Sho_Nuff82 said:
The only games on the list Psychotext posted that have had better debut months and didn't have a focus on multi (either non-existent or widely ignored), were
Assassin's Creed (360) 980k
Assassin's Creed 2 (360) 795k
Fable II (360) 790k
MGS4 (PS3) 775k
Star Wars TFU (360) 610k
Put in perspective, it had the 6th best opening of ANY non-multiplayer focused HD title in the entire generation in North America, and the second best on the console.
The only "problem" is that Sony's flagship 1st party IP doesn't speak to the demographic its console attracts, which largely wants games with competitive or co-operative online multiplayer.
I remember this list from the June 2008 NPD thread and I'm sure there are way more past this but as of 6/08 the current first months were:
Top First Month Sales in US, this gen:
1. Halo 3 - 3.3 million
2. SSBB - 2.7 million
3. GTA 4 360 - 1.85 million
4. CoD 4 360 - 1.57 million
5. Galaxy - 1.12 million
6. MK Wii - 1.12 million
7. Gears - 1.0 million
8. GTA IV PS3 - 1.0 million
9. Assassin's Creed 360 - 0.98 million
10. Madden NFL 08 360 - 0.89 million
11. MGS4 - 0.77 million
12. R6 Vegas 2 360 - 0.75 million
13. Wii Fit - 0.68 million
14. Army of Two 360 - 0.60 million
15. Madden NFL 07 360 - 0.57 million