What time tonight Smokes?
Actually tomorrow would be better. Only working a half day.
What time tonight Smokes?
Actually tomorrow would be better. Only working a half day.
god damnit, bob.
Evoland looks awesome! Stop spending my money!![]()
Ready to play, Az?
Let me know, Goldy.
I'm free most of today from now on. Just know I might be extremely drunk to wash the sorrows of Hanson retiring away
Can you play right nyah?
give me 10?
This game is trash.
GG Az, those two big lag spikes made me throw an INT and then made me miss a tackle that you got a TD on.Stop using your lag switch!
Thanks, Friend.
When do you want it blue
Pre-loading Age of Empires now. Never had the chance to play it before so this'll be my first time playing it. Excited for tomorrow!
Matchups anyone?
SD 68 vs NE 22
Close game Nightz. GG.
Was biting my nails the entire time. GG.
Yeah that game was crazy, I could never really stop you on offense. Only time I did was with that lucky INT and then right at the end where you were just running the clock out. I knew you were too close for Owusu to get away at the end but at least it was close
Can you play in 10-15 Cola?
Ram alert!! Nightz was stat padding against the CPU! Who is he benching FMT?!
time to hide all my plays against bigat for our inevitable playoff matchup!
I wish I was playing you again this season because I wouldn't choke away a fourth quarter lead like that again
I almost beat the cheat code!
Don't defame my friend CB like that!should have but didn't! now the next time we play it'll be in your head and you'll choke again and again! it's what i call the CB trait
Alot of talk from someone who got stomped out last time we played
gg AT. made 1 bad throw on the INT, the other int was like come on man. my WR gets off the press, he has a few steps on the WR but it still gets picked. guess i should know better than throwing up the sideline. i had some good success with safety. on that first int i tried to make it seem like i was following the crosser but then dropped back under for the pick. not much to speak of on offense for me but considering the opponent i felt like i had some good plays. i hope garcon isn't out for too long![]()
I think Green Bay scored 60 or 70 against my CPU last week, but I don't know if it was Ez or the computer, and I don't really care either way. It's tough not to score against the CPU.
I think Green Bay scored 60 or 70 against my CPU last week, but I don't know if it was Ez or the computer, and I don't really care either way. It's tough not to score against the CPU.
Exactly! Which is why I'd go to 4th down and punt in the RZ!
The CPU gives less fucks than me.
This bar has on a basketball game with a team from BKN. Who the fuck is that?
Ram alert!! Nightz was stat padding against the CPU! Who is he benching FMT?!
Brooklyn Nets
Didn't you just run for 336 with Cooper on the AI?