chivalry is a pc game a bunch of us got during the steam sale. i am here but I feel a nap quickly approaching me. i can play nhl in a couple hours if you are still here. or maybe in fifteenWhen do you wanna do that? Also, what's chivalry?
chivalry is a pc game a bunch of us got during the steam sale. i am here but I feel a nap quickly approaching me. i can play nhl in a couple hours if you are still here. or maybe in fifteenWhen do you wanna do that? Also, what's chivalry?
Dude, let's just play right now. Damn.
So i was looking at the CAG front page when i stumbled upon the link to the thread for their Madden CCM. I glanced at the main post and noticed this:
MADDEN 09: Soodmeg (Titans)
MADDEN 10, Season 1: BigAT (Giants)
MADDEN 10, Season 2: Mr Grand Cru (Panthers)
MADDEN 10, Season 3: BigAT (Giants)
MADDEN 11, Season 1: Doomtime (Raiders)
MADDEN 11, Season 2: augmog (Broncos)
MADDEN 11, Season 3: augmog (Broncos)
MADDEN 12, Season 1: Doomtime (Chiefs)
MADDEN 12, Season 2: Mr Grand Cru (49ers)
MADDEN 12, Season 3: sprice8688 (Lions)
MADDEN 12, Season 4: sprice8688 (Lions)
MADDEN 12, Season 5: sprice8688 (Lions)
MADDEN 13, Season 1: augmog (Ravens)
MADDEN 13, Season 2: hemingway012 (Bucs)
You were the Levious of Madden 10!
CJ must be unstoppable with user catch. Which would explain the lions domination!
CJ must be unstoppable with user catch. Which would explain the lions domination!
Aren't people going to get 'fired' next year? We could use a relegation system
chivalry is a pc game a bunch of us got during the steam sale. i am here but I feel a nap quickly approaching me. i can play nhl in a couple hours if you are still here. or maybe in fifteen
That probably won't be established.
We need to get a 5v5 Dota match going!!
Oh... i thought i saw Luke mention it and he is a commish!
We need to get a 5v5 Dota match going!!
I wish I had the online roster's version of McFadden and Palmer.And Moore! Dude's a beast online.
GG. Yeah, your line wasn't playing very well when rushing and mine was on fire.GG Rors. I somehow ended up with the wrong offensive playbook when I changed my defensive one. Either way, too many picks, not enough point when reaching the redzone. Couldn't run at all since my guards refused to pick up McClain.
I'm down to get one in at some point. I'm terrible but I want to play.
It was discussed before the season started and was never implemented. Unless something changes between now and next season, which is always possible, I doubt the system would be created since it may hurt consistent advances and could ruin the core of players we have now.
We need to get a 5v5 Dota match going!!
It didnt stop you from playing hockey!
lets play borderlands 2
lets play borderlands 2
you already know the answer
like im at work like a normal grown adult?
I didnt say now bitch. You name the time and ill be there.
such as... im at work like a normal grown adult?
Who says normal grown adult means you're at work on MLK day?
Who says normal grown adult means you're at work on MLK day?
Who the fuck are you to set my standards
I was talking about Soka Jr not you
Plus I'm salty that I'm here today
The last time I played DOTA with gaffers - non-AT/Ferny and Trasher, my DotaBros - livewire was like 3-20 "but I got towers, bro"
Any PC gamers among you planning on playing Path of Exile?
Looks like it's a Diablo 2 fan's dream version of Diablo 3. Up to 6 player online co-op. Also 1v1 and 2v2 online PVP.
Completely free to play. Releases on Wednesday at 1PM Pacific.
I was talking about Soka Jr not you
What is the point of DOTA? To rack up a killcount or to destroy the enemy base? It's like you're bragging about your K/D ratio in a CTF game when another guy gets 3 flag captures to win the match.
Blue, Ill run a game.
While I sort of agree with you, in DotA2 if you're excessively negative then the amount of gold you've fed the enemy team far outweighs the benefit of whatever turrets you've destroyed.
The only time it is acceptable to go #YOLO and push towers on your own is when you are playing Nature's Prophet.
I was talking to AT about the game a couple days ago. Been playing the beta for a couple months now and it's really a great game. It's what D3 should have been more like. It's F2P system is also quite favorable.Any PC gamers among you planning on playing Path of Exile?
Looks like it's a Diablo 2 fan's dream version of Diablo 3. Up to 6 player online co-op. Also 1v1 and 3v3 online PVP.
Completely free to play. Releases on Wednesday at 1PM Pacific.
Bird, will you be around to hand me a loss tonight?
CB3 said:I go to school. Im more like DM Jr.
I'm not sure...maybe if it doesn't advance too late. I could've sworn I had a bye this week though.
I feel like some of you guys should've graduated by now. It feels like some of you (not necessarily you in particular) have been in school forever....then I remember that you guys were probably in high school when I joined in '06.
The problem with that is that pushing the lane too much can actually be negative to your team in that it beefs up their own carry if the other team is playing correctly. You could totally go 3-7 and be a positive influence on your own team but more often than not, you are costing your team the game.I'm not saying feeding the other team is a formula for success. But having a negative, even poor K/D ratio doesn't mean you're failing, if you're pushing a lane and helping the team to the overall goal.
What is the point of DOTA? To rack up a killcount or to destroy the enemy base? It's like you're bragging about your K/D ratio in a CTF game when another guy gets 3 flag captures to win the match.