Xbox was 60% in US as well. 14.5M:24M
yes? i took that 6M outside of the US as being correct without my own research. thanks for the correction
how does it make every other console also sell pretty much only in the US?
xbone is the only one that does 60% in the US, the other consoles do around half of that, it's skewing even more than the 360
the irony in you saying putting things into perspective when your perception is very skewed
seems like you don't get my post at all. IF Xbox is only selling in the US, pretty much every console is doing the same was the statement. but neither is true.
it just shows how big the US market is and all consoles sell most of their units there
take Japan out. a region, where the Xbox brand is non existent and the different becomes close to negligible in the grand schem of things
US : WW ratio without Japan
Xb360 55% US vs 45% ROTW
Ps3 35% US vs 65% ROTW
Wii 50% US vs 50% ROTW
Xb1 60% US vs 40% ROTW
Switch 45% US vs 55% ROTW
Ps4 36% US vs 64% ROTW
you can check those numbers for legacy console, too
have a guess what kind of picture you'll get
the Playstation brand is the outliner, that is skewed towards ROTW and doing only half of what Xbox One is doing in the US
60% for Xbox One is nothing extraordinary.
anything below 75 or 80 is not "pretty much only selling in the US"