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NPD Sales Results for September 2007


Tyrannical said:
If the 360 outsells the PS3 3-1 or so for US holiday sales, then you can stick a fork in the PS3. By next spring, it'll be a steady stream of cancelled PS3 ports of 360 games.
I have to believe third party publishers are at that point already.

Nothing is really selling on PS3 and Wii. Stuff like Madden is doing 90% of its sales on 360 and PS2. The other platforms barely even register.


Rhindle said:
I have to believe third party publishers are at that point already.

Nothing is really selling on PS3 and Wii. Stuff like Madden is doing 90% of its sales on 360 and PS2. The other platforms barely even register.

But those PS2 owners are just waiting to jump on the PS3!!!

Waiting and waiting.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Rhindle said:
I have to believe third party publishers are at that point already.

Nothing is really selling on PS3 and Wii. Stuff like Madden is doing 90% of its sales on 360 and PS2. The other platforms barely even register.

Can you give us up to date tie ratio please?


The 'H' stands for hentai.
mr_bishiuk said:
The thing is a 20% more powerful 360 or Ps3 will at least still be able to do HD graphics!!

Screw that, just add a ton of RAM and upgrade the GPU and CPU and you are set.

The PS3 already has Blu-ray and it should be cheap by 2010-2011.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
AniHawk said:
I'll give Sony until Spring 2008 to turn things around. Once they get Home going, and DS3, and get GTA4, and if they STILL can't come back and put up respectable numbers, it'll be done for them.

I personally think it's done now. There are going to be good games for PS3 owners for years to come, since a lot of games started off on the thing before people knew what a gigantic failure it'd be, but the same thing happened with the PSP. In March 2006, the PSP had an awesome lineup of great games like Mega Man and Syphon Filter and whatnot, and the DS, which only had Metroid Prime Hunters as its only notable release that month, still outsold the PSP. It's too far along now to really change gears. And if people start treating the PS3 like they did the PSP, the case won't be that they want to play games.
On the other hand, Sony just reached the right price. Their upcoming lineup is much better. Halo3 has been released already. And Microsoft is not likely to compete in Japan. According to this week interview with Georges Fornay, PS3 sold more consoles in 2007 than x360 in Europe. So it's not all doom and gloom for Sony. I predict they will now take the sales lead on a WW basis.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
marc^o^ said:
On the other hand, Sony just reached the right price. Their upcoming lineup is much better. Halo3 has been released already. And Microsoft is not likely to compete in Japan. According to this week interview with Georges Fornay, PS3 sold more consoles in 2007 than x360 in Europe. So it's not all doom and gloom for Sony. I predict they will now take the sales lead on a WW basis.

In the global market, I don't think anyone is disagreeing with that sentiment.

Just look at many of the posts here saying "PS3 will become 2nd worldwide, but they lost America."


Rhindle said:
Nothing is really selling on PS3 and Wii.

But what do you expect, honestly? Look at a site like gamerankings.com, 360 has ~60 games of a score of 80% or more, while the PS3 has ~20 and the Wii has ~10 (only counting games with at least twenty reviews).
marc^o^ said:
On the other hand, Sony just reached the right price. Their upcoming lineup is much better. Halo3 has been released already. And Microsoft is not likely to compete in Japan. According to this week interview with Georges Fornay, PS3 sold more consoles in 2007 than x360 in Europe. So it's not all doom and gloom for Sony. I predict they will now take the sales lead on a WW basis.

And the two years of fellating third party publishers they missed out on? Their userbase is going to have straighten their ties and get to buying software the way 360 owners do if they want to change their position in any significant way. Undoubtedly they'll sell more consoles than they are now, but they need prove themselves to be a proven money maker for software developers before it's too late. They're already getting the short shrift from pretty much every single major publisher in one form or another. That's the sort of thing that's going to be the biggest detriment to their success, no matter how competitively they price the machine.


Hcoregamer00 said:
The problem is that the PS3 didn't launch at $300 and they are dealing with the consequences of launching a console at an unreasonable price.
And the consequence is that it's not giving enough competition and that it's failing, which is exactly my point. Why would someone want it to continue to do bad if it can't be strong enough to give competition. It it continues to fail and lose support, how can this be a good thing. This is just going to affect people who own a PS3 with less game support and not give MS any reason to lower hardware prices and the cost of XBL subscription.

Let's hope the $399 PS3 doesn't fail. A lot of people picked up the $399 360, if Sony can't manage to get a similar sale rate the Pro did at the same price, that can't be good. It's too bad we'll have to wait till December to see how the 40GB really sells in America.


reggie's take
Reggie said:
The Wii went up against the self-proclaimed 'biggest entertainment launch ever' and we emerged with our best month of the year.

They fired their bullet and our gun is loaded and ready to fire throughout the holidays.
Hcoregamer00 said:
In the global market, I don't think anyone is disagreeing with that sentiment.

Just look at many of the posts here saying "PS3 will become 2nd worldwide, but they lost America."

Assuming the 360 sells just 100K more than the PS3 monthly in the US, the PS3 will have to outsell the 360 by 390,000 every month in the rest of the world for the next 2 years in order to catch up.

If the PS3 somehow starts selling as much as the 360 in the Americas, then its "only" 291,000/month for the next 2 years.

Basically, the PS3 isn't catching up any time soon, if at all, Worldwide.

*cue the benefits of launching first*


DSWii60 FTW. Poor poor PS3. (Went down despite the extra week!)
Rhindle said:
Nothing is really selling on PS3 and Wii.
Don't lump the Wii in the same category as the PS3 here. It might have a similar tie-ratio if you exclude Wii Sports due to a lower average weeks ownership (the average amount of weeks a consumer has owned it), but the massive advantage in userbase should ensure an equally massive advantage in software sales.


Jackson said:
PS3 can repair itself, it's possible... Sony just needs bite he bullet and take it, sort of like how Apple in jsut 10 weeks dropped the iPhone price 200$ and then reimbursed the original iPhone owners, and is now releasing a new iPhone to alleviate all the issues the current one has, and is even *gasp* opening up its SDK to devs...

if you listen, you can change, if you're closed minded you'll sink... like the N-Gage did

There's a huge difference between the iPhone and PS3 situation. Like you said, Apple reacted in just ten weeks; it's taken Sony a year to do the same thing. And during that time Sony execs were constantly saying stupid shit like "rumble is last-gen" and "work two jobs" which was only making things worse.

Sony is finally listening now, but it may be too little too late at this point. They farted around for an entire year while two very strong competitors were on the market.
Sean said:
There's a huge difference between the iPhone and PS3 situation. Like you said, Apple reacted in just ten weeks; it's taken Sony a year to do the same thing. And during that time Sony execs were constantly saying stupid shit like "rumble is last-gen" and "work two jobs" which was only making things worse.

Sony is finally listening now, but it may be too little too late at this point. They farted around for an entire year while two very strong competitors were on the market.

:lol makes me laugh everytime I read this, even one year later. What the hell were they thinking?


J-Rzez said:
Oh god... If a similar fate follows the Playstation consoles, I dunno what I'll do... Take up metal detection as my main hobby? Or Bonsai trees... Because that is when gaming is dead to me... MS alone couldn't cater to all my needs, and who knows if they're going to try and follow that route themselves next time :(

What you rather drop gaming as a hobby then play another brand's console? Only on Gaf.


unomas said:
Sales of those old Nintendo franchises have historically trended down (Mario). So if you expect those titles to suddenly spike again and become system sellers I'd get you a cup of coffee and say wake up.
Actually, Mario's decline was reversed when he finally got released on a more successful system than last time. (NDS.) If you wanna claim handhelds are different, then know that Twilight Princess, Super Paper Mario and Mario Party 8 also outsold their predecessors.
People want the PS3 to continue to fail until it hits a reasonable price point. For some, it's 400$. For others, it's 300$. Personally, I'd think it'll do fine once it hits 300$. 400$ will see a spike, and it'll be sustained because of the holidays, but I think 300$ is the defining moment. The lower the price, the better.

Wii's and 360's success have allowed them to keep their prices at near or near launch price point, which sucks for new adopters looking to get in. It's only been a year for the Wii, though. 360's been out for nearly two.
Sean said:
There's a huge difference between the iPhone and PS3 situation. Like you said, Apple reacted in just ten weeks; it's taken Sony a year to do the same thing. And during that time Sony execs were constantly saying stupid shit like "rumble is last-gen" and "work two jobs" which was only making things worse.

Sony is finally listening now, but it may be too little too late at this point. They farted around for an entire year while two very strong competitors were on the market.
Nobody really cares what the execs say that panders to the hardcore. What they said about rumbl,e etc, was probably inconsequential and the least of thier worries.


Man, can someone compare Dreamcast tracking to PS3? At least PS3 doesn't have to face a newer faster system debuting this holiday. I think DC had million seller in NA with Sonic at this point. The silver lining is that even with Paramount defecting to HD for a year, a struggling worldwide userbase lacking software relative to the competition has owners stocking up on BR movies, making buyers/retailers like Target and Walmart push the early leader to get the war over sooner. Transformers this week, unless some other studio changes to HD, is only a bump in the road. The 360 drive isn't the factor it could be since retailers aren't, by choice or not, carrying a ratio of add on drives to 360s that is anywhere near threating PS3 sales. Looks even rosier for BR now that there is a $399 player coming soon. Oh, and it also plays games? The trinity of MGS4, FFXIII, & GT5 has to be out before we know whether PS3 will survive to the end of the generation.

Yeah, Wii still hasn't caught up to demand. Will it ever? So someplace here I recall reading analysts finding only like 10% of Wii buyers were 1st time console buyers. Given the pitiful ratio of software to hardware for "hardcore" stuff like Corruption and even LoZ:TP, Wii is just skipping to casual gamers who used to wait till PSOne was $149. Even though Wii has appeal to untraditional gamers, I think casuals (and of course the fewer hardcore) are buying Wiis out from under them and I think that means Wii has the potential to go farther than PS2.

I also think MS sold through whatever 360s were in the pipeline through the end of the period (Oct. 6th?) so there might be lag demand Wii has been enjoying cause 525k is a good month for PS2 in its heyday. It is kinda sad when you think of how many really good (not killer) games came out a while before Halo like Saints Row, Forza 2, Deadrising, Viva Pinata, Kameo, and even GoW, but couldn't move hardware collectively like Halo has done itself. I still don't understand why they haven't done a "mii-too" add on pack motion controller for quick dirty ports of popular 3rd party Wii titles. They could totally be attacking Nintendo as much as Sony. I can get an arcade stick, camera, XBL kits, and tons of other stuff, but not a "mii-too" controller? I guess they're deluding themselves to believing the Ar-tard Pack is gonna be enough to lure casuals away from Wii. And, if you're trying to get girls to a premium, why don't you bundle Viva, Sonic, a Spyro PS2 port, Crash, or Kameo. Boys will buy it and then throw down $110 more for Halo 3 & a controller regardless of what it comes with.

Anyway, the software ratings board needs to get its act together. 3.3 mil going mostly to as many kids as manbabies here. They have come up with a distinction between Haloish games and GTAish or even GoWish games. The M rating right now is completely useless to consumers getting the appropriate content.


Heavenly Sword's sales are pretty crappy for that region considering the amount of effort Sony put on advertising it I kind of feel sorry for their efforts not getting the great return they deserve. As for the 360 HW sales it's great but is that the best it will be peaking until the holidays with a big game at its disposal.? Software again for them seems to be very healthy in that region and 3.3 is a good number not sure what to think since it's halo though.
marc^o^ said:
On the other hand, Sony just reached the right price. Their upcoming lineup is much better. Halo3 has been released already. And Microsoft is not likely to compete in Japan. According to this week interview with Georges Fornay, PS3 sold more consoles in 2007 than x360 in Europe. So it's not all doom and gloom for Sony. I predict they will now take the sales lead on a WW basis.

You do know ps3 launched in 07 in europe right?? that means a large chunk of those sales where launch sales.
Nolan. said:
Heavenly Sword's sales are pretty crappy for that region considering the amount of effort Sony put on advertising it I kind of feel sorry for their efforts not getting the great return they deserve. As for the 360 HW sales it's great but is that the best it will be peaking until the holidays with a big game at its disposal.? Software again for them seems to be very healthy in that region and 3.3 is a good number not sure what to think since it's halo though.
I never really saw any Heavenly Sword on-air commercials whereas I actually saw one or two Metroid Prime 3 ads.
Nolan. said:
Heavenly Sword's sales are pretty crappy for that region considering the amount of effort Sony put on advertising it I kind of feel sorry for their efforts not getting the great return they deserve. As for the 360 HW sales it's great but is that the best it will be peaking until the holidays with a big game at its disposal.? Software again for them seems to be very healthy in that region and 3.3 is a good number not sure what to think since it's halo though.

Erm maybes because it didnt get good reviews it didnt sell too well, also 360 wont just stop selling now just because halo is out. If anything halo is a burner and it will continue to sell well for a long time if the other two are anything to go by with steady sales long after launch.3.3 m in just over a week of sales is there many games that have ever done that??.
Subitai said:
Man, can someone compare Dreamcast tracking to PS3? At least PS3 doesn't have to face a newer faster system debuting this holiday. I think DC had million seller in NA with Sonic at this point. The silver lining is that even with Paramount defecting to HD for a year, a struggling worldwide userbase lacking software relative to the competition has owners stocking up on BR movies, making buyers/retailers like Target and Walmart push the early leader to get the war over sooner. Transformers this week, unless some other studio changes to HD, is only a bump in the road. The 360 drive isn't the factor it could be since retailers aren't, by choice or not, carrying a ratio of add on drives to 360s that is anywhere near threating PS3 sales. Looks even rosier for BR now that there is a $399 player coming soon. Oh, and it also plays games? The trinity of MGS4, FFXIII, & GT5 has to be out before we know whether PS3 will survive to the end of the generation.

Jesus Christ. Truth FTW.


Subitai said:
Man, can someone compare Dreamcast tracking to PS3? At least PS3 doesn't have to face a newer faster system debuting this holiday. I think DC had million seller in NA with Sonic at this point. The silver lining is that even with Paramount defecting to HD for a year, a struggling worldwide userbase lacking software relative to the competition has owners stocking up on BR movies, making buyers/retailers like Target and Walmart push the early leader to get the war over sooner. Transformers this week, unless some other studio changes to HD, is only a bump in the road. The 360 drive isn't the factor it could be since retailers aren't, by choice or not, carrying a ratio of add on drives to 360s that is anywhere near threating PS3 sales. Looks even rosier for BR now that there is a $399 player coming soon. Oh, and it also plays games? The trinity of MGS4, FFXIII, & GT5 has to be out before we know whether PS3 will survive to the end of the generation.

Yeah, Wii still hasn't caught up to demand. Will it ever? So someplace here I recall reading analysts finding only like 10% of Wii buyers were 1st time console buyers. Given the pitiful ratio of software to hardware for "hardcore" stuff like Corruption and even LoZ:TP, Wii is just skipping to casual gamers who used to wait till PSOne was $149. Even though Wii has appeal to untraditional gamers, I think casuals (and of course the fewer hardcore) are buying Wiis out from under them and I think that means Wii has the potential to go farther than PS2.

I also think MS sold through whatever 360s were in the pipeline through the end of the period (Oct. 6th?) so there might be lag demand Wii has been enjoying cause 525k is a good month for PS2 in its heyday. It is kinda sad when you think of how many really good (not killer) games came out a while before Halo like Saints Row, Forza 2, Deadrising, Viva Pinata, Kameo, and even GoW, but couldn't move hardware collectively like Halo has done itself. I still don't understand why they haven't done a "mii-too" add on pack motion controller for quick dirty ports of popular 3rd party Wii titles. They could totally be attacking Nintendo as much as Sony. I can get an arcade stick, camera, XBL kits, and tons of other stuff, but not a "mii-too" controller? I guess they're deluding themselves to believing the Ar-tard Pack is gonna be enough to lure casuals away from Wii. And, if you're trying to get girls to a premium, why don't you bundle Viva, Sonic, a Spyro PS2 port, Crash, or Kameo. Boys will buy it and then throw down $110 more for Halo 3 & a controller regardless of what it comes with.

Anyway, the software ratings board needs to get its act together. 3.3 mil going mostly to as many kids as manbabies here. They have come up with a distinction between Haloish games and GTAish or even GoWish games. The M rating right now is completely useless to consumers getting the appropriate content.

Wow. It's been a long time since I've seen you 'round these parts. Good post.


One thing I'm curious about is how this will affect Japanese third parties. I remember a month ago a number of Japanese third parties (I think it was Capcom, Sega, Namco-Bandai, Konami and maybe Square-Enix?) halting or postponing development on some next-gen titles to see how the Xbox 360 does with Halo 3's release. Well, Halo 3 released and sold a ton of hardware, and I'm pretty sure that we haven't seen the end of that. How do you guys think this will affect Japanese support of the 360 and PS3?

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
909er said:
One thing I'm curious about is how this will affect Japanese third parties. I remember a month ago a number of Japanese third parties (I think it was Capcom, Sega, Namco-Bandai, Konami and maybe Square-Enix?) halting or postponing development on some next-gen titles to see how the Xbox 360 does with Halo 3's release. Well, Halo 3 released and sold a ton of hardware, and I'm pretty sure that we haven't seen the end of that. How do you guys think this will affect Japanese support of the 360 and PS3?

The Wii has affected that way more than Halo 3 could ever do. However, situations like Bioshock outselling Heavenly Sword, Lair, and Warhawk put together, is likely more telling. If 1st party can't make breakthroughs, 3rd party has to be a bit worried


Angelus said:
Aside from its frame rate the game is awesome. Its a fucking travesty that the sales are so low. The public needs their heads slapped. :(

(EDIT)...then again how many PS3 owners are there in North America to start with?
Maybe 3,000,000? This game should have sold atleast 400-500,000

The reason for that is that a large proportion of PS3 owners use their machine solely for the Blu-Ray and/or they also have a 360 and given a choice each month of buying the best new game for either machine, it's usually the 360 game that wins ...

In relation to the above post re Japanese s/w support; well the relatively poor game sales of the PS3 make it unattractive to the developers whereas the 360's game sales are awesome either taken as a total (which is all dev's care about) or on a per-console basis. This can only translate to more/better games (from everywhere) for the 360 and fewer/worse games for the PS3 in the medium-long term ...

The PS3 price-cut is a necessary move but there's no guaranteeing that it's enough to stop the 360 pulling away again as looks likely over the next couple of months. If it does, then for sure the PS3 (in whatever the latest configuration is!) will be staring into the abyss for real ...
Subitai said:
Man, can someone compare Dreamcast tracking to PS3? At least PS3 doesn't have to face a newer faster system debuting this holiday. I think DC had million seller in NA with Sonic at this point. The silver lining is that even with Paramount defecting to HD for a year, a struggling worldwide userbase lacking software relative to the competition has owners stocking up on BR movies, making buyers/retailers like Target and Walmart push the early leader to get the war over sooner. Transformers this week, unless some other studio changes to HD, is only a bump in the road. The 360 drive isn't the factor it could be since retailers aren't, by choice or not, carrying a ratio of add on drives to 360s that is anywhere near threating PS3 sales. Looks even rosier for BR now that there is a $399 player coming soon. Oh, and it also plays games? The trinity of MGS4, FFXIII, & GT5 has to be out before we know whether PS3 will survive to the end of the generation.

Yeah, Wii still hasn't caught up to demand. Will it ever? So someplace here I recall reading analysts finding only like 10% of Wii buyers were 1st time console buyers. Given the pitiful ratio of software to hardware for "hardcore" stuff like Corruption and even LoZ:TP, Wii is just skipping to casual gamers who used to wait till PSOne was $149. Even though Wii has appeal to untraditional gamers, I think casuals (and of course the fewer hardcore) are buying Wiis out from under them and I think that means Wii has the potential to go farther than PS2.

I also think MS sold through whatever 360s were in the pipeline through the end of the period (Oct. 6th?) so there might be lag demand Wii has been enjoying cause 525k is a good month for PS2 in its heyday. It is kinda sad when you think of how many really good (not killer) games came out a while before Halo like Saints Row, Forza 2, Deadrising, Viva Pinata, Kameo, and even GoW, but couldn't move hardware collectively like Halo has done itself. I still don't understand why they haven't done a "mii-too" add on pack motion controller for quick dirty ports of popular 3rd party Wii titles. They could totally be attacking Nintendo as much as Sony. I can get an arcade stick, camera, XBL kits, and tons of other stuff, but not a "mii-too" controller? I guess they're deluding themselves to believing the Ar-tard Pack is gonna be enough to lure casuals away from Wii. And, if you're trying to get girls to a premium, why don't you bundle Viva, Sonic, a Spyro PS2 port, Crash, or Kameo. Boys will buy it and then throw down $110 more for Halo 3 & a controller regardless of what it comes with.

Anyway, the software ratings board needs to get its act together. 3.3 mil going mostly to as many kids as manbabies here. They have come up with a distinction between Haloish games and GTAish or even GoWish games. The M rating right now is completely useless to consumers getting the appropriate content.

Just a few notes here.

- Twilight Princess did pretty amazing. Should be over 2 million alone on the Wii in NA.
- Just like all illegal substances for younger ages, they are going to find a way to get it, even Halo 3.
- I just can't read through your post and comprehend anything. You keep on switching subject half-way through a sentence.


Agent Icebeezy said:
The Wii has affected that way more than Halo 3 could ever do. However, situations like Bioshock outselling Heavenly Sword, Lair, and Warhawk put together, is likely more telling. If 1st party can't make breakthroughs, 3rd party has to be a bit worried

Maybe everyone is in group think mode and waiting for Ratchet and clank and after that MGS who knows.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Subitai said:
Man, can someone compare Dreamcast tracking to PS3? At least PS3 doesn't have to face a newer faster system debuting this holiday. I think DC had million seller in NA with Sonic at this point. The silver lining is that even with Paramount defecting to HD for a year, a struggling worldwide userbase lacking software relative to the competition has owners stocking up on BR movies, making buyers/retailers like Target and Walmart push the early leader to get the war over sooner. Transformers this week, unless some other studio changes to HD, is only a bump in the road. The 360 drive isn't the factor it could be since retailers aren't, by choice or not, carrying a ratio of add on drives to 360s that is anywhere near threating PS3 sales. Looks even rosier for BR now that there is a $399 player coming soon. Oh, and it also plays games? The trinity of MGS4, FFXIII, & GT5 has to be out before we know whether PS3 will survive to the end of the generation.

Yeah, Wii still hasn't caught up to demand. Will it ever? So someplace here I recall reading analysts finding only like 10% of Wii buyers were 1st time console buyers. Given the pitiful ratio of software to hardware for "hardcore" stuff like Corruption and even LoZ:TP, Wii is just skipping to casual gamers who used to wait till PSOne was $149. Even though Wii has appeal to untraditional gamers, I think casuals (and of course the fewer hardcore) are buying Wiis out from under them and I think that means Wii has the potential to go farther than PS2.

I also think MS sold through whatever 360s were in the pipeline through the end of the period (Oct. 6th?) so there might be lag demand Wii has been enjoying cause 525k is a good month for PS2 in its heyday. It is kinda sad when you think of how many really good (not killer) games came out a while before Halo like Saints Row, Forza 2, Deadrising, Viva Pinata, Kameo, and even GoW, but couldn't move hardware collectively like Halo has done itself. I still don't understand why they haven't done a "mii-too" add on pack motion controller for quick dirty ports of popular 3rd party Wii titles. They could totally be attacking Nintendo as much as Sony. I can get an arcade stick, camera, XBL kits, and tons of other stuff, but not a "mii-too" controller? I guess they're deluding themselves to believing the Ar-tard Pack is gonna be enough to lure casuals away from Wii. And, if you're trying to get girls to a premium, why don't you bundle Viva, Sonic, a Spyro PS2 port, Crash, or Kameo. Boys will buy it and then throw down $110 more for Halo 3 & a controller regardless of what it comes with.

Anyway, the software ratings board needs to get its act together. 3.3 mil going mostly to as many kids as manbabies here. They have come up with a distinction between Haloish games and GTAish or even GoWish games. The M rating right now is completely useless to consumers getting the appropriate content.

Brilliant post, post of the thread, easily.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Nolan. said:
Maybe everyone is in group think mode and waiting for Ratchet and clank and after that MGS who knows.

IIRC, R&C 1 is the only one to sell over 1 million here in the states, it should fare better than than what Sony has offered recently though


gcfan2k5 said:
Fable 2 will tank and be hyped to be much more than it really was, much like Fable 1 and other molyneaux projects.

Halo Wars will be great fun if ensemble is given the time to do it right.

Banjo 3 will be decent but ALOT of rare talent has long since left the company.

Alan Wake is amazing in terms of graphics, on the PC ayway... But gameplay wise do we know ANYTHING about it?

Gears 2 ill give you, though its not high up on my personal hype list (gears was a little too short and the multiplayer is broken as hell).

As for the peter jackson game, just because its by peter jackson doesnt mean its going to be good.

Splinter cell ill give you also.

Original guys behind Banjo/Conker are still at Rare, where do you people get your facts? Only team that lst talent was PD/GD team

And Fable was a commercial success, sold well over 2 million. again, sack you source. He's shit


I think this means that US will get less focus from Sony and third parties on PS3 now, compared to Europe.
I.e. we got the price-cut before you guys, and I expect that more of the store will feature the new titles first in PSN Europe more often than not, in the future, and the americans will more often get fed second.

It's idiotic to expect that a new IP/franchise like HS should sell as well as a proven Halo, but the numbers are dissapointing. In US I think R&C will fail aswell, no matter the quality, but perhaps Uncharted will sell decently since it seems to have more shooter-elements in it. When GT5 comes out, I think PS3 will also get a boost in sales.
Looking at the log jams of games that have started to be released, which will only increase in the coming months. I wish some devs would release their games during the middle of the year. Even if it is a slow time of year surely it must be better than getting swamped by all the releases in the holiday season.

Stranglehold optimise's this fact. I have no doubt that this game would have sold far better had it been released during a slow month in the middle of the year. It never stood a chance against halo 3. I don't think it would have topped the charts or anything but it certainly would have sold better.


My opinion? USED.
Soule said:
well the way i read it, 2.8/3.3m already owned a 360. I don't think Reggie was far off the mark (especially when he said it wouldn't affect nintendo), but anyways since when was PR talk taken to heart like this? the thread which quoted him got way more replies than it deserved and people are still talking about it... sheesh

Wasnt reffering to reggie, just those who said Halo 3 wont move consoles. It just doubled the 360 monthly sales. Thats OMGWTF awesome.


y'all should be ashamed
AdventureRacing said:
Looking at the log jams of games that have started to be released, which will only increase in the coming months. I wish some devs would release their games during the middle of the year. Even if it is a slow time of year surely it must be better than getting swamped by all the releases in the holiday season.

Stranglehold optimise's this fact. I have no doubt that this game would have sold far better had it been released during a slow month in the middle of the year. It never stood a chance against halo 3. I don't think it would have topped the charts or anything but it certainly would have sold better.

I never understood why devs don't target big releases for a summer launch. A game like Killzone 2 would smash the summer and pretty much have the gaming arena to itself. (Yeah, it's supposed to come out before summer, but...I don't think it will).


My opinion? USED.
Subitai said:
I still don't understand why they haven't done a "mii-too" add on pack motion controller for quick dirty ports of popular 3rd party Wii titles. They could totally be attacking Nintendo as much as Sony. I can get an arcade stick, camera, XBL kits, and tons of other stuff, but not a "mii-too" controller? I guess they're deluding themselves to believing the Ar-tard Pack is gonna be enough to lure casuals away from Wii.

The wii is a totally different space than the 360, i am suprised MS have not made better attempts to be more popular among casuals (aka idiots).


Ryudo said:
The wii is a totally different space than the 360, i am suprised MS have not made better attempts to be more popular among casuals (aka idiots).

They tried with Viva Pinata, but it failed. And now they're again trying with Viva Pinata + that quiz game (which name I've forgotten).


Frillen said:
They tried with Viva Pinata, but it failed. And now they're again trying with Viva Pinata + that quiz game (which name I've forgotten).

They tried at the wrong time imo no one is going to shell out for what they were asking for entry to play just one game like it.
Subitai said:
Anyway, the software ratings board needs to get its act together. 3.3 mil going mostly to as many kids as manbabies here. They have come up with a distinction between Haloish games and GTAish or even GoWish games. The M rating right now is completely useless to consumers getting the appropriate content.
okay... brilliant post overall, but i can't agree with this last part.

first of all, if there's any data backing this up and i missed it, i'd love to see it. secondly, if it's parents buying the game for their kids, that is their right to do so, and it isn't the ESRBs job to prevent that happening. fact is that Halo is a very light M with very little crimson blood, no sex, no nudity, no drug use, no smoking, no drinking, just a smattering of blood of various colours and some mild language.

unless you can back up what you've said with some figures to say that halo 3 is being sold directly to minors in significant numbers, or the message of what kind of content halo 3 has isn't been properly conveyed to parents, then you need to back the hell up. parents could well be making informed decisions. you have nothing to suggest that they aren't.

the only damage a game like Halo 3 does to the ESRB, is in making parents think that M rated games 'aren't that bad at all'... and then not checking the content descriptors on a title like GTA... and i know that was the main drive of your point...

but that's what the content descriptors are for, and those are printed on the front and back of the box.

i'm very familiar with the phrase 'hard R' as a horror fan. everyone understands that not all R rated films are equal... i don't see people calling for another rating in films as a result... and films don't even have content descriptors that games do to help parents understand that not all M rated games are equal.


Not Sure if this proves anything or not but was at Sams yesterday and saw tons of PS3s,360s but not a single Wii.

The PS3s were the 60 Gig with games and controls a normal Sams type deal and it was priced at $534 yet not one person was looking. Next to it the 360 combo was 379 and again not 1 single person was looking, so like i said not sure if it proves anything.

Also traded in some games to EB for the SMG game and asked about the Wii and PS3,360 same thing they had all but the Wii in stock.


Rhindle said:
I have to believe third party publishers are at that point already.

Keen to know more about the apparent PC/360 only status of Project Offset. It's always been a mess / mystery, but I remember it being at first a PC only thing with the possibility of PS3 but no way in hell 360. Then it was PC/PS3, and now it's only PC/360. Did MS buy the game / team, or is a publisher just waiting to announce for PS3 / for some reason deciding against PS3 ?

Perhaps I really am the only person interested, but it seems like a weird case.




butthole fishhooking yes
plagiarize said:
but that's what the content descriptors are for, and those are printed on the front and back of the box.

i'm very familiar with the phrase 'hard R' as a horror fan. everyone understands that not all R rated films are equal... i don't see people calling for another rating in films as a result... and films don't even have content descriptors that games do to help parents understand that not all M rated games are equal.

Can't agree. If you want to use film as analogy, Halo 3 would barely rate a PG-13.
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