It not only Smash and Pokémon, but amiibo did well, why not? For hardware, they could go with %, "momentum", and then a brief outlook at next year's lineup.
CosmicQueso teased that amiibo sales are great.
It not only Smash and Pokémon, but amiibo did well, why not? For hardware, they could go with %, "momentum", and then a brief outlook at next year's lineup.
Today I learned that I'm the only Canadian who uses Amazon Canada.
Your garage is full of Ouyas isn't it?
Moby Dick... i do not read filthy books. shame on you.
Or, 21 minutes until the NPD thread is 10 minutes away from being 5 minutes away!
Today I learned that I'm the only Canadian who uses Amazon Canada.
Her face movements are impressive.
Today I learned that I'm the only Canadian who uses Amazon Canada. is awesome.
So close to NPD. is awesome.
Yeah you are right, which is what will make the first five months of 2015 really interesting. If they narrow the gap in two months, only to it see it reemerge leading up to E3, they will just be in an identical market position as last year. It isn't like the rest of the planet will have just stopped buying hardware.Obviously - and its cool that a lot of people are gonna get to play great games on that system for a good price. What I'm saying is the "well earned" and "fantastic job" like they developed a business strategy that propelled them to the heights. They dropped the price to unbelievable levels because they're losing not because they're philanthropists.
I am happy for the people who saved money though. Because they don't really need it![]()
Teams and their leaders are measured by performance. Satya got his current job because of his ability to increase profits. So yeah, there are lots of people who work very hard trying to maximize profitability if for no other reason then career advancement @ MS. It is a very stressful company to work for.
The ouya thing must be a mistake. Everyone I know, including parents, coworkers, etc. uses amazon, but I don't know a single person who could tell you what an ouya is. And it's been at the top for a while now. Something is definitely fishy there.
The ouya thing must be a mistake. Everyone I know, including parents, coworkers, etc. uses amazon, but I don't know a single person who could tell you what an ouya is. And it's been at the top for a while now. Something is definitely fishy there. is awesome.
*reads some pages*
Apparently... NPD has already begun in this thread.
I too expect that or more. I think people are genuinely underestimating the type of retail enthusiasm there was for XBO in November. We're talking about a system that only a year ago was shackled to the Kinect abomination and cost you $500 for the pleasure of that cock up and terrible early gen UI troubles. Now the system has had a zillion UI updates making millions happy, Kinect is no longer thrust upon its unwilling victims, and the system literally was selling during November for $329 + 2 high profile games + $50 gift card in some places. $329 minus $60 minus $30 minus $50 = $189.
We're talking a system with the power XBO has under its hood and with third party support and relatively competent (albeit inferior) multiplatform ports. For most people that's enough if you're going to be able to purchase one for less than the price of refurbished Wii U and get multiple games in the exchange for it.
PS4 retained its sticker price largely at most major retails, $399. They added two games, GTAV and Last of Us. Which is admittedly a nice bundle, but also cross gen conversions. Not exactly soaringly inspirational, considering their first party problems with Driveclub and LittleBigPlanet 3 too being a PS4/PS3 multiplatform game.
PS4's deal was decent, quaint. XBO's deal was the definition of a Black Friday doorbuster.
So two of the highest rated games of last year (and this year) are quaint, but a poorly made AC cookie cutter game plus last years warned over version of the same game is a door buster?
Your garage is full of Ouyas isn't it?
i should overcome allergy to emoticons. would be easier sometimes.You could just look up Captain Ahab on Wikipedia.
Let's hold hands gaf.
Your garbage is full of Ouyas isn't it?
One month=/=closing the gap
i should overcome allergy to emoticons. would be easier sometimes.
Is it the same girl on the right? Whats going on here?
What's the story here and the one with Greenberg
No, but it's a trend. Just like X1 multi-platform games closing the gap.
False start. Penalty
bwhahahahaNo, but it's a trend. Just like X1 multi-platform games closing the gap.
Wii U is cheaper than both and have even more exclusives.
It's not a mistake...all of the alleged lovers on GAF (I'm looking at you, vinnygambini) are actually closet OUYA enthusiasts.
I still feel a lot of Micresoft hate in this thread... The X1 is now cheaper than the PS4 and had bigger exclusives this holiday. Obviously they're going to sell a shit ton of consoles.
Can't we all just be happy that both consoles are selling really well?
False start. Penalty
Less than 30 minutes away, right?
One month is not a trend. One month is an anomaly.
This year Xbox will win 2 months. Then next year it will win 3 months and so forth. After 6 years the tables will turn!
it could be the last gasp before going could be an anomaly or start of a trend, we don't know yet.