You may be right. There's usually a weakness in every metric. Youtube views are down... but is that because other youtubers have vids of one game and not the other? Is it because in the overwhelming media coverage of TF they saw all the video they needed there?
Google searches... never said that infamous was leading this, but even if they were... does that just mean that titanfall info is easier to find?
Twitter mentions? Again, I didn't say who was ahead (because I don't know). But there can by a myriad of reasons why it's mentioned on twitter, including the debate over the downgrade.
Metrics aren't perfect. All I was trying to say is that people who follow these things have repeated over and over that infamous is going to do very well. They might be wrong and you might be right. I'm not passing judgement. I'm just passing info.
Your info is always appreciated. Hear any rumblings of projected unit sales for the quarter? I'm expecting the game to sell well.