Those software total sales are catastrophic... There may be a game industry crash inbound. New consoles will sell well for first three months and doubt they'll do Wii u numbers but there is a good chance of them underperforming last gen now IMO.
This is not a crash.
We have very few disc based games being released as everyone gears up for next-gen or as developers have moved to alternative platforms. Total industry spend is higher than it was last year, driven by digital, mobile/tablet, free to play. In fact, consumer spend for gaming has never been higher. It's the antithesis of a crash, actually.
Even in the disc space over the past 12 months, the average sales a new game gets are actually up fairly substantially when compared to the prior year. The number of new games being released, however, is dramatically lower.
And for this month in particular, last year we had Diablo 3, Max Payne 3 and Ghost Recon all hit the month. This time we had Metro and Riptide.
Take Gamasutra's advice and stop thinking this stuff accurately reflects the industry. Hardware numbers remain interesting, but don't think too much about the software sales, even for the next 5 or 6 months. They just don't matter.
We need numbers! ;-;
Schadenfreude isn't attractive.