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NPD Sales Results for February 2014 [Up2: PS4/XB1/Wii U/360 Hardware, BD/Poke/DK]


I really feel sorry for Toth. He tries to defend XIII-3 at every sales thread he can but everywhere it bombed.

Thank you Chris but don't be. The game is selling exactly what was expected of it. The vitirol of some FF fans though is more upsetting and unsettling.


People are silly to think that Ground Zeroes will have no effect. MGS4 doubled PS3 sales in its launch month. I'm sure some of those fans are wanting the next gen version.

MGS4 was only on the PS3 though.

And let's be real. How many of them are going to choose the inferior version on the more expensive hardware from a brand that has never been associated with the series in the past?

People who have an Xbox One and/or recently got one for games like Titanfall will more than likely get Ground Zeroes for that system. Not that many people own both a PS4 and Xbox One.

If you want to be more "real" though, how many people will simply get the game on their last gen console? The 360 version of Titanfall is always brought up as putting a potential dent into the sales of the Xbox One version (understandably), so shouldn't the possible dent be even bigger for Ground Zeroes on the PS4 considering that it's releasing on two last gen systems with large userbases?


Junior Member
You mean an overpriced demo that someone in the OT finished its main mission in under an hour? Yeah, it's going to cause shortages in PS4s all across the globe for sure.
Oh, some Gaffer finished the game in an hour? That's a great representation of the gaming market as a whole . . .

Mainline Metal Gear Solids move Sony systems. They always have, and they always will.
MGS4 was only on the PS3 though.
Metal Gear Solids always sell significantly better on Sony systems, just like Final Fantasys.
PS4 demand is there; supply isn't.

If there was a bump in February due to the beta, why do you not expect there to be a bump when the ACTUAL game releases? Of course there will be a large bump for Titanfall.

GZ is not exclusive. It's on four other consoles. I wouldn't be surprised if the PS3 version outsells the PS4 version. Infamous has never been a system seller. PS4 owners will surely buy the game but it will not convince a lot of people to purchase the system.

Has any franchised moved to multiplatform and not sold significantly more on its original platform on the first entry?

MGS is still going to be seen as a PlayStation franchise, least for ground zeros. Couple that with a brand new console it will move units. As many as MGS4? No of course not.

Infamous is easily going to out sell the previous 2 entries and will be a system seller.

Its the tech showcase for the PS4. Unlike Killzone, it is in a genre that has a low skill barrier of entry, it plays to sony first party strengths (story telling, facial animation, performance capture) and by using a new protagonist, it manages to stay as fresh as a new ip, while remaining familiar to fans of the series.

Whether it sells better than titanfall overall Is probably out of the question, but the idea that the game wont cause a significant bump in system sales is wishful and naive thinking. The xbox one is sure to take march, but Im dubious about it significantly taking march.


Unconfirmed Member
People might say this because the US is seen as the most important market. I dont see whats so wrong about that honestly. Especially in a thread pertaining to US results.

As important as it is I think it's naive to remain so optimistic, specifically with regard to Xbox One, when that console is comparatively doing very poorly worldwide. Were this still the days of the 360 when that console was also popular in Europe, specifically UK, then I'd understand this sentiment, but it no longer seems that way.
But GZ is on four consoles, including the PS3. The PS3 version will likely sell better than the PS4 version.

Why would you think this, considering how much of the sales trend have moved to current-gen?

PS4 SKUs of Thief, AC4, BF4 and NBA2K are all outdoing the PS3 versions.

Metal Gear is also a franchise that has a rather strong core fanbase, because of its heavy focus on story. It would be fair to assume that these group of fans would want to jump to the best versions of MG available, which is the current-gen version.


Amazing how much anger there is from Sony fans with the PS4 selling better. What do you guys expect? Some kind of 100-1 sales ratio?

Amazing how some people see anger in everything. I have no idea what you mean...

Give us an example of where you see real anger in these posts...Just 1..Maybe the anger is in yourself...

Disclaimer : I still have my 360 / PS3 and have moved to Ps4. Only console I don't own is Xbox one..

I don't see MS ever catching Sony or getting close world wide with a weaker 'performing benchmark wise' console and things people outside of USA don't give 2 hoots about (NFL for example or 60 Hz TV snapping LOL)

I find their attempts to keep up in the USA market highly amusing and fun to observe after all the poor choices this gen, but that's a long long way from anger.

I am sure other posters are just having some fun as well.
Oh, some Gaffer finished the game in an hour? That's a great representation of the gaming market as a whole . . .

Mainline Metal Gear Solids move Sony systems. They always have, and they always will.

This isn't a mainline game. It's a paid demo that according to multiple sources can be finished within 2 hours and is being released on 4 different platforms. I'm starting to think you're just trolling because that shit makes no sense.


Gold Member
Interesting numbers this month. It's looking like TitanFall will have a significant impact on Xbox One hardware sales. Enough so that it may very well pass the PS4 next month.

MGS:GZ is a big question mark to me. I've pretty much lost all interest in the MGS series over the years and I'm not very excited or eager to play this new one. I also don't know anyone who has actively expressed excitement or a desire to play the newest game, which is unusual.

I'm also very curious to see what impact Infamous will have on PS4 sales. I'm sure it will selll enough to the existing PS4 userbase. However, I'm not sure the series to strong enough that it lead to a noticeable bump in hardware sales. Other than Neogaf, I'm not seeing much buzz for this game.


MLB 13: The Show for the PlayStation 3 didn't even crack one million.

All the sources I have found showed between 600,000 and 700,000.

It's not going to move that many PlayStation 4s.

Metal Gear Solid V will, though.
You're confusing software sales with hardware sales. I see this all the time when someone talks about "system sellers". Think about this, wouldn't there be more people buying a system for niche games that sells a few hundred thousands like MLB and Persona than the latest Assassin Creed?

Davey Cakes

Iwata should never have centralized development in Japan in the first place.
I agree.

NA has quite often gotten the shaft with Nintendo in terms of overall treatment. Even things like localizations (or lack therof), Virtual Console, Club Nintendo, etc.

I honestly think we're going to help Nintendo the most this generation. But, the company really has to show that it wants the business, since we're obviously willing to give it.

I'm not saying Nintendo's efforts have been at zero, but they could certainly use some work in terms of building that customer loyalty.


So the first AAA baseball game of the gen isn't going to garner attention? Interesting.

It will get attention from PS4 owners that bought one for baseball but outside of that? Not really.

I mean, we just had a thread here about "game genres you don't like" and sports was brought up in almost every post so many hardcore gamers aren't going to care. Baseball isn't nearly as popular as Basketball or Football so I can't see the game doing much for the mainstream gaming audience either.

I think it will do decent but I can't see it being a huge system seller.


People are silly to think that Ground Zeroes will have no effect. MGS4 doubled PS3 sales in its launch month. I'm sure some of those fans are wanting the next gen version. And let's be real. How many of them are going to choose the inferior version on the more expensive hardware from a brand that has never been associated with the series in the past?

MGS is going to have a huge effect in Japan, being one of the first real, good local games.

It will sell consoles here in the US, but it's debatable how big the fan base is here that would buy a console just for that title. Especially one being panned as a 2 hour demo to a full game later.

Doubling PS3 sells is a funny metric to hold up too.


Junior Member
This isn't a mainline game. It's a paid demo that according to multiple sources can be finished within 2 hours and is being released on 4 different platforms. I'm starting to think you're just trolling because that shit makes no sense.
It's called Metal Gear Solid V. It's a mainline game. Just because it's short doesn't mean it's not.

People will see a numbered MGS is out and want to buy it and a new console. I'm not saying it will sell better on this gen systems than on last gen systems, but the fact that you think it won't move PlayStation 4s just proves you don't know how much people love that franchise.
February will be the last month of PS4 domination.

If you want to be more "real" though, how many people will simply get the game on their last gen console? The 360 version of Titanfall is always brought up as putting a potential dent into the sales of the Xbox One version (understandably), so shouldn't the possible dent be even bigger for Ground Zeroes on the PS4 considering that it's releasing on two last gen systems with large userbases?

I think the '360 Titanfall' argument is being brought up far less and less nowadays, ever since last-gen software sales started declining and how marketing is hiding the existence of the 360 SKU.

Previously, a lot of us assumed it was a no-brainer that the 360 SKU would be the best selling... now it's hard to even tell how that SKU will do.

Just as XB1 version of Titanfall is now seen as the front-runner of leading the SKU sales as far as consoles are concerned, MGSV is seen the same for PS4. ( except Japan, where PS3 sales will be more... because Japan )
Interesting numbers this month. It's looking like TitanFall will have a significant impact on Xbox One hardware sales. Enough so that it may very well pass the PS4 next month.

MGS:GZ is a big question mark to me. I've pretty much lost all interest in the MGS series over the years and I'm not very excited or eager to play this new one. I also don't know anyone who has actively expressed excitement or a desire to play the newest game, which is unusual.

I'm also very curious to see what impact Infamous will have on PS4 sales. I'm sure it will selll enough to the existing PS4 userbase. However, I'm not sure the series to strong enough that it lead to a noticeable bump in hardware sales. Other than Neogaf, I'm not seeing much buzz for this game.

Going by amazon best sellers, its going to have an impact but not a big one


Oh, some Gaffer finished the game in an hour? That's a great representation of the gaming market as a whole . . .

Mainline Metal Gear Solids move Sony systems. They always have, and they always will.

Metal Gear Solids always sell significantly better on Sony systems, just like Final Fantasys.

How many MGS's released on other consoles simultaneous to their Sony counterparts?

Triple U

It will get attention from PS4 owners that bought one for baseball but outside of that? Not really.

I mean, we just had a thread here about "game genres you don't like" and sports was brought up in almost every post so many hardcore gamers aren't going to care. Baseball isn't nearly as popular as Basketball or Football so I can't see the game doing much for the mainstream gaming audience either.

I think it will do decent but I can't see it being a huge system seller.
You had me till here.


love on your sleeve
PS4 SKUs have regularly outsold PS3 since launch and GZ won't make a dent on X360. I fully expect PS4 to be the best selling platform for that game and not by a narrow margin either.

MLB will get sales this year (and I'm one of them) because I want a new game for my PS4 AND something that is cross save. I can't be the only one.

I think people tend to buy games they normally wouldn't in the early days of a new console especially when it's graphically impressive. NBA 2K14 sold a lot to non-basketball fans I would bet.
MGS4 was only on the PS3 though.

People who have an Xbox One and/or recently got one for games like Titanfall will more than likely get Ground Zeroes for that system. Not that many people own both a PS4 and Xbox One.

If you want to be more "real" though, how many people will simply get the game on their last gen console? The 360 version of Titanfall is always brought up as putting a potential dent into the sales of the Xbox One version (understandably), so shouldn't the possible dent be even bigger for Ground Zeroes on the PS4 considering that it's releasing on two last gen systems with large userbases?

People who bring up the 360 version of Titanfall are just fanboys trying to downplay the game.

Last gen is dead, man. 75% of Thief sales in the UK were on next gen. MGS will be a similar story. I'm not saying it'll be a huge bump (inFamous will be the main driver of hardware) but it will contribute.

In general, saying anything isn't a system seller because it's multiplatform is dumb. Call of Duty did more for the 360 than Halo did.


If you want to be more "real" though, how many people will simply get the game on their last gen console? The 360 version of Titanfall is always brought up as putting a potential dent into the sales of the Xbox One version (understandably), so shouldn't the possible dent be even bigger for Ground Zeroes on the PS4 considering that it's releasing on two last gen systems with large userbases?

It would be unwise to disregard the "newness" effect. The last gen ports of MGSV and Titanfall will likely sell very well, but their sales will be hampered due to the current gen versions merely existing. Nobody wants to play the hamstrung version of a game. Many gamers would prefer to simply wait until they own one of the newer consoles.

Just look at how PS360 sales are quickly falling off a cliff. It's not that the people who would have purchased the old consoles went with the new ones instead, they likely just didn't purchase anything. However, the next time they do purchase a black box, it'll be one of the shiny new ones.

The power of the new.


I agree.

NA has quite often gotten the shaft with Nintendo in terms of overall treatment. Even things like localizations (or lack therof), Virtual Console, Club Nintendo, etc.

I honestly think we're going to help Nintendo the most this generation. But, the company really has to show that it wants the business, since we're obviously willing to give it.

I'm not saying Nintendo's efforts have been at zero, but they could certainly use some work in terms of building that customer loyalty.
Not only that, but they need to become more aggressive in expanding in the West. New dev studios here would make sense.
How many MGS's released on other consoles simultaneous to their Sony counterparts?

And long-time brand association has major implications.

FF continues to sell way better on PS3, because FF and the JRPG audience was built on that platform. CoD still sells better on Xbox because of long-time brand assocation, and even that didn't have any form of previous-gen exclusivity like previous FF-titles.

MGS will sell better on Playstation simply because a Playstation SKU is essential if you ever wanted the full MGS experience, and a console transition from this fanbase seems unlikely at this juncture.


Junior Member
How many MGS's released on other consoles simultaneous to their Sony counterparts?
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance Xbox came out a year after Sons of Liberty and a few months before the Substance PlayStation 2.

Both PlayStation 2 versions outsold it.

Metal Gear Rising sold better on the PlayStation 3.

Metal Gear Solid: HD Collection sold better on the PlayStation 3.


How many MGS's released on other consoles simultaneous to their Sony counterparts?

Lets be serious now.

Gears and Titanfall are MS because thats the flavor their gamers like. MGS is much more of a sony flavor. Sure there are gamers who love it all, but MGS is a game that isn't going to be popular with a majority of the XB1 market. It just isn't their preference.

When you hear "X doesn't have any games", it really means games we want to play. A big part of that is the different focus of both platforms and what games/genres they go for.

MGS is much more a "Sony" style game in that light. Which is why it'll sell better on their systems.


In general, saying anything isn't a system seller because it's multiplatform is dumb. Call of Duty did more for the 360 than Halo did.

I completely agree. I was just bringing it up since I found it interesting how there's a difference between what's being stated between the two even though MGS is releasing on more consoles.


And long-time brand association has major implications.

FF continues to sell way better on PS3, because FF and the JRPG audience was built on that platform. CoD still sells better on Xbox because of long-time brand assocation, and even that didn't have any form of previous-gen exclusivity like previous FF-titles.

MGS will sell better on Playstation simply because a Playstation SKU is essential if you ever wanted the full MGS experience, and a console transition from this fanbase seems unlikely at this juncture.

I don't disagree with this. My question still stands.


If Titan fall is considered a system seller than so will mgsv, watchdogs, destiny, and new assassins creed since all will be heavily advertised as if they were ps4 exclusives just like titanfall. I see no reason why xbox will win after March and keep it like some are saying.


Lets be serious now.

Gears and Titanfall are MS because thats the flavor their gamers like. MGS is much more of a sony flavor. Sure there are gamers who love it all, but MGS is a game that isn't going to be popular with a majority of the XB1 market. It just isn't their preference.

When you hear "X doesn't have any games", it really means games we want to play. A big part of that is the different focus of both platforms and what games/genres they go for.

MGS is much more a "Sony" style game in that light. Which is why it'll sell better on their systems.
I disagree. Splinter Cell is basically a MS power house, and MGS shares a lot with it.


love on your sleeve
People who bring up the 360 version of Titanfall are just fanboys trying to downplay the game.

Last gen is dead, man. 75% of Thief sales in the UK were on next gen. MGS will be a similar story. I'm not saying it'll be a huge bump (inFamous will be the main driver of hardware) but it will contribute.

I largely agree with this point. By the end of the year, the only people buying games for PS360 will be the Call of Duty/FIFA gamer and young children.


I don't think it's that much of a close race considering PS4 has been supply constrained since day 1 and is still barely available than the last couple months and it's the middle of March. I'm sure MS might win March, but it's not solely because of Titanfall.

It's still widely out of stock except for Amazon, it seems, or forced bundles from BB/GS.

The issue with the PS4 and its shipments is that Sony is sending less then 300k a month to the states. It's been heavily supply constrained for January and February and sales for both months were pretty similar. I honestly think the Xbox is going to have a great March due to the Titanfall bundle and also along the lines that the system is readily available everywhere. Until Sony starts allocating more to the states, its going to be pretty close for several months. Of course just basing off the restocks this month from amazon I would say that's a good start but one retailer getting more stock is pretty inconclusive
Lets be serious now.

Gears and Titanfall are MS because thats the flavor their gamers like. MGS is much more of a sony flavor. Sure there are gamers who love it all, but MGS is a game that isn't going to be popular with a majority of the XB1 market. It just isn't their preference.

When you hear "X doesn't have any games", it really means games we want to play. A big part of that is the different focus of both platforms and what games/genres they go for.

MGS is much more a "Sony" style game in that light. Which is why it'll sell better on their systems.

It's not so much the style of the game than it is that MGS was originally and continues to be for PlayStation, with only a few iterations available on other platforms.
I completely agree. I was just bringing it up since I found it interesting how there's a difference between what's being stated between the two even though MGS is releasing on more consoles.

It's different, because your scenario was about gamers who got an XB1 for a different game, but is interested in MGSV anyway. MGSV wasn't the 'system-seller' for them, it was a different game.

Someone who views MGSV as their system seller are clearly MGS fans who are more likely than not to own a PS3/purchase a PS4, simply because of how the MGS experience was strongest in those platforms.

There's a lot of generalisation, but it's not wrong to assume more PS4 SKUs will be moved because of MGS compared to XB1 SKUs. It's no different from FFXV or KH3.

Sony's systems benefit from those games more unless XB1 proves to deliver extra experiences that make it desirable to shift platforms.

Davey Cakes

Not only that, but they need to become more aggressive in expanding in the West. New dev studios here would make sense.
Yes. It's not too late, either. They need to act. Try it create new West studios of the same caliber as Retro or Next Level to work on some new properties and/or revive existing ones.


This wouldn't make sense seeing as the demand for the PS4 is higher due to the demand out pacing the supply. If MS was higher, they would be on the same situation.. And they aren't.

Ok, so we can say the demand for PS4 is higher than for Xbox one. But we can't determine the full demand for ps4 is what I meant (and badly explained)
This Gen is far from won.

Gen was over before it started. DRM, constant negativity, price and severely underpowered plus other head scratchers like Kinect.

It would look pretty bad for Xbox one if they can't even take March NPD, the month when their huge third-party exclusive titanfall comes out and they had it bundled with their hardware at a discount.

It would indicate a freefall spiral for the rest of the year onwards if Titanfall can't save.
I disagree. Splinter Cell is basically a MS power house, and MGS shares a lot with it.

It's a MS power-house because the brand was built on top of the Xbox platform.

Best console versions of Splinter Cell across the first 4 games, and then a console exclusive in Convictions.

It's ultimately a similar situation to MGS in some ways. Those who viewed Splinter Cell as their 'killer app' would had bought an Xbox/360, because of best versions + one exclusive game in the franchise.

Any PS owners who bought Splinter Cell bought it as a secondary purchase, not a primary one.


The issue with the PS4 and its shipments is that Sony is sending less then 300k a month to the states. It's been heavily supply constrained for January and February and sales for both months were pretty similar. I honestly think the Xbox is going to have a great March due to the Titanfall bundle and also along the lines that the system is readily available everywhere. Until Sony starts allocating more to the states, its going to be pretty close for several months. Of course just basing off the restocks this month from amazon I would say that's a good start but one retailer getting more stock is pretty inconclusive

I agree, Titanfall helped a lot, especially due to the bundle. But they're going to be selling tons more actual Titanfall retail copies than the actual bundle itself, because people already have the console due to the Titanfall hype and not because it's coming out in 11 days.

As I said earlier, a lot of the hype for Xbox was Ryse, Titanfall, and Forza. People bought it for that and probably the name recognition / previous generation, but it automatically won't sell boatloads 10 days before the game's release so I can see a lot of February sales being Titanfall-related. But we'll have to see March's numbers to be sure.
Has any franchised moved to multiplatform and not sold significantly more on its original platform on the first entry?

MGS is still going to be seen as a PlayStation franchise, least for ground zeros. Couple that with a brand new console it will move units. As many as MGS4? No of course not.

Infamous is easily going to out sell the previous 2 entries and will be a system seller.

Its the tech showcase for the PS4. Unlike Killzone, it is in a genre that has a low skill barrier of entry, it plays to sony first party strengths (story telling, facial animation, performance capture) and by using a new protagonist, it manages to stay as fresh as a new ip, while remaining familiar to fans of the series.

Whether it sells better than titanfall overall Is probably out of the question, but the idea that the game wont cause a significant bump in system sales is wishful and naive thinking. The xbox one is sure to take march, but Im dubious about it significantly taking march.

And the PS3 is a Sony console. Why wouldn't someone just buy it on the PS3 if they don't currently own a PS4? Why would someone go spend $400+ to play a game that can be played on the console they already own?

I agree that Infamous will outsell the prior two entries in the franchise, but that doesn't mean it'll be a system seller. The Tomb Raider game on the PS4 sold fairly well, but I don't think there's any evidence to suggest that it moved consoles. The two statements are not one and the same. Additionally, the potential bump in sales may be diminished due to the PS4 still being supply constrained.

Why would you think this, considering how much of the sales trend have moved to current-gen?

PS4 SKUs of Thief, AC4, BF4 and NBA2K are all outdoing the PS3 versions.

Metal Gear is also a franchise that has a rather strong core fanbase, because of its heavy focus on story. It would be fair to assume that these group of fans would want to jump to the best versions of MG available, which is the current-gen version.

I just googled sales data on BF4 and it showed that the PS4 version lagged behind both the PS3 and 360 versions. Can you link me to the sales data you found?

I don't think it is safe to assume most MGS fans would jump to the new console, especially if they don't already own it. Why spend $500+ two play the same game that can be played on the console they already own??


Fall 2016. It will be on everything. I don't think MS has a suitcase big enough to cover the costs and the fact that respawn want to create the biggest franchise in the world. There's money and ego involved here. MS can only supply one.
Fall 2016 for Titanfall 2? That seems really late (almost 3 years dev cycle), especially since EA probably wants to make it up to Sony and put the game on PS4 as soon as possible.

My guess for the past year has been Titanfall 2 (or a spin-off, at least) for Holidays 2015, with an additional studio helping a now expanded Respawn to pick up the slack (e.g., Visceral Games, Criteron, what have you) in order to finish the game in a less-than-2-year development timespan.

With my crazy PS4 fanboy head spinning, I can also see Sony working out a deal to partially contribute/pay towards development, in exchange for advertising rights (in the vein of what COD is to Xbox). Not to mention that 2015 is a much more ideal time to come out with a sequel, staggering release years so as to avoid releasing at the same time as a certain other major sci-fi FPS from the creators of Halo.
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