Does no one actually have cognitive dissonance when they argue the key to success for ROTR was to go head to head with UC4? When the entire deal is predicated on the fear that in a match up UC4 would crush ROTR.
Not necessarily head-to-head in a platform war situation. It's outside the realm of sales at that point in a way. It's more about critical acceptance, fanboy fuel, brand awareness and push (marketing) and the media lapping it up. Cause they love those stories...the perfect click bait of this gen if it had happened. That fuels sales in turn. 6 months later, those not satisfied or tired of Uncharted, or feeling some sort of remorse, could grab Tomb Raider in March on PS4/PC. All Square needed was a solid 1 million sales first 3 weeks-month, MS money, and PS4/PC in Spring.
They'll get what? 500k at best first month on Xbox platforms, PC in 6 months, PS4 in a year.
It was planned for a storm that never came. Spring still coming tho...