or he is just rounding to make it seem better than it is.
He said MORE than 3 million.
or he is just rounding to make it seem better than it is.
Zhuge answered with "not good".I'm curious how Yokai Watch did. The ratings for the show are pretty bad right now.
Xbox isn't at 1.4, I believe someone said it did roughly the same as last year.
Not sure what that was - 1.2?
3,000,001He said MORE than 3 million.
(gif by Kyonashi)
Whoa there. it took them 2+ years to reach 30, they would have to sell a decent amount WW above this year multiple years in a row to reach 100 million in the next 3 years or even be near it.
Remember it took the Xbox 360 and PS4 around 8 years to reach around 90. I know both consoles are selling better, but both consoles were also heavier in the front loading department. We also know that AR and VR are coming in too expensive to change the game and add life, such as what Kinect and to a lesser Extend Move and Wonderbook did for 360 and PS4 sales respectively. Without something to add on to their lives t seems unlikely any will be at 80 let alone 100 million.
Even going up till end of life, because already both consoles have only one SKU, they likely won't have something that will boost their life spans by a great amount, they also are already being sold at pretty cheap prices. While last gen even with multiple Sku's they all got cuts or replaces with similar or a cheaper model, and price cuts did quite a bit in extending the Life of the 360 and PS4. i am afraid the current price wars will remove that benefit for the PS4 and Xbox one. Or in some countries, price war plus bundles filled with incentives.
If the PS4 is to reach 100 million it's got to either have so many games reaching double the output and grabbing tons of exclusive deals, which won't happen because Xbox one is still sell relatively close and well and brinign in tons of money sans japanese developers, or it needs something to boost people interests in the consoles like Kinect or move etc. Which won't LIKELY be VR at the price announced/rumored about.
The Greenberg tweet is wrong guys.
Why does that say survival of the crittiest? Is crittiest a word?
I'm curious how Yokai Watch did. The ratings for the show are pretty bad right now.
It's amazing how PS4 is selling like this with no exclusives. Sony will just cater to Indies while Nintendo and MS have AAA exclusives.
Is the gap slightly lower than 200k? That would make more sense.
The Greenberg tweet is wrong guys.
The Greenberg tweet is wrong guys.
Zhuge answered with "not good".bummer
I....am...SHOCKED.The Greenberg tweet is wrong guys.
What FPS's are you talking about, maybe that will help me understand what you're getting at better. Are you talking about KIllzone, which popular PS2 FPS's?
The Greenberg tweet is wrong guys.
The Greenberg tweet is wrong guys.
How does it work? I would argue that Uncharted is a more popular series these days when compared to Halo. The Masterchief Collection and Halo 4 put a big cloud over the brand. It will sell more no matter what.
Props to him to not try to spin it.
Btw over 3m for both combined!!
Btw something is wrong with the numbers.
Gap can't be 200k with that and of course Greenberg knows the numbers.
Waiting for George![]()
The Greenberg tweet is wrong guys.
The Greenberg tweet is wrong guys.
The Greenberg tweet is wrong guys.
Maybe?Including Canada maybe?
Ōkami;188763749 said:Over 3m number should include WiiU, maybe Greenberg just forgot about it.
would it be right, if it was the entire month of november?
Yea... that's even more unlikely tbh. UC4 is almost bound to to better LTD then Halo 5 at this rate.
Greenberg is becoming a joke.
You missed the 'worldwide' part of the tweet.
All right, Pokemon or Yokai, which did better?
No idea.
lol. Beat me to it.... becoming?
Something is off about Aaron tweet, no way PS4+XBO sold more than 3m
EDIT: It was wrong, I knew it.
Dare I say the new TR didn't chart because TR 2013 was a really bad game?
I know it has people who love it, but I figured people wanting that style of shooter would buy call of duty instead.
I have no interest in the new game, no matter what platform it is on (till it costs $5 of course). Wishful thinking maybe, but AC didn't do well either.
It might help. Because most people prefer to spend 60$ on COD than Halo it seems. Releasing it earlier would help people not to make that choice.Releasing it in March isn't going to magically make it sell more. It may chart higher, for longer, but that's ultimately a hollow achievement.
Including Canada maybe?
Ps4 is gonna smash 100 milion, in fact 150m more likely at this point.
Next year will be the biggest year ever for PlayStation and you can´t do nothing about it.
Why and how is any of this relevant to today's NPD results?Timespliters, Medal of Honor, Half-Life, Red Faction, Tribes, 007, SWBF
of the games I just listed, a lot of them were not released on Xbox with some or all installments, the ones that did usually did not sell well in comparison tot he PS2 by a margin of which the Xbox version may as well be a niche title. Some were pretty much remembered for being ont he PS2, a lot of these series had games that sold millions..On the PS2 with I think maybe 2 exceptions.
of course I'm talking about installments during the active years of the PS2 and Xbox.
Now with a line-up such as this, none of these games reached the levels close to Halo other than, and anybody correct me if i am wrong, Metal of Honor Frontline was the closest a game got to the lowest selling Halo Xbox title. And Xbox had just as many choices as the PS2 pretty much.
This is similar for the PS2, With Sly, Ratchet, and Jak, along with other PS2 favortie multiplats such as TY the tiger, Rayman 2, Spyro, Crash, and Tak, the closest that PS2 got to coming to the sales of SMS was the first Jak game.
Ōkami;188763749 said:Over 3m number should include WiiU, maybe Greenberg just forgot about it.
Well that's a pretty shit attitude to have