iamaustrian said:
oh wow that sounds odd :lol
I will dld it later.
thanx for impressions
has it anything to do with the old arcade game?
No, it doesn't really have anything to do with it (aside from being about climbing!).
To give you a little more detail on the controls/game:
Your climber has to ascend a wall by moving their hands and feet from hold to hold. Some holds will crumble, some can't fit your feet etc. so you have to plan your route with that in mind.
You hold the Remote and nunchuk vertically in front of you and hold down the Z and B buttons to "grip" with your hands. If you release these, your climber will let go of a hold. Your feet automatically "grip" the holds, but you can release them by pressing A and C. Each hand and foot can be gripped/released individually so you have control over all four limbs at once.
You ascend the wall by releasing your grip on a hand or foot and tilting the Remote/nunchuk to reach for another grip. As you tilt, a target will move allowing you to select the next hold. You have limited strength to hold, so from the moment you take a new grip a meter starts counting down, giving you a time limit after which you lose your grip and have to quickly grab a new hold. So, you are under pressure to move quickly from hold to hold, ascending the wall.
That would be easy if it wasn't for the fact that you are asked to control each limb while doing so, and as you stretch further up the wall with your arms and take new holds, you have to remember to do the same with your legs. You can quickly tie yourself in knots (literally - the game has a limited ragdoll system, and if you kink your arms and legs over and around each other you will get some horrible limb contortions and unpleasant cracking sounds!) and you need to remain calm, making quick, considered moves to ascend the wall and retain your grip.
It sounds very complicated, and it is quite hard at first but once you understand how the system works and put a little practice in it becomes quite fun. I'm not entirely sold on the motion-sensing yet, but it seems to work well and it may just be my own inability to tilt and grip and move smoothly betwen the two that's making the motion controls feel a little awkward, but I'd need more time with the game to be sure.
For the 800 points it goes for, I think it's worth a look though.