zuckerberg bet on the wrong horse
Apparently Palmer didn't the parts of Friendship is Magic about inclusiveness and tolerance.
And how's that comparing to his films before his "true form" was revealed?
Just saying, you don't usually bounce back from this stuff and be as successful as you once were.
I believe that's an Anime Expo convention badge.
But My Little Pony isn't anime...wait, what?
But the thing is.....there is. Me an you and everyone on GAF get's on a computer almost every day and reads thread, and reads the internet. There is a staggering amount of people that don't.
sure. but it's not just on the internet. it's on the tv. it's in the newspapers. it's everywhere. and i find that a lot of times, if you peel back their reasons on voting for trump, you get to a bit of a rotten core.
Oh, those ignorant are on the internet, they are just on sites that post bullshit constantly.
I believe that's an Anime Expo convention badge.
But My Little Pony isn't anime...wait, what?
I need that gif of every celebrity at the Academy Awards applauding Roman PolanskiPeople gave it a standing ovation for over 10 minutes, I think the movie is doing just fine.
Whether that's bad or good news I won't be the one to judge.
Well doesn't that depend on your definition of what being a bad person is, which is always going to be subjective and lack any real intimate knowledge of the individual themself?I totally understand that, but the point I'm driving is that doesn't make 'most people's' assessment any less wrong and short-sighted or lazy. But that's a far deeper discussion than the scope of this thread.
I should go to sleep but I feel like I'm going to miss the shit storm
Isn't she purple?Twilight Sparkle is actually a huge white nationalist.
Damn dude...what does this mean for you then?
Well, Trump is orange and he's still a white nationalist.Isn't she purple?
But the thing is.....there is. Me an you and everyone on GAF get's on a computer almost every day and reads thread, and reads the internet. There is a staggering amount of people that don't.
Listen I will never advocate for blatant painting of an entire group of people in a certain light. Everyone is an individual and we should be striving to help one another and lift each other up. We shouldn't be trying to tear one another down and be non forgiving. People can change and they can grow.
At the end of the day "Us vs Them" is ALWAYS a dangerous path to go down. Always. Each person is different and is a victim of the circumstances they grew up and were raised in. We should strive to educate and help those around us.
Do they discuss how his talking points are all illusions, to distract from reality?
A Trump-l'il, if you will?
Another big point here, is tech is tech, as a small-time developer myself, it doesn't matter if you are Putin or Trump himself, if your tech enables me to create the experience I've always dreamed of, and I can't do it anywhere else, I'm buying and making things with your tech.
The thing about Oculus is that this isn't the case, you can get just as good or better elsewhere. But I think the notion that devs actually care about the tech creator's morals is incredibly naiive or misjudged
MasterfulWell, Trump is orange and he's still a white nationalist.
I'm sorry, you mean well but I have little sympathy. "Scumbag" is about as soft a barbed form of name-calling I can think of. A lot of these people have shown that they don't care when they're shown increasing evidence of the effects of placing Trump in any officious authority position could bring to a lot of decent people in this country. They don't want to be informed or educated.
We've moved past compassion for those supporters who do so out of desperation at this point, and believe you me, I humored the idea for a long time that some of his supporters were those who felt like they were being left behind. They now know how a lot of other people felt their whole lives.
you tell me
you were on there, too
Pachter was rightThat tweet about "Luckey somehow found a way to make the phrase 'PC master race' even more uncomfortable" is pure gold
This has to be a publicity stunt. Tomorrow we're gonna find out his account was "hacked" and oh by the way the Oculus Connect conference is October 5-7th, tune in for some new stuff.
Someone tell me I'm right so I can maintain some level of sanity.
Well-said.Yeah I understand. Some of the stuff I see is shocking that Trump supporters believe. That Obama is a Muslim Terrorist born in Kenya and secretly wants the US destroyed? What the fuck? Listen people should be called out on bull shit like that.
But I think they should be called out with fact and education instead of insults. I'm not saying they should be totally left off the hook and say what they are feeling is fine or justified, just that they should be presented the cold hard truth regularly and often.
If they still refuse then at that point, they are a lost cause and your attention and time should be focused on someone else.
Sorry I'm posting so much everyone just enjoying the discussion.
This has to be a publicity stunt. Tomorrow we're gonna find out his account was "hacked" and oh by the way the Oculus Connect conference is October 5-7th, tune in for some new stuff.
Someone tell me I'm right so I can maintain some level of sanity.
Prior to this, what did Luckey do to piss off gaf? I always thought he was likable and thought pretty much everyone else did too. Did I miss some threads where he was otherwise linked to racist conservatism? I seem to vaguely recall something recently he did that wasn't related to this, but I don't recall when exactly he lost gafs apparent confidence.In case anyone still had any respect or interest in the man or his work.
Decided to check Twitter before bed and saw that Palmer Luckey is trending.
Just the first few tweets I saw. And there are tons of websites, not just gaming ones, reporting on it as well. This is spreading fast.
Decided to check Twitter before bed and saw that Palmer Luckey is trending.
Just the first few tweets I saw. And there are tons of websites, not just gaming ones, reporting on it as well. This is spreading fast.
Did someone also hack his racist girlfriend?This has to be a publicity stunt. Tomorrow we're gonna find out his account was "hacked" and oh by the way the Oculus Connect conference is October 5-7th, tune in for some new stuff.
Someone tell me I'm right so I can maintain some level of sanity.
Yeah I understand. Some of the stuff I see is shocking that Trump supporters believe. That Obama is a Muslim Terrorist born in Kenya and secretly wants the US destroyed? What the fuck? Listen people should be called out on bull shit like that.
But I think they should be called out with fact and education instead of insults. I'm not saying they should be totally left off the hook and say what they are feeling is fine or justified, just that they should be presented the cold hard truth regularly and often.
If they still refuse then at that point, they are a lost cause and your attention and time should be focused on someone else.
Sorry I'm posting so much everyone just enjoying the discussion.
Prior to this, what did Luckey do to piss off gaf? I always thought he was likable and thought pretty much everyone else did too. Did I miss some threads where he was otherwise linked to racist conservatism? I seem to vaguely recall something recently he did that wasn't related to this, but I don't recall when exactly he lost gafs apparent confidence.
Part of me wants to believe that this is not what it looks like, that maybe the article is lying to make him look like a giant jackass because if true it's not only terribly disappointing, it's also just... bizarre.
I know this isn't nice to say, but, I kinda hope Milo dies soon. Like, preferably by fire.
But, I digress.
So.. I don't use twitter at all but is that image implying that Palmer Luckey follows Mike Cernovich, the rape apologist?
This has to be a publicity stunt. Tomorrow we're gonna find out his account was "hacked" and oh by the way the Oculus Connect conference is October 5-7th, tune in for some new stuff.
Someone tell me I'm right so I can maintain some level of sanity.
So.. I don't use twitter at all but is that image implying that Palmer Luckey follows Mike Cernovich, the rape apologist?
Does that image say he follows Mike Cernovich? The "bro juice" lawyer who thinks that spiking a woman's and having your way with her drink isn't rape.
I can imagine a lot of minority and women developers not wanting to popularize a product whose profits will go into an organization that is actively trying to make their lives worse.
I didn't like him due to him going back on his word and allowing for Oculus to be a closed platform and making exclusivity deals. This whole mess takes it up a few notches though.Prior to this, what did Luckey do to piss off gaf? I always thought he was likable and thought pretty much everyone else did too. Did I miss some threads where he was otherwise linked to racist conservatism? I seem to vaguely recall something recently he did that wasn't related to this, but I don't recall when exactly he lost gafs apparent confidence.
Part of me wants to believe that this is not what it looks like, that maybe the article is lying to make him look like a giant jackass because if true it's not only terribly disappointing, it's also just... bizarre.
Does that image say he follows Mike Cernovich? The "bro juice" lawyer who thinks that spiking a woman's and having your way with her drink isn't rape.
Decided to check Twitter before bed and saw that Palmer Luckey is trending.
Just the first few tweets I saw. And there are tons of websites, not just gaming ones, reporting on it as well. This is spreading fast.
So maybe he's just doing all this to try and impress her? Guys act like dickheads all the time to try and prove themselves to women, perhaps that's why he's so boastful about it.Has anyone seen Luckey's gf twitter feed?
No surprise this guy funds white supremacist groups...