800K-1.2M instead of 7k?
Marketing/Logistics/etc do add to COGs per unit. It's not all about how much it cost to manufacture, but the dollar invested per console from a marketing standpoint.
At launch, there was a bit of a loss, which is apparently recouped back with a purchase of one game and PS+.
Currently, it's profitable at a hardware level.
Shows just how badly the platform is doing.
Shit sales that for any other platform would mean dead and buried still warrant the term "raising".
Still the most alarming aspect is those software sales. Hardware sales are to be expected for the platform. But these software numbers are becoming a consistent trend. Big game release nearly all software sales are consolidated to that one title, and then dreadful until the next release.
Interesting. I remeber reading some german articles about sony raising a very small profit with every PS4. I wonder what is true.
e.g. this one
or this one
google translate for your convinience.
and the other one
semi-update on the failure brigade
wii u ytd: 990,000
wii u jan-november 2013: 736,000
vita (+ptv) jan-oct 2014: ~199,000
vita jan-november 2013: 372,000
vita feb-november 2012: 1,105,000 (launch was in february)
no numbers for vita for this month yet.
It looks like it already happened. It isn't like being bundled caused Destiny or COD to spill out of the top five opening month.MS is hungry, no doubt about it. But will they maintain the price drop?
And damn no dragon age? Guess DA2 caught up with them.I look forward to the same thing happening with the next Asscreed
A difference of approximately 400k between XB1S4 sales in Nov.
Could somebody please provide a link to the Titanfall thread and the argument between CBOAT and ntkrnl referred to in this thread?
I tried searching it but too many results are coming back. What was it all about?
Ahhh, that makes more sense. So when did that number hit? I went to bed after the thread turned into 7k-10k.
But where does the dragon fit in?
Reading the doom in here about Sony is pretty funny. 2015 is going to blow 2014 out of the water software wise. The sales will stay strong throughout the year. Can MS keep up this type of momentum especially with a $299 PS4 coming down the pipe around E3?
Jeez, Xbox One really did singlehandedly outsell the Wii U's entire year in a month. Hell the PS4 outsold its 2013 too.
Could somebody please provide a link to the Titanfall thread and the argument between CBOAT and ntkrnl referred to in this thread?
I tried searching it but too many results are coming back. What was it all about?
semi-update on the failure brigade
wii u ytd: 990,000
wii u jan-november 2013: 736,000
vita (+ptv) jan-oct 2014: ~199,000
vita jan-november 2013: 372,000
vita feb-november 2012: 1,105,000 (launch was in february)
no numbers for vita for this month yet.
Sucks for Dragon Age 3
I guess Dragon Age 4 will be once again dumbed down and full of shitty Blink 182/ Linkin Park rock songs
wasn't last year launch month?
Could somebody please provide a link to the Titanfall thread and the argument between CBOAT and ntkrnl referred to in this thread?
I tried searching it but too many results are coming back. What was it all about?
cboat said:chck pls mmh mm
I heop the ptry chat is fixd BY thn.
awhat would you say if titynfal had its own sepreat e partychat.?
tha d wasa iNN hthe TF sotware and dint utzlie LIve at al?
that ws a hug vilation of xer guindelines? but MS grantd e waver czu so mch is riding o tf and propser SDKs wernt ready (n stil aren't)?
so if you er in a xblieve party of 4 and go to plays tiatnfal s a party.....lcuanch th game, tnetnter proviate lobby and yoru live party disapers?
Game putz you in searpate party bysystem instead?
fix this shit guerila
cboat said:720 as wel , 792? no.
stick in toMy gun s on alpha texture POSTi mad be4, btway
Wait, was Wii U's first full year on the market in the U.S. actually worse than PS3 in 2007?
The mighty dragon is still said to slumber, but the impact to its riches will surely be keenly felt.
Though all is not as it seems, there are rumours from the south that it has begun to stir... The loss of riches is said to have been so devastating that it has awoken the beast from it's decades long slumber. Tremors can be felt coming from Red Mountain....
vita (+ptv) jan-oct 2014: ~199,000
He is the one, the one month.
He is the one, the one month.
looks like the vita (partially thanks to playstation tv) broke the 2m barrier this month. i don't think that's something the saturn did in the us.
Just a question: were there deals for One that put the console at 279.99 basically (329.99 + some special gift card deal)? I kind of remeber something like that, but not sure currently.
I'm also dubious on EA somehow being happy with the DA:I numbers. The press is way further up that game's ass than any of the "new" games in the top ten.
Knew it was bad, but that is incredible.
idk if it was a respawn dev or the guy that leaked all of the E3 stuff that told him he was wrong, but he stuck to it anyways.
I really hope sony responds with a temporary price cut in North America. Mostly because I want to get one.
They are more than $120 more expensive than x1 here in Canada. Sony should stop messing around and drop their price.
I really hope sony responds with a temporary price cut in North America. Mostly because I want to get one.
They are more than $120 more expensive than x1 here in Canada. Sony should stop messing around and drop their price.
I think it's the only console making money right now
I really hope sony responds with a temporary price cut in North America. Mostly because I want to get one.
They are more than $120 more expensive than x1 here in Canada. Sony should stop messing around and drop their price.
yeah the cries for people to just give it a chance should fall on deaf ears. the system is expensive to make games for and handhelds are difficult to make your money back with if your budget is too big or you haven't worked on building a fanbase already.
i've said it before but 2015 is pretty much it for the vita. the system will probably hit 300,000 for 2014 but that will be down a good 35% or so year over year. i can't see the system being supported even among the smaller developers in 2016 unless there's a ps4 version of a game also happening.
How long did it take for the Saturn to be discontinued in the US?
Interesting to see if MS pick up December too, but clearly they have momentum.
I still think they are going to wait till mid/late 2015 and do a cut to $299 like the PS2. PS4 is still dominating and selling at a ridiculously fast pace.
What makes it expensive?
Do we know the exact salesnumbers for XboxOne and PS4?
three years, from may 1995 to november 1998. it wasn't discontinued in japan until the end of december 2000 though, if you can believe that. it actually outsold the n64 there that generation.
the saturn sold about 250k in the us in 1997. it sold almost a fifth of that in 1998. the saturn only ever sold about 1.3m in the states. it was an enormous failure.
More like $349.99, I know Sony wants US but they're not that suicidal to drop $100. The best you'll see it's a $349.99 bundle and maybe a new $399 SKU with 1TB because lord knows we'll need that if these games keep getting bigger.
However, MS have belatedly developed a proposition that consumers are really attracted to.