Guys demo is out, going to try it out soon..
Edit: ahh oops beaten...
Edit: ahh oops beaten...
Darklord said:That seems really weird for a sim like this. No bullet drop? Strange. Everything you said will be fixed by a mod though I bet.
TouchMyBox said:So... the graphical fidelity that i'm getting with the demo is somewhere between the SNES and the PSX. I think my 8800GT is better than this. I'll definitely wait for several dozen patches before buying.
o/\oTouchMyBox said:So... the graphical fidelity that i'm getting with the demo is somewhere between the SNES and the PSX. I think my 8800GT is better than this. I'll definitely wait for several dozen patches before buying.
TouchMyBox said:It's like playing a UE3 game when you first start and are waiting for all the textures and geometry to load, except it never does... However the main menu backdrop was pretty, so i haven't an idea what's going on.
I'll try update to the newest nvidia whql in the morning.
LovingSteam said:
A top notch guide for ARMAII, everything you can or would want to know can be found here.
dLMN8R said:The mouse lag is the main killer for me...any workarounds that people know of?
madmook said:Trying to play the demo for the first time.... where the fuck is X3DAudio1_6.dll?!?!!?!??!
Edit: checked BI forums... downloading latest DX9 redistributable... hope it works.
Edit2: it works! diving in... goddamn unskippable splash screens...
dLMN8R said:The mouse lag is the main killer for me...any workarounds that people know of?
dLMN8R said:The mouse lag is the main killer for me...any workarounds that people know of?
Also this.Thaedolus said:That's what I'm trying to figure out. It's really annoying, and I can't find a v-sync toggle or anything. I couldn't even size up a target on the range since the input was so sluggish
TheExodu5 said:CS recoil is an example of some of the best recoil mechanics in games today. It does move your POV upwards, but it comes back down on its own.
:lolFlib said:Game is a buggy, unoptomized piece of shit with bizarrely archaic controls.
That being said, I still had a fucking blast in the demo and immediately bought the full game. If the full game delivers on the promise of the demo, this may be my GOTY so far.
TouchMyBox said:Okay, just installed the newest Nvidia WHQL drivers on my computer, and boy do we finally have a competitor to crysis!
Chilling with my comrades...
Darklord said:Oh awesome, there's a OP:F graphics option.
saelz8 said:Now Available on Steam.
LovingSteam said:For those who already have it would you mind rating it from 1-10 as of right now? That will give those of us who are on the fence a little more to go by. Thanks!
Run the benchmark, that first mission also ran totally fine for me.ZombieSupaStar said:C2D E6850 @ 3ghz
2 gigs ram
around 30-45 fps at 1920x1080 (All settings to high, no AA, medium shadows, 100% renderer)
LovingSteam said:For those who already have it would you mind rating it from 1-10 as of right now? That will give those of us who are on the fence a little more to go by. Thanks!
Atrophis said:What? :lol :lol
Are you sure you've ever played CS? Cause i assure you the recoil does not work that way. CS uses a cone of fire system that increases bullet spread the longer you fire. This is a poor artificial way of simulating recoil. Your POV does not change at all.
ARMA actually kicks back the gun when you fire. Go play the proper mission in the demo, where you start on a helicopter. Your given a machine gun and if you try to fire it while standing or crouching your wont be able to hit shit because the gun is bucking up.
Day of Defeat still has the best implemenation of recoil I have ever seen. Perhaps you were confusing DoD for CS?
TheExodu5 said:I'll get back to it and give it another chance.
Oh, and yes CS does bring your POV up. It just comes back down on it's own. It feels as close as any game to immitating recoil as I've felt it (though mind you, I've never fire an automatic).
I hate DoD's implementation of recoil. Sure, it brings your gun up, but it doesn't take into account that the gravity will force the gun back down after the shot.
Thanks for that info. I'll give that a try when I get home.TouchMyBox said:Okay, I added "- winxp" to the command line, and now it works. Apparently it's a bug with the Vista/7 version of DX9.
Mr. Snrub said:And also, to whoever said there is no recoil: did you even play the game? I don't see how you could shoot any of the weapons in it and not experience the recoil.