Yes I'm sure it has everything to do with 'salt'.At this point this thread needs to be closed because it seems like there are some people that can't contain their salt over threads talking about Switch.
Yes I'm sure it has everything to do with 'salt'.At this point this thread needs to be closed because it seems like there are some people that can't contain their salt over threads talking about Switch.
At this point this thread needs to be closed because it seems like there are some people that can't contain their salt over threads talking about Switch.
Damn.You can palpably feel the point at which most people finished Zelda on this forum, huh.
If Nintendo starts making new major IPs out the wazoo like Splatoon and Arms then I would be inclined to agree with you.
I wish I was around for the PS4 and Xbox one launch some of y'all go overboard with new console launches apparently lol
No, they will make a spin of existing IP's. They play it extremely safe.
Paying attention to them is optional.How many of these damn threads are we gonna get?
Nintendo is the least safe out of the two existing companies that sell hardware.
No, they will make spin offs of existing IP's. They play it extremely safe.
From Software making a Nintendo system would be amazing for the names alone.
The Nintendo Ceaseless Discharge
The Nintendo Gaping Console
The Nintendo Vacuous Spider
To me the Switch is the idea of the SEGA Nomad but properly realized without requiring 6 AA batteries for 2 hours of gaming.
SEGA Nomad could do up to 4 player gaming on one screen. The machine had TV output port and played console-level games in like 1995.
But it was bulky, player 1 had to hold the machine so it was difficult to see for other players unless you used TV out, the cartridges were Genesis games so they were huge, the power was a generation behind because we had PS1 by then (similar to Switch), and the battery life makes even the Switch laugh.
From a software perspective? Really.
I can't really agree with that.
Nintendo is the least safe out of the two existing companies that sell hardware.
Y'know, I thought this would be the case, but Switch has been killing my wallet. My home menu is already full of games. And I find myself playing them more since it boots up and shuts down in a split-second, remembers exactly where you left off, and can be easily squeezed into any part of my day (portability and such).yo, Game-starved beasts, buy our console and enjoy the drought.