Poor Dragon Age. 
Tom Warren here. I tweeted that figure, and I meant to include the Geekwire link, but Twitter went down shortly afterwards
Anyways, Geekwire spoke to NPD...
"Despite a decline in dollar sales, hardware unit sales for eighth generation consoles increased by 3 percent over November 2013.
Hint for the 2nd pie: click it.
ACU bundle is slightly lower than PS4 total.
Hint for the 2nd pie: click it.
ACU bundle is slightly lower than PS4 total.
There's a world outside the US.
So can I start banning cboat or what
Black chart Black Friday sales = XBox1 won
Blue Chart rest of month sales = PS4 won
US+UK = 1.2m XB1s sold
White chart = Black Friday.
Black chart = month.
Quote me on it!
Hint for the 2nd pie: click it.
ACU bundle is slightly lower than PS4 total.
Well the XB1 really hasn't been above $300 this month. With the pack ins its been hovering around $200
So can I start banning cboat or what
Blue chart can't be month sales. Wii u is about half of the size of PS4.
But we know WiiU is 245k and Xbox One is 1200k.
It is statistically impossible to get those numbers with those angles.
So I'm sort of super surprised that this number wasn't crowed about in some sort of BF PR.
The PS4 number itself is actually pretty good for a second November, it's only just shy of the PS2s, but the XBO's is actually a first historically iirc.
No home console above $300 has sold north of 1M in it's second Nov before.
So what did I miss while I was gone? CBOAT full of shit?
However, we still don't know what the black pie chart represents, so if I were you... I would wait.
So what did I miss while I was gone? CBOAT full of shit?
oh my god just say what the charts are
Blue chart being monthly sales is super bad for XB1 & PS4 sales based off the known Wii U numbers. Black chart is better for both (and with what we know, it's more likely)Yup makes sense to me.
Black chart = black friday
other one is the month as a whole
Xbox One sells 1.2M units in U.S. in November, topping PS4 and Wii U in early holiday battle
Microsoft’s Xbox One posted overall record unit sales in November, with 1.2 million units sold in the U.S. — reaping the benefits of a $50 price cut to top the PlayStation 4 and Wii U in the critical early days of the 2014 holiday shopping season.
The Redmond company released those numbers this afternoon, citing statistics from the NPD market research firm. Microsoft said the Xbox One was also the top-selling console in the UK for the month.
“Response to the holiday lineup of games on Xbox One was incredible, with Xbox One fans buying more games in November in the U.S. than any other gen eight platform and enjoying over 357 million hours of gameplay globally,” said Mike Nichols, corporate vice president for Xbox marketing, in a statement.
NPD didn’t release unit sales figures for the other consoles, but said total dollar sales from video-game hardware in the U.S. declined 23 percent to just over $1 billion in November, as a result of discounting.
“While the majority of the decrease in dollar sales of hardware stemmed from an expected drop of seventh generation console sales, eighth generation sales also decreased and represented 38 percent of the total declines in hardware sales from November 2013 to November 2014,” said Liam Callahan, NPD analyst, in a statement. “Despite a decline in dollar sales, hardware unit sales for eighth generation consoles increased by 3 percent over November 2013.”
Microsoft has lots of ground to make up against Sony, with the Xbox One trailing the PS4 in cumulative worldwide sales going into the peak shopping season.
From Geek Wire
So that's a good way to get at the numbers.
Nov 2013 = 909,132 + ~1.14 mil* + 220,00 = 2.269 mil.
A 3% increase would mean the Nov 2014 total is 2.337 mil
Nov 2014:
XOne: 1.2 mil
WiiU: 242k
PS4: roughly 895,000
* http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=93615655&postcount=5058
So can I start banning cboat or what