Syphon Filter
MS is in a good spot,closer than expected and March is looking to be good for them.
Nintendo confirmed that Donkey Kong helped boost Wii U sales by 25 percent over last year. Based on last years estimates, that means Nintendo sold around 100,000 Wii Us.
The Wii U sold an estimated 55,000 units in January (2013). A 40 percent increase would put in in the 80,000 range, but it failed to outpace the Xbox 360 yet again.
"February console sales: PS4 leads Xbox One again, but Xbox One only 10% behind in units."
Ian Sherr ‏@iansherr 3m
@geoffkeighley percentage points vs. percent. Not the same thing.
Yeah. Expecting >400k for both consoles. Will be great to see.Have a feeling March is going to be huge.
Not with the releases of Infamous: Second Son and Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes (MGS always sells significantly more on Sony consoles).The Xbox One might actually have a better March than the PS4, but if so it will more than likely go down again in April.
I was of the opinion that MS couldn't win march. I am now recalibrating that opinion.
So these are ordered by sales ranking, right? It's interesting how the Wii U SKU outsold the Xbox One and PS4 SKUs.
Units? Does that mean units of Xbox One or units of "Microsoft Family"?
I was of the opinion that MS couldn't win march. I am now recalibrating that opinion.
PlayStation ‏@PlayStation 1m
NPD Group: PS4 is #1 again for the month, and cumulative sales, in the United States. Thanks for your support!
For a month where it seemed like Sony didn't ship any, doing 286k is really friggen good imo. Imagine if they actually had suitable stock.
Units? Does that mean units of Xbox One or units of "Microsoft Family"?
Wonder if inFamous will provide a bump up in PS4's sold and where it will chart on NPD considering it's releasing late in the month.
Then you were crazy. Consumers are fickle as fuck. Hell, I'm surprised it's selling as well as it is so I guess that's something.
The Xbox One might actually have a better March than the PS4, but if so it will more than likely go down again in April.
Xbox One to be #1 in March
Gaf server crash incoming
The big PS4 US number ( > 280K) means sony fucked Europe.