gkrykewy said:Oh god. Everything before PSX, and also DS, say hi. FFXIII is in serious danger of losing an assload of money for SE.
I don't see anyone playing the NES and SNES now, do you?
The reason I say it's as PS brand is that all the recent big budget FF games have came out in the PS console, it's associated with it. Also, FF7 could be argued as the JRPG that brought the genre to mainstream popularity, where the series really took off, what platform was that on?
At the moment, yes they are looking at losing a lot of money with the current userbase, but that isn't to do with the game not selling systems. FF is a big franchise, that's the one I think can bring them up from the gloomy depth of NPD last place, but as I say, by then it might be all too late.
Btw, I see why PS fans are so moody around here. You say one word in favor of the platform and instantly get attacked from all sides. :lol
Leondexter said:I don't think Final Fantasy has that kind of pull, not in the West. If GTA were still a timed exclusive, that would be the best shot they'd have, but without that, there's nothing I'd call a sure draw. Gran Turismo would be the closest.
The Playstation's power was never in a single franchise, nor even in a handful. Its strength was the diversity and quantity of its lineup, and the Sony name which made it seem less like a toy.
I guess you are right. Nothing exclusive on the PS platform has the pull of Halo, but it's wrong to say they don't have any big hitters. They do.