Man, can someone compare Dreamcast tracking to PS3? At least PS3 doesn't have to face a newer faster system debuting this holiday. I think DC had million seller in NA with Sonic at this point. The silver lining is that even with Paramount defecting to HD for a year, a struggling worldwide userbase lacking software relative to the competition has owners stocking up on BR movies, making buyers/retailers like Target and Walmart push the early leader to get the war over sooner. Transformers this week, unless some other studio changes to HD, is only a bump in the road. The 360 drive isn't the factor it could be since retailers aren't, by choice or not, carrying a ratio of add on drives to 360s that is anywhere near threating PS3 sales. Looks even rosier for BR now that there is a $399 player coming soon. Oh, and it also plays games? The trinity of MGS4, FFXIII, & GT5 has to be out before we know whether PS3 will survive to the end of the generation.
Yeah, Wii still hasn't caught up to demand. Will it ever? So someplace here I recall reading analysts finding only like 10% of Wii buyers were 1st time console buyers. Given the pitiful ratio of software to hardware for "hardcore" stuff like Corruption and even LoZ:TP, Wii is just skipping to casual gamers who used to wait till PSOne was $149. Even though Wii has appeal to untraditional gamers, I think casuals (and of course the fewer hardcore) are buying Wiis out from under them and I think that means Wii has the potential to go farther than PS2.
I also think MS sold through whatever 360s were in the pipeline through the end of the period (Oct. 6th?) so there might be lag demand Wii has been enjoying cause 525k is a good month for PS2 in its heyday. It is kinda sad when you think of how many really good (not killer) games came out a while before Halo like Saints Row, Forza 2, Deadrising, Viva Pinata, Kameo, and even GoW, but couldn't move hardware collectively like Halo has done itself. I still don't understand why they haven't done a "mii-too" add on pack motion controller for quick dirty ports of popular 3rd party Wii titles. They could totally be attacking Nintendo as much as Sony. I can get an arcade stick, camera, XBL kits, and tons of other stuff, but not a "mii-too" controller? I guess they're deluding themselves to believing the Ar-tard Pack is gonna be enough to lure casuals away from Wii. And, if you're trying to get girls to a premium, why don't you bundle Viva, Sonic, a Spyro PS2 port, Crash, or Kameo. Boys will buy it and then throw down $110 more for Halo 3 & a controller regardless of what it comes with.
Anyway, the software ratings board needs to get its act together. 3.3 mil going mostly to as many kids as manbabies here. They have come up with a distinction between Haloish games and GTAish or even GoWish games. The M rating right now is completely useless to consumers getting the appropriate content.