1. Their marketing is terrible. Has been for awhile, but some of it wasn't all that bad. The Wii and DS brands turned out to be smarter moves than we thought when we first heard them, and they did a great marketing job. It was the 3DS and Wii U where they really dropped the marketing ball.
Games and such, that is what it is. Those problems exist for many franchises out there (that are on various platforms).
2. It;s funny, we didn't complain about this with the Wii shortages, or the PS4 shortages last year. Yet we complain about it with Nintendo. Port strikes they had no control over, unpredictable sales (I mean, they have been doing less then stellar sales for a couple years, who could have predicted 10.5 million amiibo sold, and gcn adapters really being as popular as they are when you can use traditional controls without them now).
Not making excuses here - they NEED to start working on fixing it. It's just not something they can snap their fingers to correct,
3. Their online isn't really all that bad. You brought up street fighter in comparison - that's game specific. There are plenty of instances of excellent online play with Nintendo games. MK8 is a prefect example of this. They are late to the game, so they are going to take time to adjust their stuff to get it right. Mk8 was a huge improvement in that over Mk7. Street Fighter didn't have that latency stuff when it first went online. It takes time to get it right.
4. They need to embrace universal accounts. It seems like NNID is here to stay based on recent remarks, but there is no reason they can't turn them into universal accounts. That solves a lot of hte issues. As for code redeeming, I feel like it was an oversight. Hoping it is fixed in the future.
5. Most of the games you cite have terrible multiplayer regardless of the population. They are inherently single player games.
That being said, console sales more than specs was the reason third party support left. It is a problem, but it wasn't just something they can look in the mirror over. They have to fix point 1 for this point to ever be addressed.
6. I think they will. They've commented on it before. Apparently it still helps with piracy? I don't know enough, but that was an excuse they used.
7. Controller options are simple. Unless you're in wii mode, the GamePad - the only controller the system comes with, works with every single game ont he system (except now, the Wii games released on VC). There are a crap load of options, but hte only controller they are truly obligated to fully support is the one the system comes wiht, and they do that. So it's not really confusing at all.
8. Really? So Nintendo didn't want to enable GCN support and we're listing that as a negative, on a console that LACKS the ability out of the box to support GCN controllers? Come now. That's just downright silly. Where are the people complaining hte PS4 doesn't play PS3 games? I am sure the PS4 is powerful enough to emulate them. Oh wait, they are cool with sony reselling you them through a new system too, just like Nintendo does.
We have full Wii support. That;s more than anyone else. Next thing you know we'll ask that the system lets you plug in SNES carts. Yes, it is possible thanks to the Wii chip. But still, the system doesnt' COME with native GCN controller support. So... it would be odd to include it. THey include dthe sensor bar, not GCN controller ports.
9. amiibo supply frustrates consumers, but man, they;ve sold 10.5 million of those figures. It's working really well for them, tbh.
10. Are their even Sony only stores? Sony and Microsoft were/are tech companies. They can justify chains of stores for their products, just like apple can. Nintendo is a singular focused gaming company. They are lucky they can support the one store in New York, especially considering their poor sales the last few years.