Gold Member
I'm sure you've heard of high beams.
Yes I have. And use them regularly. I cant recall seeing high beam lighting up rain as it hits the windscreen.
I'm sure you've heard of high beams.
Well said, friend. Some PC elitists get so insecure when a console exclusive (usually on Playstation consoles) looks better than another game of the same genre maxed out on PC. Everyone knows a high end PC can be 5 times stronger than a PS4, so there's no reason for insecurityInsecurity is the reason. It is alright to admit that pcars looks worse on PC compared to Driveclub. It is not a slight against the PC platform's obvious superior capabilities at all. Driveclub looks better and is king for now. I am sure future racers will come on both consoles and PC that give it some serious competition going forward.
I do remember a guy saying GT looks more natural but was it really him? If so, he clearly has an agenda against DC or something. It really makes you wonder if he actually played the game.Who the hell am I kidding? He obviously doesn't.
Insecurity is the reason. It is alright to admit that pcars looks worse on PC compared to Driveclub. It is not a slight against the PC platform's obvious superior capabilities at all. Driveclub looks better and is king for now. I am sure future racers will come on both consoles and PC that give it some serious competition going forward.
THe funny thing is that the last time pc racers looked better than console ones was during PSX era. From that point the genre became niche on PC, while consoles were pumping insane budgets into them and PCs always stayed behind. It's not hardware issue. You could propably built a PC that would run Driveclub in 60 fps and 4K resoltion without much problem if you had the money. But there's just no way any indie pc team will ever be able to match the truckloards of money Sony and the rest are throwing at their racers.
That's why the best graphics on PC in this genre will come from multiplats. Somebody (Codemasters propably) will eventually come close to maxing out PS4, while throwing additional higher options for pc version. Somebody will then mod it further and we'll end up with the best looking racing game ever. But expecting pc exclusive or even pc-centric devs to match up to stuff like DriveClub is pure lunacy.
Yeah, I agree. Now if only those posters claiming PCars looks better can just accept this fact...THe funny thing is that the last time pc racers looked better than console ones was during PSX era. From that point the genre became niche on PC, while consoles were pumping insane budgets into them and PCs always stayed behind. It's not hardware issue. You could propably built a PC that would run Driveclub in 60 fps and 4K resoltion without much problem if you had the money. But there's just no way any indie pc team will ever be able to match the truckloards of money Sony and the rest are throwing at their racers.
That's why the best graphics on PC in this genre will come from multiplats. Somebody (Codemasters propably) will eventually come close to maxing out PS4, while throwing additional higher options for pc version. Somebody will then mod it further and we'll end up with the best looking racing game ever. But expecting pc exclusive or even pc-centric devs to match up to stuff like DriveClub is pure lunacy.
I'm surprised he hasn't been banned with all the shit postinghe uttered a lot of crazy ish. gt has better cars, lighting, and just looks more real than DC
Well said, friend. Some PC elitists get so insecure when a console exclusive (usually on Playstation consoles) looks better than another game of the same genre maxed out on PC. Everyone knows a high end PC can be 5 times stronger than a PS4, so there's no reason for insecurity
Lol, true that. In my opinion, the PS4 should be the lead platform. For the XB1 version, scale it down a notch from it. For the PC version, turn up some settings and add PC exclusive features. Everybody wins and we're done with the parity bullshit!They're going to feel even more insecure once they realize that consoles will become the lead platform for most games in a year or two from now.
There is something not quite right about the bottom gif. It's almost like there are lights mounted at the top of the car which illuminate the rain/snow as it hits the windscreen. Sure the headlights would light up ahead of the car, but illuminating as it hits the windscreen? It's like the light source comes from inside the car.
However, being a console exclusive hurts the title. .
They're going to feel even more insecure once they realize that consoles will become the lead platform for most games in a year or two from now.
Lol, true that. In my opinion, the PS4 should be the lead platform. For the XB1 version, scale it down a notch from it. For the PC version, turn up some settings and add PC exclusive features. Everybody wins and we're done with the parity bullshit!
Its fine that it exists. But it exists in a somewhat "mangled" form, that is not optimal. Its just a shame that a game with such advanced graphics looks worse than decade+ old racers in a very important visual aspect. For me (and for most people) frame rate isn't just a "gameplay enchantment". It also compliments visuals in a huge way. And many people can't enjoy the visuals in a game if a certain standard hasn't met, especially when that particular standard was already reached 2 generations ago with inferior hardware.Hurts it more than not existing at all?
No-one can really argue rationally that pCars looks better than DC, DC is by far the best looking racing game.
I only mentioned the frame-rate vs pCARS as some of the reason why pCARS doesn't look as good, same with Forza, Assetto, iRacing, etc. These games (less so Forza) are sim racers first and foremost, the feel of the cars is the main thing.
Having said that, iRacing, pCARS and Assetto are all very good looking games, they are by no means comparable to 360/PS3 games as some have suggested.
Some more comparisons for those interested
iRacing VS Assetto:
iRacing VS pCARS:
Its fine that it exists. But it exists in a somewhat "mangled" form. Not optimal. Its just a shame that a game with such advanced graphics looks worse than decade+ old racers in a very important visual aspect. For me (and for most people) frame rate isn't just a "gameplay enchantment". It also compliments visuals in a huge way. And many people can't enjoy the visuals in a game if a certain standard hasn't met, especially when that particular standard was already reached 2 generations ago with inferior hardware.
Heck, thinking about this a bit, if the 6th gen racers didn't exist, maybe we wouldn't have this conversation now. Because its mostly an issue about standards and how they should go higher and not lower, especially when these standards are technical in nature and SHOULD get higher (or at least not drop) with superior, more powerful hardware.
There is another option besides existing and not existing. How about not existing now but existing later, when a console can handle it at an optimal frame rate? Of course devs are currently ignoring smooth motion and push for more effects and polygons. And that's the main problem here. I wish smooth frame rate becomes a standard first and then, DC visuals will come. We may have to wait an extra generation or maybe later in this one but they will come.
Source?Sorry but i'd rather have DC in its "current state" than wait for "next gen". You don't like 30fps racers we get it, thankfully you are a minority.
Here is real F1 in rain: yes water smears. No, no way to see drops:
it is a amazing people are comparing real footage and looking for points of unreality.
If it were the case, all games would release at 60 fps.For me (and for most people) frame rate isn't just a "gameplay enchantment".
If it were the case, all games would release at 60 fps.
The truth is that most people prefer pretty graphics over high framerate, as long as said framerate is stable enough (which is the case here with DC and FH2).
If it were the case, all games would release at 60 fps.
The truth is that most people prefer pretty graphics over high framerate, as long as said framerate is stable enough (which is the case here with DC and FH2).
This is true, it's why most games, especially on console, just go with 30fps and better visuals..
yeah no source needed
the majority of people do not refuse to buy a 30fps racer.
I can understand an given individual refusing.
but have no idea how anyone can believe the mass market cares to the extent a majority would even *know* the frame rate, let alone care.
in fact, i bet the majority of posters *in this topic* would buy a 30fps racer, (even though given an equal option would prefer maximum fps.)
The truth is that most people prefer pretty graphics over high framerate,
yeah no source needed
the majority of people do not refuse to buy a 30fps racer.
I can understand an given individual refusing.
but have no idea how anyone can believe the mass market cares to the extent a majority would even *know* the frame rate, let alone care.
in fact, i bet the majority of posters *in this topic* would buy a 30fps racer, (even though given an equal option would prefer maximum fps.)
Ok so this brings another question.
If more people, like you say, prefer prettier graphics over smooth frame rate then why 60fps was the standard in racing games during the 6th generation? What went wrong there and they fixed it now?
You can have BOTH prettier graphics AND smoother frame rate each generation. 6th gen racers looked MUCH better than 5th gen ones and also had smoother frame rate. They had both. I'm not saying newer gen racers shouldn't look better than older gen. What i'm saying is that they should balance things out for the games to look better without sacrificing something that had been reached before. Again, its a matter about standards.
I'm not discussing what's more profitable for devs or what's more suitable for the general public who doesn't care or know better. I'm arguing about what's better for the games. I thought Gaf was a place for gamers, not "average joes". I guess we should all cater to the general public needs and go with the flow.yeah no source needed
the majority of people do not refuse to buy a 30fps racer.
I can understand an given individual refusing.
but have no idea how anyone can believe the mass market cares to the extent a majority would even *know* the frame rate, let alone care.
in fact, i bet the majority of posters *in this topic* would buy a 30fps racer, (even though given an equal option would prefer maximum fps.)
Burnout SeriesI only had 2 racing games on those systems last gen, Forza and GT. Besides those what others were 60fps? (those 2 are more sim than arcade as well)
I'm not discussing what's more profitable for devs or what's more suitable for the general public who doesn't care or know better. I'm arguing about what's better for the games. I thought Gaf was a place for gamers, not "average joes". I guess we should all cater to the general public needs and go with the flow.
Burnout Series
Colin Mcrae series
RalliSport series
WRC series
These are the ones that are in the back of my head now. There are, of course, many more, look it up. 60fps racers were the majority in PS2/GC/XBOX.
Notice how Collin McRae and WRC went from 60fps/6th gen to 30fps/7th gen. They got worse frame rate in the next gen consoles. That's going forward for some people i guess... : /
but have no idea how anyone can believe the mass market cares to the extent a majority would even *know* the frame rate, let alone care.
Just ask Insomniac:I am deeply saddened by this.
You're from the Guardians of the Superior Frame Rate, huh?That's what.
What a rollercoaster of a thread.
Said game looks worse than Driveclub, reverts back to framerate debates. :/
Oh my God, this thread is seriously something else. Now PC elitists want DC on PC so that its "true potential can be reached". I don't know how anyone in the right mind can type this with a straight face. Exclusives exist for a reason, genius.I think most people will agree that DC is the better looking racer in all aspects except maybe the car models (I think PCars has the better ones).
However, being a console exclusive hurts the title. A good PC port would make the game shine with better IQ and of course, 60/120fps. Its a shame that these exceptional visuals and effects are dragged back by a mediocre frame rate standard. Yes we know its "fine" and "playable" but its not optimal at all. Plus, frame rate is a visual aspect as well and adds to how good a game looks. If you want the reason why old games like Sega Rally 2 (arcade), Daytona USA (arcade), F-Zero GX, Outrun 2006, Burnout series, etc have aged so well visually and still feel good to play today just look what all these games have in common.
This game deserves a PC port.
Apparently, now people also want DC to be released on PCWhat a rollercoaster of a thread.
Said game looks worse than Driveclub, reverts back to framerate debates. :/
I see your point but I respectfully disagree. If PC is the lead platform, we may still see parity in some multiplatform games on the console versions. On the other hand, if PS4 were the lead platform, the PC version will still get Ultra settings, better AA, higher resolutions, higher frame rate and maybe even Nvidia exclusive effectsFrom the pure quality of games this doesn't make much sense. The best way is to make PC lead, then downrage to PS4 and then downrage even more to XO. This always makes better results than trying to upgrade from PS4 to PC, as this will just result in few lazy tweaks thrown in, instead of game that truly takes advantage of PC's vastly superior hardware.
Now, from financial standpoint targeting PS4 might make more sense though, as unfortunatte as it is.
What a rollercoaster of a thread.
Said game looks worse than Driveclub, reverts back to framerate debates. :/
You missed the point of my post, stupid. And i don't even have a graphics card that comes close to PS4 or XBOX1. I just used to love racing games during 6th gen of consoles.Oh my God, this thread is seriously something else. Now PC elitists want DC on PC so that its "true potential can be reached". I don't know how anyone in the right mind can type this with a straight face. Exclusives exist for a reason, genius.
I see your point but I respectfully disagree. If PC is the lead platform, we may still see parity in some multiplatform games on the console versions. On the other hand, if PS4 were the lead platform, the PC version will still get Ultra settings, better AA, higher resolutions, higher frame rate and maybe even Nvidia exclusive effects
Drive club is gorgeous. 30 FPS is not the debate. It's a graphic face off between racing games.
Odd, never noticed such a thing with DC.That's not completely true, though. DC looks better because it is 30FPS - that much isn't up for debate - but the temporal AA solution used in the game suffers because of it (30FPS) and I'd say has a hand in the odd judder the game seems to suffer from.
Sort of OT: Strangely enough, I wonder if TLoU:R uses the same TAA technique as the 30FPS lock in that seems to inhibit the same effect, IMO, whereas as my other 30FPS game (LBP3) doesn't have it at all.
Thing is, if for "most people, frame rate isn't just a 'gameplay enchantment'", then why is the market for 30fps games so big? If it was true for most people, 30fps would be niche instead. The truth is, people enjoy what they like. The majority of people don't seem to be able to tell the difference between 30fps and 60fps, much less care about its impact on games if they're already having fun and enjoy what they're seeing on screen.Proof? *points back to first two sentences*That, or they just can't physically stand how fluid 60fps looks. There are people that get motion sickness from it.
The point is, 30fps is fine and absolutely playable. 60fps is a bonus. That's just how it is for the majority of people.
That's not completely true, though. DC looks better because it is 30FPS - that much isn't up for debate - but the temporal AA solution used in the game suffers because of it (30FPS) and I'd say has a hand in the odd judder the game seems to suffer from.
Sort of OT: Strangely enough, I wonder if TLoU:R uses the same TAA technique as the 30FPS lock in that seems to inhibit the same effect, IMO, whereas as my other 30FPS game (LBP3) doesn't have it at all.
Game is ultra consistent and smooth on my TV.That's not completely true, though. DC looks better because it is 30FPS - that much isn't up for debate - but the temporal AA solution used in the game suffers because of it (30FPS) and I'd say has a hand in the odd judder the game seems to suffer from.
Sort of OT: Strangely enough, I wonder if TLoU:R uses the same TAA technique as the 30FPS lock in that seems to inhibit the same effect, IMO, whereas as my other 30FPS game (LBP3) doesn't have it at all.
How has this thread changed from a next gen graphics face off, in which DC easily won, to another thread dedicated to bringing DC down?
Happens fairly often for threads containing PS4 games does it not? Don't you remember the tech analysis thread for the Uncharted PS4 demo?How has this thread changed from a next gen graphics face off, in which DC easily won, to another thread dedicated to bringing DC down?