It is worth pointing out that SFV is currently sitting at 84 on metacritic. So while it is indeed lower than SFIV it is a far cry from the mid to low 70s some were predicting here. I think itll manage just fine.
Its worth pointing out that the range in my post is anywhere from 81+ to 73 or whatever Destiny ended up at. And, its also worth nothing that MC is going to go down as, right now, it is reporting only a handful of the negative (7 to sub-7) reviews and has been slow to update.
Its sitting at 80 on the more updated OpenCritic which, as should be of no surprise to anyone, puts it right in the category previously mentioned (ie. Battlefront, Splatoon, and Destiny).
200-300K strikes me as a tad pessimistic for Street Fighter, minimal single player content or not. I mean, that's not a lot above what Fire Emblem seems to be projected to do, and in no way should Fire Emblem be comparable to Street Fighter.
That seems waaay too pessimistic for me. That's Japan level bomb for US.