The intenets, pre PSP/PS3
-Nintendo is only surviving because they have a monopoly on handhelds, any decent competitor in the handheld arena will wipe them out.
-The Gamecube sucks and is a waste of space. there's no point getting one when the PS2 has more games.
-Graphics don't matter. GTA has crap graphics, yet it outsells everything
-Price doesn't matter, only games. The Gamecube is much cheaper, yet the PS2 has walloped it.
-Console and handhelds are the same market, if Sony launches a handheld it will automatically be successful because the PS1 and PS2 were.
-DS is a gimmick, everybody wants to play the same way forever, you shoudln't introduce new control schemes and ideas, they will fade quickly.
-Sales are the only thing that matters. The best product always wins.
After PSP
-DS is a gimmick, it will sell well for a while, then will fade quickly
-PSP will pick up when game X is released.
-Of course the Ds won, nobody has ever beaten Nintendo in handhelds, they know what they're doing in that market. Sony did brilliantly to beat the Lynx.
-Ds is only winning because of price, because people only care about price.
-Consoles and handhelds are a different market, Just because Nintendo wins there doesn't mean they'll win in consoles.
-Wii is a gimmick, everybody wants to play the same way forever, you shoudln't introduce new control schemes and ideas, they will fade quickly
-Price doesn't matter in home consoles, only games. The Gamecube is much cheaper, yet the PS2 has walloped it.
After PS3
-Of course the Wii won, the only thing anyone cares about is price.
-Wii is a gimmick, it will sell well for a while, then will fade quickly.
-PS3 will pick up when game X is released.
-Graphics matter. Eventually better looking games will win.
-Price is all that matters, not games. people are only buying the Wii because it's cheap.
-The Gamecube was a great system with some great games. Why can't all console co-exist?
-Sales don't matter. The best product never wins.
In about one year
-Consoles and handhelds are the same market, the DS won so it was obvious the Wii would win.
(Of course, Nintendo fanboys also changed from 'graphics RE4 rulz' to 'graphics are good enough' and others).