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NPD Sales Results for July 2009

tenten said:
I don't buy that 360 vs ps3 chart.

Please do a aligned launch date US only 360 vs ps3.
The ps3 beats the 360 by around 2 million in Japan

If you look at the aligned WW chart, the absolute difference between the PS3 and 360 has remained relatively static since November of 2006.

The "doom and gloom" that comes despite these numbers is that the PS3 is trending downwards from its peak sales in 2008, while the 360 is trending upwards from its peak sales in 2008. Sales for both were practically equal last year.
grandjedi6 said:
Well launch-aligned data is misleading in this context. Not only is the 360 obviously missing its "extra year" but the PS3's years didn't occur in the same context as the comparative 360 years did

What do you mean by the 360 missing its extra year? Doesn't the data just align to compare the first 33 months with the first 33 months of the 360?

also....yeah, you could make arguments that the 360 faced a tougher competitive climate than the PS3 did....but you could also make the argument that the PS3 faced a tougher climate than the 360 did.


MikeE21286 said:
wow, I actually never would have guessed the PS3 is selling at a faster rate than the 360 did.

Yeah, which is why people think that the PS3 sales will really accelerate whenever Sony's gets its head out of its ass and drops the price to a competitive level.

Thanks to Blockbuster and Wal*Mart, the masses are starting to come around to BluRay; and the PlayStation brand is a familiar name in many households. But right now--during a global recession--price point is speaking to the masses more than anything. Sadly, if we don't see a $100+ price drop hit the PS3 in '09, I'd say Sony can forget ever gaining back any of it's market share in the current console generation.
This has probably been discussed already, but I guess Wiisports resort is not a system seller. The fact that it did 500k is nice though.. Would it be rash to assume that it will have legs like the other high selling Wii games then?
dragonfart28 said:
This has probably been discussed already, but I guess Wiisports resort is not a system seller. The fact that it did 500k is nice though.. Would it be rash to assume that it will have legs like the other high selling Wii games then?

WSR, Wii Fit Plus, and NSMB2 will probably replace Wii Play, Wii Fit, and Mario Kart as the staple top 10 Wii titles for the next 18 months.


Time Traveler
Launch aligned chart means nothing; we get a much clearer picture when we see a chart that compares both consoles from the date the PS3 was launched, with the actual 360 sales at the time. Makes more sense.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Segata Sanshiro said:
Launch aligned charts are fun to look at and all, guys, but please remember - reality is not launch-aligned.

Unless you happen to be Sony, because the generation didn't start until they said it did!
dragonfart28 said:
This has probably been discussed already, but I guess Wiisports resort is not a system seller. The fact that it did 500k is nice though.. Would it be rash to assume that it will have legs like the other high selling Wii games then?

No, it wouldn't be rash. What WOULD be rash is to assume that just because sales didn't spike in July for the Wii, that Wii Sports Resort won't have a lasting impact as a system seller heading into the fall/winter months.

In fact I would bet that the presence of the game will encourage a lot of system sales this holiday when some of the families break them out for family get-togethers. Some people just aren't exposed to the Wii much, so when they visit Wii-owning families who got Wii Fit and Wii Sports Resort this year or something, it could encourage others to pick up the system this time around, especially since it's "not so hard to find."

Conjecture, obviously, but I think if we're going to allow for longer legs on Wii _____ titles, we should probably allow for a longer period of time in which they act as system sellers. Again, Wii owners have shown that they don't necessarily rush out to buy games as soon as they release, so the impact of a hot game on a console's sales could presumably be even more delayed.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
donny2112 said:

I love this chart.
Of course shipped!=sold, but just as some supporting evidence for donny2112's estimation not being batshit, here's what a similar comparison using each company's worldwide shipment claims looks like:

tenten said:
I'm just wondering what sources we have to estimate ww sales.
NPD can estimate the US, and there are estimates in Japan right? how about rest of the world?
I'm sure donny or one of the others could be more specific, but they'll tend to use what's easily available for US and Japan, and whatever tidbits we get from Canada, Australia, and European countries, and extrapolate from there. If for instance past data has shown that UK sales for something seem to be 20-25% of what they were in the US, then that would give a pretty good range of estimation for months where new real data is missing. Of course, later actual data may change the validity of that estimation, but that's why we're not paying donny $10,000/month.

Segata Sanshiro said:
Launch aligned charts are fun to look at and all, guys, but please remember - reality is not launch-aligned.
You're telling me there aren't 10 million more Wiis than PS2s out there?


duk said:
judging by this chart, ps3 should be in 2nd place for some time now

ps3 is at month 29, where X360 is at month 35, and the trend is quite constant, so they are 6 months faster, but the launch were more than 6 month apart, like 12 months, so the ps3 is still behind and will most likely stay the same unless they accelerate, which does not seem the case now, so the question of price drop
On another note, it's a shame MLB 2k9 managed to get more sales because of the All Star weekend festivities. (And that its purchasers have to settle for an inferior, low end product.)


JoshuaJSlone said:
Of course shipped!=sold, but just as some supporting evidence for donny2112's estimation not being batshit, here's what a similar comparison using each company's worldwide shipment claims looks like:

I'm sure donny or one of the others could be more specific, but they'll tend to use what's easily available for US and Japan, and whatever tidbits we get from Canada, Australia, and European countries, and extrapolate from there. If for instance past data has shown that UK sales for something seem to be 20-25% of what they were in the US, then that would give a pretty good range of estimation for months where new real data is missing. Of course, later actual data may change the validity of that estimation, but that's why we're not paying donny $10,000/month.

You're telling me there aren't 10 million more Wiis than PS2s out there?

So you haven't done the monthly payment to donny's account for the last few year. I am going to represent donny and start billing and collecting those AR (account receivables, not Action Replay). I am going to get rich handling donny's finances :)


Hopefully, Nintendo can start releasing some truly interesting games for the Wii again. Not silly sequels of "TIME TO CALIBRATE THE CONTROLLER AGAIN," not "FLAIL TO PLAY MUSIC," and not "HEY THIS VERSION PLAYS EXACTLY LIKE THE DS VERSION BEFORE IT."

In addition:

1.) Not every game has to be Wii Whatever. It's not cute, anymore.

2.) Not every game needs fucking Nintendo characters in them. Same fucking shit as GameCube.

But, based on the fact that Nintendo would rather make games like Wii Fit Plus and New Super Mario Bros. Wii, I guess this trend will largely continue.
loosus said:
2.) Not every game needs fucking Nintendo characters in them. Same fucking shit as GameCube.

You are asking Nintendo to develop and release a game without Nintendo characters in it? What, like a 3rd party licensed brawler or...?
loosus said:
Hopefully, Nintendo can start releasing some truly interesting games for the Wii again. Not silly sequels of "TIME TO CALIBRATE THE CONTROLLER AGAIN," not "FLAIL TO PLAY MUSIC," and not "HEY THIS VERSION PLAYS EXACTLY LIKE THE DS VERSION BEFORE IT."

In addition:

1.) Not every game has to be Wii Whatever. It's not cute, anymore.

2.) Not every game needs fucking Nintendo characters in them. Same fucking shit as GameCube.

But, based on the fact that Nintendo would rather make games like Wii Fit Plus and New Super Mario Bros. Wii, I guess this trend will largely continue.
"I'm well informed"


paid requisite penance
loosus said:
Hopefully, Nintendo can start releasing some truly interesting games for the Wii again. Not silly sequels of "TIME TO CALIBRATE THE CONTROLLER AGAIN," not "FLAIL TO PLAY MUSIC," and not "HEY THIS VERSION PLAYS EXACTLY LIKE THE DS VERSION BEFORE IT."

In addition:

1.) Not every game has to be Wii Whatever. It's not cute, anymore.

2.) Not every game needs fucking Nintendo characters in them. Same fucking shit as GameCube.

But, based on the fact that Nintendo would rather make games like Wii Fit Plus and New Super Mario Bros. Wii, I guess this trend will largely continue.

You shut your mouth New Super Mario Bros. Wii will be great.
loosus said:
Hopefully, Nintendo can start releasing some truly interesting games for the Wii again. Not silly sequels of "TIME TO CALIBRATE THE CONTROLLER AGAIN," not "FLAIL TO PLAY MUSIC," and not "HEY THIS VERSION PLAYS EXACTLY LIKE THE DS VERSION BEFORE IT."

In addition:

1.) Not every game has to be Wii Whatever. It's not cute, anymore.

2.) Not every game needs fucking Nintendo characters in them. Same fucking shit as GameCube.

But, based on the fact that Nintendo would rather make games like Wii Fit Plus and New Super Mario Bros. Wii, I guess this trend will largely continue.
Yes let's drop the games that made the Wii successful and the games that have carried Nintendo consoles every single generation. Let's also focus on only two titles instead of the other games Nintendo is developing. I'm not going to do list wars because you are obviously ignorant enough to even care about it.

Kilrogg said:
You shut your mouth New Super Mario Bros. Wii will be great.
Oh man you don't know how close I was to posting exactly this. :lol


loosus said:
Hopefully, Nintendo can start releasing some truly interesting games for the Wii again. Not silly sequels of "TIME TO CALIBRATE THE CONTROLLER AGAIN," not "FLAIL TO PLAY MUSIC," and not "HEY THIS VERSION PLAYS EXACTLY LIKE THE DS VERSION BEFORE IT."

In addition:

1.) Not every game has to be Wii Whatever. It's not cute, anymore.

2.) Not every game needs fucking Nintendo characters in them. Same fucking shit as GameCube.

But, based on the fact that Nintendo would rather make games like Wii Fit Plus and New Super Mario Bros. Wii, I guess this trend will largely continue.
Somebody needs to check his research...


dabbled in the jelly
You tell em loosus! All that stupid ass success they've had with the Wii Ain't Cute! Screw you Nintendo trying to take back the industry by expanding the gaming demographic. Shit ain't cute!


loosus said:
Hopefully, Nintendo can start releasing some truly interesting games for the Wii again. Not silly sequels of "TIME TO CALIBRATE THE CONTROLLER AGAIN," not "FLAIL TO PLAY MUSIC," and not "HEY THIS VERSION PLAYS EXACTLY LIKE THE DS VERSION BEFORE IT."

In addition:

1.) Not every game has to be Wii Whatever. It's not cute, anymore.

2.) Not every game needs fucking Nintendo characters in them. Same fucking shit as GameCube.

But, based on the fact that Nintendo would rather make games like Wii Fit Plus and New Super Mario Bros. Wii, I guess this trend will largely continue.

:lol :lol


dragonfart28 said:
This has probably been discussed already, but I guess Wiisports resort is not a system seller. The fact that it did 500k is nice though.. Would it be rash to assume that it will have legs like the other high selling Wii games then?

(shaking my head)

Iwata just addressed this, the system seller aspect will come in time
“As for how Wii Sports Resort will affect Wii hardware sales, I hear it’s slightly driving the hardware sales, but not significantly. It has not doubled or tripled sales and I do not expect it to do so in the following weeks. We have developed some titles which sell well in the long term while driving hardware sales, starting with Brain Age.

These software have some things in common; they take six to eight weeks to start driving the hardware sales. We can not logically explain why they take exactly six or eight weeks. Almost every title has a very low hardware driving ratio right after its launch. After six or eight weeks from launch, if the title still maintains its sales momentum, its driving ratio starts to rise.” - Satoru Iwata


I would bang a hot farmer!
loosus said:
In addition:

1.) Not every game has to be Wii Whatever. It's not cute, anymore.
I hated the number of games on the SNES that started with Super and on the N64 that ended with 64.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Well, usually when people say the PS3 is doomed, they're doing a few things:

1) Comparing it to the market leader.
2) Comparing it to the PS2.
3) Looking at how much money it's losing.
4) Comparing the software sales to the 360's.
5) Not launch-aligning the numbers.
6) Looking at one particular region, that is market share wise the best one for MS and the worst for Sony.
7) Pouring salt in the PS3 fan's wound because they cry so delightfully.
8) Not comparing its sales with almost all the consoles of previous generations.

The PS3 isn't doomed, but it is the 3rd place system, and it's enjoying everything that comes with that.
markatisu said:
(shaking my head)

Iwata just addressed this, the system seller aspect will come in time
He thinks it will... there's a difference. I mean, he says that it's (slightly) driving hardware sales already, which doesn't really fit with the lowest Wii sales ever recorded.


Psychotext said:
He thinks it will... there's a difference. I mean, he says that it's (slightly) driving hardware sales already, which doesn't really fit with the lowest Wii sales ever recorded.

Really, WSR was out about a week in this NPD (which showed a decline) and you are saying in the weeks since Nintendo cannot have possibly seen an increase considering that interview was taken in the last few days?

He was not saying that July NPD showed an increase, he is saying they have seen a slow increase since then that possibly matches all the other evergreen titles and that we will all see in 6-8 weeks if its following the same pattern for sure.
markatisu said:
Really, WSR was out about a week in this NPD (which showed a decline) and you are saying in the weeks since Nintendo cannot have possibly seen an increase considering that interview was taken in the last few days?
In the weeks since it's unlikely Nintendo would know what they've been selling. They get their data from Chart Track / NPD etc too... and they don't get it often enough to be able to see anything yet.

They do have retailer stock orders which could indicate something... but any change there would take longer to show up because of the amount of stock on hand that retailers work with.
yurinka said:
8) Not comparing its sales with almost all the consoles of previous generations.

I'm at a loss here - how on earth can looking at PS3 sales in relation to console sales from previous generations come out as good for the PS3?
Pureauthor said:
I'm at a loss here - how on earth can looking at PS3 sales in relation to console sales from previous generations come out as good for the PS3?
I guess because it has sold more units than other 3rd place systems? That would totally change everything and suddenly Sony's red ink would turn black again!


tenten said:
I don't buy that 360 vs ps3 chart.

Please do a aligned launch date US only 360 vs ps3.
The ps3 beats the 360 by around 2 million in Japan

Launch-aligned*, the PS3 is ahead by 2.7m in Japan.

* - By "launch-aligned," I'm actually talking about moving the starting month on the worldwide graph to the same point for 360 and PS3. The PAL launch actually comes in on month 5 for the PS3, for example. For Japan, that give PS3 a month head start on 360, as PS3 launched in November in Japan and 360 launched in December in Japan.

Here's the same "launch-aligned" chart with just the official numbers from U.S.+Japan (NPD+Media Create).


As you can see, U.S.+Japan is a wash. For Canada, 360 a year ago and PS3 now should be about the same. For Australia, PS3 should be 100-200K ahead of where 360 was a year ago. That leaves the vast majority of the difference to be due to Europe.

360 recently passed 9 million in Europe, and I believe the general consensus based on past data is that PS3 is ~1 million behind that currently. That puts PS3 at roughly 8 million in Europe. 360 was at ~5 million a year ago.

JoshuaJSlone said:
Of course shipped!=sold, but just as some supporting evidence for donny2112's estimation not being guano, here's what a similar comparison using each company's worldwide shipment claims looks like:

Nice. Thanks! :)

Psychotext said:
In the weeks since it's unlikely Nintendo would know what they've been selling. They get their data from Chart Track / NPD etc too... and they don't get it often enough to be able to see anything yet.

Nintendo has their own internal tracking system that is more accurate than NPD since they have pretty much 100% of the market (i.e. anything that's scanned). It's just pretty much only for their own stuff, though, and not other systems.


donny2112 said:
Nintendo has their own internal tracking system that is more accurate than NPD since they have pretty much 100% of the market (i.e. anything that's scanned). It's just pretty much only for their own stuff, though, and not other systems.

Exactly, Iwata has mentioned they track their own things independent of NPD and other trackers.

Which is why I return to Nintendo knowing whether or not WSR is moving systems with any success in the 3 weeks since its release


Bish loves my games!
Sho_Nuff82 said:
WSR, Wii Fit Plus, and NSMB2 will probably replace Wii Play, Wii Fit, and Mario Kart as the staple top 10 Wii titles for the next 18 months.

Despite the vastly increased user base I don't think these games will do half the numbers of their predecessors. IMO.


jetjevons said:
Despite the vastly increased user base I don't think these games will do half the numbers of their predecessors. IMO.

Wii Fit + is 1/2 the price of its predecessor, that should move it in very high volumes

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Aaron Strife said:
The horseback riding thing? I don't think that's going anywhere.
I believe it's officially referred to as "horse-bag".


I would bang a hot farmer!
Aaron Strife said:
The horseback riding thing? I don't think that's going anywhere.
You don't think WF+ will be coming with an accessory? It would really surprise me if it didn't.
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