If Nintendo doesn't work hard to fix their amiibo stock issue the market will gladly solve this for them with the Maxlander NFC Backup tool.
No, they won't. The sad fact is that if Nintendo doubled the SRP of the damned amiibos they would still sell. Everybody will say "Hell no, I wouldn't pay double!" but we all know full well that they would. They'd be posting pictures of them on Twitter, Facebook, and here: "Look what I got! Yay! I just got my wallet absolutely milked for a piece of plastic with an NFC card stuck to it! So happy!" even if they were $100 each.
But it's OK, since every other game from now on will pretty much require an amiibo, now that they've seen how popular they are. Which is a great tactic because all adults love having little plastic toys kicking about in their lounge.
Their account system is still terrible.
Yes, but have you heard? They're sort of going to be maybe one day be doing an Xbox Live/PSN thing one day. Allegedly. They're also considering reducing the number of times you need to press "Continue" on the Wii U Gamepad in order to buy anything from them digitally, from 400,000 to 300,000. I'm honestly surprised that there isn't a page that's just an animated GIF of Reggie saying "Thanks for buying this!" where you need to press "Continue" in order to proceed.
Third Party companies are skipping out on the Wii U
Hardly Nintendo's fault. How were they to know that making an underpowered console with a required input device that would require specific extra development time (as well as having to make control schemes for three different types of controllers) would prevent third party developers from being desperate to develop ports that will be lucky to sell 50,000 copies?
Controller options are not simple. It is confusing
Yes, because they're trying to be all things to all people. I bought a Wii U and two Pro Controllers at launch. Was most happy when I had to wait MONTHS for a patch to be able to play NSMBU with my friends when it launched, because it didn't support multiplayer using the Pro Controller.
Love the way you can't turn the Gamepad off even if you're using a Wiimote/Pro Controller for a single player game, too. Really awesome. And how about Wii Fit U? Paid full price for that when it launched, with the balance board and the pedometer. £80. Traded it in three weeks ago because NOTHING has supported it since. Guy in the game store offered me £1 as he had tons of them already traded and sitting in his stock room. I just told him to take it for nothing as I couldn't be bothered carrying it back to the car.
Wii u has no gamecube backwards compatibility despite that it is possible.
I'm sure it'll be along soon, and all digital. F-Zero GX: $19.99. Super Mario Sunshine: $19.99. Luigi's Mansion: $19.99, etc etc. There'll probably be a dedicated Nintendo Direct broadcast to show it off. Might even be a deal where you spend $80 on Gamecube titles and get a download of Warioworld for free. "These are premium games because they are not as old as NES games, which is why we're charging $20 each for them. Please understand."
No Nintendo stores in key locations
Could be worse. Could live in a town that has 6 supermarkets that have large game sections within a 10 mile radius, yet still have to order Wii U games online since none of them stock the console or games. Two of those stores sell Mario-branded socks and lounge pants. None of them can sell me Mario Party 10.