Did you not see shake say he may not be able to play yesterday? Then he said he couldn't in a PM, but could today. People have shit to do during the week. How you think it's fair to advance in the morning on a Wednesday is the same as a morning on a weekend is dumb shit. I could be like DM and make dudes constantly play the CPU but I've been sitting here since launch regardless of when I play I do play. But because I'm not out of town or on a mission it's lolol read the thread. BS
Says the guy who was whining about punishments and trying to be God in this league when they just joined a few iterations ago.
And what were you guys doing on Sunday and Monday?
Dem the breaks brah. Good thing it doesn't effect your playoff hopes because that would suck :/Since you want to be cute, on Sunday I had to pick up my fiance from the airport in the evening and do stuff afterwards. On Monday evening I had a basketball game. You know..the same reason you told me we couldn't play our game on a Thursday.
Since you want to be cute, on Sunday I had to pick up my fiance from the airport in the evening, and do stuff afterwards. On Monday evening I had a basketball game. You know..the same reason you told me we couldn't play our game on a Thursday.
I told you that to get you to actually play before the deadline. I didn't play bball last week because youth basketball was taking up the gym!
You are right, everyone has a busy life but by some miracle most people can find an hour somewhere in the Vance period
You bitch alot Smokey
So let's make an advance period in the morning of a work week. Perfect. Nevermind the fact that the majority of the league can't even play at the time of advace and waiting until the evening (only a hour as you say) won't impact the majority of the league, but holding it up for those out of town etc does.
Do what you do.
You had all day Sunday, all day Monday and all day Tuesday. You are usually one of the last to play so this isn't some kind of out of left field situation
Did you not ask me what I was doing on Sunday and Monday? Did I not give you an answer? So how the fuck is that 'having all day to play'? If you're not gonna hold it up then whatever. But don't sit here and blatantly say shit that's not true because you don't want to read or interpret my response to a question you asked.
Luke, I think we play next. I'll only be available tonight and tomorrow night since I'll be out of town Friday-Sunday.
And for whoever I play after Luke (Drizz I think), I'll be around Sunday night.
DamnDem the breaks brah. Good thing it doesn't effect your playoff hopes because that would suck :/
Did you not ask me what I was doing on Sunday and Monday? Did I not give you an answer? So how the fuck is that 'having all day to play'? If you're not gonna hold it up then whatever. But don't sit here and blatantly say shit that's not true because you don't want to read or interpret my response to a question you asked.
You bitch alot Smokey
You bitch alot Smokey
Luke, I think we play next. I'll only be available tonight and tomorrow night since I'll be out of town Friday-Sunday.
And for whoever I play after Luke (Drizz I think), I'll be around Sunday night.
Let's play tomorrow night, Nightz. I won't be available tonight.
When do you want to play after we advance and all of Smokey's roster is injured in the sim game?
Oh Jesus, I have to play you? Fuckkkkk
I can play after 9 today or tomorrow?
mastershake, can you play tonight? 10 ET?
Had a bye then a simit so i expect you to blow me out
see you then
I expect Pantages to score 3 TDs
Why has no one posted the matchups yet?
I almost took him first round but I went with Patrick Cooper and Dejon Boyce the TE second round and he has been very good for me so far.He is my favorite digital player ever
1. 49ers +136
2. Falcons +80
3. Giants +70
4. Bears +20
5. Rams +101
6. Eagles +124
7. Vikings +78
8. Saints +38
9. Seahawks +43
Wasn't metal gear five announced at that awards thing? Why did they announce it again?
I love how bluemax always spells "Steelers" as "Stealers".
Why did they make it is the better question.