Legs... There's something to note about the type of audience that buys the wii that I think analysts and even third party ceos miss. The audience doesn't have a real defined taste. However, full price($50) is just too much to that type of audience unless there is some unique draw to your title(see pretty much any nintendo title, guitar hero, rock band, etc). Nintendo does benefit of course from it's core audience on its core titles. So, even with a full price, they can manage decent sales. Of course with Nintendo, you know you're getting quality so the Wii audience isn't as hesitant even for games without some unique factor. However, for third party titles that are not unique, you have to either not release at full price which, let's be honest, most third parties could do easily considering their budgets or have something unique about them. There's of course a third alternative, but it involves building a quality brand which may be impossible for some third parties to do since they stained the pool so to speak.