birdchili said:i stink at this game.
i can't hit enemies with my people cannon.
i can barely beat any of the quests without massive casualties, and i'm not sure what kind of strategies to be using other than "don't let your guys hit the enemy for more than one second before recalling them or they'll be crushed".
i'm playing on "normal" and my rpg pride won't let me downgrade to easy. some basic pointers?
GrotesqueBeauty said:Hooooo boy. I just tried hooking this game up to my new (used) Sony KV-34xrb800 and it easily looks the worst of anything I've tried playing so far. My GF who loves LKS did a big WTF when she saw the picture quality because she is in the middle of playing it atm. She totally gave me the stink eye, lol. Here's hoping component cables do the trick, because right now the game blurs like a mofo whenever the screen scrolls vertically. There's also a weird horizontal distortion in the middle of the image whenever you move that's pretty distracting. I'm not sure why this game in particular is proving to be such a pain in the ass, because so far everything else looks reasonably serviceable, considering I'm running it at 480i until I pick up some new cables.
GrotesqueBeauty said:Hooooo boy. I just tried hooking this game up to my new (used) Sony KV-34xrb800 and it easily looks the worst of anything I've tried playing so far. My GF who loves LKS did a big WTF when she saw the picture quality because she is in the middle of playing it atm. She totally gave me the stink eye, lol. Here's hoping component cables do the trick, because right now the game blurs like a mofo whenever the screen scrolls vertically. There's also a weird horizontal distortion in the middle of the image whenever you move that's pretty distracting. I'm not sure why this game in particular is proving to be such a pain in the ass, because so far everything else looks reasonably serviceable, considering I'm running it at 480i until I pick up some new cables.
SmokinGunZ1981 said:I've got the exact same issue, it looks as though the whole screen has been smeared in oil or butter.
I've kinda given up playing it now because of how it looks which is a shame as I was loving it at first.
GhaleonQ said:You don't own a regular-sized television?
SmokinGunZ1981 said:Not really, the smallest I have is 42'' in the kitchen, it's a kitchen/diner.
GhaleonQ said:how many dedicated gamers are going to have one 10 years from now?
maybe. sometimes i think it's helping, and sometimes i find the "stickyness" a bit annoying. mostly i think i just need to get better at the aiming partphisheep said:Press the Z button to turn on targetting. Makes it a hell of a lot easier.
except that if you're fighting a quest boss and you get more than 50 feet away from them they regenerate all of their hp! it's a bit demoralizing.phisheep said:Two things.
First, practice your running-away skills. Running away is an important part of this game!
small army makes sense. hadn't really tried that. my citizens are used to their loved ones not making it back by now... it was for the glory of the kingdom, but i'm concerned about rumors going around that the king isn't a very good general.phisheep said:Second, when you meet a new guardian/boss, think about what you are doing - think about what and how many troops you need. Huge armies are not always best. For example, the first giant frog is much easier with just a few soldiers. So are the big mushrooms.
IPoopStandingUp said:I'm deciding between this game and Pikmin (with new Wii controls!!!!).
Which of the two is better for someone who likes micromanaging and clicking as opposed to just walking up to an enemy and watching my army kill it with little input from me?I didn't like the Overlord demo.
IPoopStandingUp said:I'm deciding between this game and Pikmin (with new Wii controls!!!!).
Which of the two is better for someone who likes micromanaging and clicking as opposed to just walking up to an enemy and watching my army kill it with little input from me?I didn't like the Overlord demo.
Baiano19 said:LKS is the better game, regardless of your preference in this kind of game.
LKS director, Yoshiro Kimura, would like to do one, and apparantly ideas are already on the drawing board for Super Little King's Story, but ultimately it depends on whether or not the first one is successfull enough to warrant a sequel. But if a follow-up emerges, it may have multiplayer options!spidye said:is there any word about a possible sequel. i really loved this game. especially the ending.
spidye said:is there any word about a possible sequel? i really loved this game. especially the ending.
Oh, maybe I am just not far enough to get a school or something? I have put about 10 hours and have only defeated one king. I have been doing all the sidequests I get each day, and saving up to buy the shopping district.batbeg said:It's been a good few months since I've played it, but I'm pretty sure getting a school turns kids into adults.
Not in the shopping district, it's in the 'Royal' district - had to defeat some posion mushroom mini-boss first. My party got wiped out 4 different times on it, so I had decided to forget about him. Went back with only 3 people, and we were better able to run away from his poison attack. Once he was gone, whole new area to build upon.batbeg said:I'm thinking the school is indeed in the shopping district. You'll get there.
Koomaster said:Not in the shopping district, it's in the 'Royal' district
Oxx said:I lost quite a few people in battle during the course of the game, but I'm pretty sure that 99% of them washed-up on the beach the next day.
There was only one funeral.
I was fairly careful, though. I was confident that everybody that died in a boss battle would come back alive, but I often restarted if I lost a few people in side-quests.
Effect said:Are you notified when they wash up on the beach?
Oxx said:I think it shows up on the news ticker at the bottom of the screen, but I'm not certain.
We just got the updated Nintendo Channel in Europe. According to the records tab, Little King's Story is my third most played game on the Wii.
about 30-40 hours, though that depends on how you "normally" play games.Scythesurge said:How long would it take if I just wanted to play through the game "normally"?
Yoshiro Kimura said:Regarding the main functions of each developer, we had to switch some roles around since what we initially had planned wasn't going well. In the end I took the role of the director, got the programmers and graphics team from Town Factory, and the script writers and main planner from CiNG. We rented out the large room on the 6th floor of CiNG's office and closed the door for a year.
The only role that didn't change from the start to end was the team at SHIROGUMI, which were in charge of the cut-scenes, the sound team, and the art designers.
Yoshiro Kimura said:If people were to ask now if I fulfilled my role well, that will be a tough question to answer. If I were to rate myself it would be like this...
As a director, I'm satisfied with the game we created so it'll be 80%! However, as a producer I'm not satisfied. I failed. I'll say 40%.
Yoshiro Kimura said:The decision to have the European release come first was not our original intent, but midway through production it was set that Japan's release would come after Europe and the US. So there was a possibility to have Europe and US to release simultaneously. So, why exactly did the European release come first? Well, this had to do with the publishers for each region, which I don't mean in a negative way. It was a result of the publishers thinking when the best release timing for that region would be and we didn't have any objections to it. I understand that both Rising Star Games and XSEED Games worked hard on this project and I'm grateful for their efforts.
Yoshiro Kimura said:For Little King's Story my source of inspiration was from existing entertainment such as fairy tales, comic books, and movies, especially Saint-Exupery's "The Little Prince," and also the cow from Harvest Moon. Aleksandr Petrov's art animations inspired me as well.
Yoshiro Kimura said:We already have a game concept ready but...unfortunately, haven't gotten the "go" sign yet. With everyone's support we may be able to create a sequel.
To tell you the truth, until recently I thought it would be difficult to do on a handheld device. However, I came up with an idea that might work well as a handheld RTS action game...
Yoshiro Kimura said:Hello, I'm the perennial drunk, Kimura! *laughs* I still go drinking with Kudo-san at Vanpool and Nishi-san at Route24 so if some fun ideas come up we might end up creating a game together. So with some luck we might be able to do something *laughs*
I still love the Lovedelic era and Punchline era. Once in a while I do think about how much fun it will be to play those games on the current consoles. If we make it, will everyone play it? If there's a whole lot of users that love or want to play them on the new systems then we might bring it over...maybe I should use Twitter and start asking "Does anyone want to play MOON?" "Would anyone like to play CHULIP?"
But right now the feeling of making something new is stronger than porting any of my past titles.
There are still copies of Little King's Story out there! You can purchase at Amazon, and I'm sure there are other places that are selling it at a great value too. It's a bargain, so I really want people to buy and play the game. If possible I want to go around Japan, US, and Europe to sell the game in person to all the Wii owners.
Excellent. Best non-Nintendo game on the Wii.jesusraz said:Rising Star Games says it's still selling well in Europe. More hope for LKS 2 or LKS DS![]()
Pfft, that's assumed. It's the best game this generation. period.Dascu said:Excellent. Best non-Nintendo game on the Wii.