Seasons are great. Biggest improvement in FH4 compared to FH3, along much better performance. FH3 performance in the city was pure shit, even with a GTX1080 you couldn't get 60fps, and there was LOD jumps and pop-ins everywhere.
What I didn't do is cherrypick the obvious shot with back light, but here it goes too:
And another one without setting up a so obviously adverse lighting condition but 1080p, so its clear that even with 8xMSAA aliasing shows:
DC is 1080p30 with 1.8Tflops. GTS is 1800p60 or 1080p60 with 1.8 or 4.2Tflops and FH4 is 2160p30 or 1080p60 with 6Tflops. Then FH4 on PC is whatever you can bruteforce, but the core problems like shadows that are conveniently left out of screenshots and photomode shots are still there...
The less powerful hardware has a better "excuse" for its faults.
As I said...
And those are with
Transparency SuperSampling, which is not even a feature of the game, but Nvidia's, and is the only thing that fixes the pixelated foliage outlines, because the game's MSAA does nothing for that.
But it seems it's not enough to compare to 1.8 or 4 Tflops hardware limited games.
The Extreme setting doesn't fix the pixelated shadows and the shadows
jumping 1 meter every 5 seconds, those are Forza's core problems that I don't remember seeing in Driveclub or GTS or mainly any other game.
Here you can see how smooth they move in Driveclub, even in a timelapse with a lot of intermediate frames cut out:
Meanwhile this is realtime 2018 FH4 PC Ultra 4K60:
Yes, there are a lack of resolution sometimes in Driveclub and you caught some nasty shadows bugs in GTS too, but there is no excuse for this shit on a top PC at 4K Ultra.
What I mean factoring hardware, Tflops and year of release is that it counts a lot. FH4 is a 2018 PC game with jumpy pixelated shadows. GTA V did soft shadows on PC in
2015, using just Nvidia tech:
2018 FH4 should be much better on PC.