I would usually be really excited for their products and services, but how they handle things are just worrying me. I have difficulty in acquiring their products and it is just not simple for me as a consumer. Right now the biggest problems I have with Nintendo are:
1. Product marketing.
I agree. Their while I like the names for the most part, their names are horrible for anyone to tell what is what. Dunno why they keep fucking names up so bad lol.
2. Not meeting consumer demand.
Agreed. It sucks when I wanna buy Amiibo like Lucina and can't without paying $40 (and going up) for them. Amiibo supply is one of the worst things Nintendo has ever done imo.
3. Their online services still suck.
Nintendo's online is top notch imo. The Smash example would basically kill anyone who has a bad connection from playing becuase people would always quit on them. I don't think theres any other way to do a online fighting game, i find it annoying too, and quit after the first match against a laggy opponet, but it'd also be unfair if noone played with people with bad connections. Dunno what happened with your Mario Kart tho. Sounds like a really rare and horrible litch.
4. Their account system is still terrible.
Agreed. Nothing else to say here. Terrible.
5. Third Party companies are skipping out on the Wii U.
Nintendo has plenty of third parties. Their called Atlus, a every now and then Capcom/SE/Namco game, team ups like Hyrule Warriors and Mario P&D, and Indies. Those "AAA" games on other consoles? Well its just a guess, but I don't think Nintendo cares about them at all really which is why they don't bother trying to get them. Dunno why people keep bringing it up when I don't think it'll ever happen but whatever.
6. Still no region free despite the competition.
While I don't think I'd ever need it (live in US and can't read Japanese) theres no reason to disagree here. Really horrible to lock players out of (physcial since I don't think they'd do digital) games being imported.
7. Controller options are not simple. It is confusing.
I've never had trouble with controllers with WiiU. Then again I always play on gamepad off tv. *Shrugs*
8. Wii u has no gamecube backwards compatibility despite that it is possible.
As been stated not really possible or feasable. I'm just glad Nintendo does BC back one gen.
9. It's dependent on amiibo as a platform.
No its not.
Anyone who buys an Amiibo for ingame content is a fool. Its a collectable figure first and formost with bonus contents.
However I will agree that it is starting to...become really bad. They should've really never tied content to them and let them just be figures or let them be season passes (which they are...for some figures) while you can buy all as DLC like MK8 Mii costumes for $0.50-$1.00 or so.
10. No Nintendo stores in key locations.