Wanna be honest.
By end of 2014, i made this predictions:
- XB1 to be a big up YOY next year thanks a $300 official price / maybe some $250 unofficial pricedrop, and the help of Halo 5. And then, sales to drop like a rock in 2016.
...Why this drop?
Because, i mean, MS dropped the price by a freaking $150 in 2014, and XB1 got A LOT of promotion from Gamestop, Best Buy ecc... Why wait for 2016/2017 if XB1 is already so easy to buy? Let's buy it NOW.
In the end, yes, XB1 was a bit up YOY in 2015, as i expect (to be fair, a bit more, i predicted 4.8m and it sold 4.94m)... but withouth the temporaney $300 offcial and $250 price which i expected, and with a super drop of Halo 5 compared to the others games.
...That's why, i changed my predictions by end of 2015, and i thought XB1 could peak this year...
I think i made a mistake to changed my old prediction.
We will see, but at first i predicted 4 million for XB1 this year (by end of 2014), in the predictions thread i said 5 million. -_-
At this point, the only think that can help XB1 to sell those numbers is a very good slim model and crazy deals like in 2014 during the holidays.