I guess. If you say so. Actually no. That's not true at all. Xbox had a solid year of quality exclusives relative to the PS4. It wasn't amazing but it was pretty damn good relative to PS4 releases. It didn't do too much good. BTW I'm talking about games on XB1 you can't get on PS4 and the other way around. So I'm not interested in a list war where PS3, Xbox 360 and PC make the game irrelevant. The Xbox had more high profile releases to tempt people to buy the system and for the most part it didn't matter.
Not interested in a list war aswell, but I'm not seeing how you quantify that objectively... (Never mind implications of "indie games don't count") As far as Retail, they were both the same, of course based on personal preferences someone can like one lineup over the other, but as far as high profile retail games they were equal the first year.
PS4: Infamous SS, MLB the Show, TLOU, Drive Club, LBP3.
XB1: Titanfall, FH2, SO, MCC.
IMVHO, the reason for that perception is that M.S. tends to focus from holiday season to holiday season, in contrast Sony tends to spread there games out all year. I can see one saying a stronger Q4 lineup but not all year.