct term or phrase everyone should be looking for is "dedicated" Ray Tracing hardware. It remains to be seen if even MS or Sony have it. If it's "dedicated", like Nvidia RTX, tensor-like cores are or is it just assisted/accelerated by the GPU hardware, compute. "Dedicated" is the term in general Nvidia and the like are using for distinction, which could mean tree traversal or and denoising etc...etc..etc...with hardware used only for Ray Tracing specifically, exclusively. That's what are still waiting to find out with MS and Sony. Not to mention if it is "dedicated" what specific functionality does it have and how good is it...impact on performance and image quality. Looking for the term "dedicated"...no mention...so far. Right now, it could be a marketing checkbox spin.
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Ray Tracing is still going to be hugely demanding whether they have dedicated RT hardware or not. The RTX cards have dedicated hardware, and you still see huge framerate drops when you turn on RT.
With the new consoles already targeting 4k in itself, imo they should of kept RT for the potential mid gen refreshes, or PS6/Xbox 5. Thats just me though.
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I don't think Cerny would have bothered to clarify if he hadn't meant dedicated cores.

What makes you think dedicated cores? I expect both Microsoft and SONY to have ray-tracing features built into the CUs, which makes it 'hardware accelerated' or 'hardware based'.


I don't think Cerny would have bothered to clarify if he hadn't meant dedicated cores.
I felt he was hard pressed into saying that. (I also cannot imagine AMD cooking up something so quickly, DXR was announced less than 2 years ago)

That being said, I don't see a problem with not having "dedicated hardware" for something, given how badly that "dedicated hardware" handles it.


What makes you think dedicated cores? I expect both Microsoft and SONY to have ray-tracing features built into the CUs, which makes it 'hardware accelerated' or 'hardware based'.
'Hardware based' to me makes it sound like they have dedicated RT hardware. 'Hardware Accellerated' to me sounds like no dedicated hardware, and they are just using the gpu to brute force RT. Kind of like how you can do RT on the 10 series cards now.
'Hardware based' to me makes it sound like they have dedicated RT hardware. 'Hardware Accellerated' to me sounds like no dedicated hardware, and they are just using the gpu to brute force RT. Kind of like how you can do RT on the 10 series cards now.

I think the question is: is there anything in the hardware that specifically addresses ray-tracing? Both Microsoft and SONY confirmed that. Next question would be: how is that being implemented in hardware? We're still waiting for an answer.

From Klobrille
Klobrille is a PR from Microsoft.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Phil just is very dishonest with the strangest lisp I've heard. Cerney - lmao, yeah I needed that because he definetly looks like he keeps a bag of candy on him.
Phil isnt dishonest. hes actually honest to a fault. i remember posting in threads earlier this gen about how he bought tomb raider exclusivity just because he needed something to compete with uncharted 4 which was originally set to release in holiday 2015. he even said something about how gaas is the future and how he essentially didnt care about single player games. i was like wtf but his supporters ate it up. of course, he ended up doing a 180 on it and bought a bunch of sp studios but at least he was honest, even if he was wrong.

i believe him when he says the xsex is 12 tflops.

cerny isnt a liar either. when he says rt is built in the gpu, i have no reason to doubt that.

Mod of War

Staff Member
Take the GAF and ResetEra meta to the proper community threads and get this one back on topic.

Right now.



Flashless at the Golden Globes
SenjutsuSage SenjutsuSage why do you believe MS when they said in the e3 video that ray tracing is hardware accelerated but dont believe the lead engineer of the ps5 when he says the same?

Before they do, Cerny wants to clarify something. When we last discussed the forthcoming console, he spoke about its ability to support ray-tracing, a technique that can enable complex lighting and sound effects in 3D environments. Given the many questions he’s received since, he fears he may have been ambiguous about how the PS5 would accomplish this—and confirms that it’s not a software-level fix, which some had feared. “There is ray-tracing acceleration in the GPU hardware,” he says, “which I believe is the statement that people were looking for.” (A belief born out by my own Twitter mentions, which for a couple of weeks in April made a graphics-rendering technique seem like the only thing the internet had ever cared about.)

also when the CEO goes up in front of hundreds of journalists and stands behind a infographic that claims the ray tracing is hardware based.

what would you like them to say exactly? right now, they have literally said exactly what MS has said. so what is it that they need to do that MS has NOT done to earn your trust?
SenjutsuSage SenjutsuSage why do you believe MS when they said in the e3 video that ray tracing is hardware accelerated but dont believe the lead engineer of the ps5 when he says the same?

also when the CEO goes up in front of hundreds of journalists and stands behind a infographic that claims the ray tracing is hardware based.

what would you like them to say exactly? right now, they have literally said exactly what MS has said. so what is it that they need to do that MS has NOT done to earn your trust?
Ms farts in our General direction and he translates it as 27 tf for gpu with dedicated RT cores with 120 gb gddr9 like he did with zen and Vega for x1x. Sony literally talks about hardware RT 3 times specifically and he still says nope . They r lying 😂

conclusion : don’t try to have logical argument with someone who argues in bad faith.


Ms farts in our General direction and he translates it as 27 tf for gpu with dedicated RT cores with 120 gb gddr9 like he did with zen and Vega for x1x. Sony literally talks about hardware RT 3 times specifically and he still says nope . They r lying 😂

conclusion : don’t try to have logical argument with someone who argues in bad faith.

Which is funny bcus Sony usually does better in the hardware Dept launch consoles aligned. It's like when ppl harp about Microsoft being a software company yet ps4 os was way better than Xbox ones and also had dedicated chip for installs and downloads lol. Let's not even talk about shareplay and how gd tht is and how thy tried to make a version and it was some lame shit on mixer lol

If I trust anyone will have the better Rt solution it's definitely Sony with Cerny at the helm.
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...lacks reading comprehension.
They had an info graphic at CES that reiterated what was revealed previously in the Wired article

nothing weird about it, and Matt already said the GitHub leak wasn’t indicative of anything

there’s more ambiguity in the XSX’s 12 TF figure than there is with PS5 having hardware based RT
There's no ambiguity in either one unless you are console warring. Spencer said XSX is 2x One X when you do the math. Cerny said there is raytracing acceleration in the hardware. They surely would not lie about this, both statements are true.
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...lacks reading comprehension.
What makes you think dedicated cores? I expect both Microsoft and SONY to have ray-tracing features built into the CUs, which makes it 'hardware accelerated' or 'hardware based'.
That would be bad. That's Radeon Rays (feature of RDNA). That is just a compute solution. Hardware accelerated means dedicated cores that do nothing but calculate rays.


...lacks reading comprehension.
Klobrille is a PR from Microsoft.
Klobrille is a data miner. He's not affiliated with Microsoft, he just scans their servers. But there's one bit in that leak that I didn't notice until now: It says the dev kit will just be based on Anaconda. There is no Lockhart devkit. So I suppose the process of scaling games to Lockhart is indeed fully automatic, you just build games for XSX and everything else is "magic" happening on Microsofts side.


They say it’s hardware based, I.e dedicated cores, not hardware assisted

Pretty clear cut
You're kidding yourself if you think it's clear cut. There are many specifics yet to be seen. That could be a false assumption you posted...that "based" equals "dedicated". We don't know yet. We believe certain things right now, but "know" we don't...... yet.....for Sony or MS. When all, many of the RT technical details are released, then we will. I believe both Sony and MS will have "dedicated" RT, which how they perform could vary drastically, but I sure as hell don't know for sure if it is "dedicated" and neither do you....that I do know. You or anyone else not under NDA, engineers in the know etc...and people that do know can spin this many ways, parse words and summize technical details...until those details are known, released. Then when a real technical analysis can be performed. Besides, semantics and implementation will mean little if performance is terrible in the end. The bottom line will be the bottom line....we will see that unknown and that's exciting to see how it works for both Sony and MS. Wait and see.
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Oh, God, RE is doing a poll whether next gen consoles should come with a controller.

Calling that place a video game enthusiast forum is a disgrace to all existing video game enthusiast forums. It’s overrun my twitter retards and mods that try too hard to be funny. Can’t believe I’m saying this but...the 2017 site was better when it first launched. At least they still had an ounce of integrity left
Its almost Valentines Day and still radio silence on both PS5 and Xbox Series X.

Is Coronavirus causing some behind the scenes shit? Why is everyone quiet. Not at all worried though. Had a raging boner for PS5 reveal but since everyone has gone quiet, i've gone limp. I don't mind. I can wait until Sony feels me up again.
I'm out of lotion and tissue anyways.

Finally a good fucking leak!
I actually managed to miss this one.
That leak is decades old mate. Where've you been?
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Its almost Valentines Day and still radio silence on both PS5 and Xbox Series X.

Is Coronavirus causing some behind the scenes shit? Why is everyone quiet. Not at all worried though. Had a raging boner for PS5 reveal but since everyone has gone quiet, i've gone limp. I don't mind. I can wait until Sony feels me up again.
I'm out of lotion and tissue anyways.

That leak is decades old mate. Where've you been?
Arguing about my favorite piece of plastic on ReeEra


I don’t understand how people could have got RT so wrong on the internet to think that generalised software RT at 1080p@30fps and above is the inferior option to fixed functionality of a GPU – as the ‘dedicated’ functionality will be restricted by caveats that generalised software won’t, like comparing old H/W accelerated fixed path T&L to Programmable shaders. Flexibility is superior if all other targets like resolution and frame-rate are still met - unless I've missed a major development at some point.

As an example, this old youtube video used three original PS3 consoles using linux – so no acccess to the graphics card just the Cell - Gigabit hub and the IBM Interactive Ray Tracer. So we are probably looking at less than 1 TeraFLOP and 1.5GB memory in total to render this scene without dedicated RT cores – as the Cell additional cores are fully programmable hybrids, that have GPU styled efficiency in optimised micro workloads, but can still support general purpose CPU logic.




So i said a week ago lets wait and see how this corona virus will develop.
As of yesterday the corona virus officialy surpassed sars and in much much shorter time.
And its still just getting worse.
China pumped billions into stocks just to save face on the market.
But nothing helped.
More and more cities provinces are under lockdown and foxconn is not allowed to open factories for another week or 2 but possibly another month if not more.

So most factories are shut and shipping is none existent at the moment.

I could write way more way longer but the point i am making is just like last time is that we can finally for sure expect that the new consoles will be delayed till 2021.
And even if we get them this year ,there will severe shortages for a while.

But i really dont care about the consoles for now , i want all the people in china to get healthy again and kick this asshole virus and the people responsible for it into the ground.

Edit: just saw pushsquare confirming this.

Well my backlog is long so i dont mind
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...lacks reading comprehension.
I don’t understand how people could have got RT so wrong on the internet to think that generalised software RT at 1080p@30fps and above is the inferior option to fixed functionality of a GPU – as the ‘dedicated’ functionality will be restricted by caveats that generalised software won’t, like comparing old H/W accelerated fixed path T&L to Programmable shaders. Flexibility is superior if all other targets like resolution and frame-rate are still met - unless I've missed a major development at some point.

As an example, this old youtube video used three original PS3 consoles using linux – so no acccess to the graphics card just the Cell - Gigabit hub and the IBM Interactive Ray Tracer. So we are probably looking at less than 1 TeraFLOP and 1.5GB memory in total to render this scene without dedicated RT cores – as the Cell additional cores are fully programmable hybrids, that have GPU styled efficiency in optimised micro workloads, but can still support general purpose CPU logic.

There's a tiny difference between using raytracing to light a simple object at low speeds and having an entire game environment that you have to shoot rays into. And Nvidias RTX cores are 25 times more powerful than doing the same task on GPGPU. Because that's all they are doing, just calculating rays.


The RT in the previous video doesn’t sell the RT, but the video below which also ran on a single PS3 Cell using linux ran between 0.5 & 3 frames per second in full hd (iirc).


There's a tiny difference between using raytracing to light a simple object at low speeds and having an entire game environment that you have to shoot rays into. And Nvidias RTX cores are 25 times more powerful than doing the same task on GPGPU. Because that's all they are doing, just calculating rays.

I didn’t mean to suggest they were the same - but completely understand inhindsight that the videos do sort of imply that. I was merely referring to the end result.

Assuming the PS5 and/or XsX can real-time RT games the same as a RTX 2080 hopefully(for example) as comparative frame-rates and resolution and bounces, surely it is better if they have more flexibility to improve the algorithms over the generation, than be tied to more restrictive fast-path functionality for the whole generation, no?

Unlike a graphics card manufacturer, Sony and Microsoft will have to live with their hardware choices for at least 5years.
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Regarding devs always get spec sheet earlier, even before first version of devkits are out. Here is what Matt said :

As has been said, information is shared before kits are released, and kits are updated several times before they are finalized.

The targets for these systems are shared early, because developers need to know what to aim for.

I feel like a lot a people in these threads are reading radically different things from “sources” who are generally all saying the same things.


Captain Hero

The Spoiler Soldier

So i said a week ago lets wait and see how this corona virus will develop.
As of yesterday the corona virus officialy surpassed sars and in much much shorter time.
And its still just getting worse.
China pumped billions into stocks just to save face on the market.
But nothing helped.
More and more cities provinces are under lockdown and foxconn is not allowed to open factories for another week or 2 but possibly another month if not more.

So most factories are shut and shipping is none existent at the moment.

I could write way more way longer but the point i am making is just like last time is that we can finally for sure expect that the new consoles will be delayed till 2021.
And even if we get them this year ,there will severe shortages for a while.

But i really dont care about the consoles for now , i want all the people in china to get healthy again and kick this asshole virus and the people responsible for it into the ground.

Edit: just saw pushsquare confirming this.

Well my backlog is long so i dont mind

you realize that China isn't the only source for manufacturing PS5 $ Sex .. I think Sony and MS took their precautions and will proceed the production in Vietnam but each device will increase its manufacturing cost for sure
Regarding devs always get spec sheet earlier, even before first version of devkits are out. Here is what Matt said :

This is common sense and is a shame you have to point it out. As I stated earlier in a previous post, Jeuxvideo back in Feb 2019 leaked the same target specs that Windows Central late last year. The notion that Sony or MS are trying to 'surprise' eachother with devkits is so stupid.


...lacks reading comprehension.
you realize that China isn't the only source for manufacturing PS5 $ Sex .. I think Sony and MS took their precautions and will proceed the production in Vietnam but each device will increase its manufacturing cost for sure
TSMC has no fabs in Vietnam, just Taiwan and China for the required die sizes. Samsung has no fabs in Vietnam, just Korea and China for the NAND chips. So the NAND availability and prices and the APU availability will for sure be influenced by the virus if it keeps spreading. There is no replacement.


...lacks reading comprehension.
This is common sense and is a shame you have to point it out. As I stated earlier in a previous post, Jeuxvideo back in Feb 2019 leaked the same target specs that Windows Central late last year. The notion that Sony or MS are trying to 'surprise' eachother with devkits is so stupid.
Jeuxvideo was going by a Reddit post that we talked about earlier, a leak that put PS5 at 8 TF.
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