Id Shawnhann Ramirez before Crow
no one is refusing to play ramirez.
also, lukes deal brotha. he is the one that put back in the running up the score rule so he can deal with the fallout from his boys violation of the rules!
i talked to crow about the various complaints people have had. i think its best to get everything out in the open because crow is very close to being "shawnhanned": i can't have a bunch of guys refusing to play someone for whatever reason.
so if you have an issue with the way crow plays then say what it is out in the open and we'll have to see where it goes from there. doesn't help me much to be the middle man in a he-said-he-said argument when i don't know the exact allegations or what was done
I refuse to play Ramirez.
Can we talk about it now?
I was simply going to dodge Ramirez to get the sim win. Guy is kind of a dick and I don't want to play a 75 minute game so he can stat pad on the controller I laid down 20 minutes ago.
Plus, Halo-gate.
When Eznark calls you a dick, you've hit rock bottom.![]()
When Eznark calls you a dick, you've hit rock bottom.![]()
Though, I do respect people's time in this game. Ask smokey, I made sure that game last night went super fast! No time outs at all.
If you end the game with timeouts and you lost you have failed your team as a coach.
If you end the game with timeouts and you lost you have failed your team as a coach.
Aight let me go ahead and bust this open....
One of my issues earlier in the year with crow was that read option crap. While I don't think there is anything wrong with using plays like that every now and then, the way he was using them was irritating. I recorded the game we played before last and watched it not too long after. It was clear to me that the read option stuff does certain things to the defensive ai. Would be like running the wildcat over and over. But whatever you want to use it fine. Then there was qb wrap which is a now banned play. He was using it until Luke or whoever it was brought it to light . Granted he stopped using it but it always seems like he's teetering on the edge of taking advantage of the rules or annoying people. That and when he drafts he seems to catch the cheese of the bunch and it just adds to the perception of shady. Playing dime every single play is also suspect and annoying but admittedly he didn't do this that much last game.
So my two cents.. It never out right crosses the line into cheesing but some of the stuff is borderline. Nighz and rors probably have more detailed stuff since they play him 2x a year..
1. QB wrap wasn't a big part of my offense. Josh Johnson had very little rushing yards and I recall a post during that year showed that even Roethlisberger had more rushing yards.
2. I play dime because of how strong TEs are in the game and I usually run it when I have a big lead. By then I want you to run the ball and kill the clock.
3. I've cut down my use of the read option at least until I have a qb that can run it all game.
4. I don't think my drafts are anything special.
Perception is reality.
Like I said nothing outright cheesing, just annoying to play against. Whether QB wrap was part of the crow playbook or not the perception is that you were using a glitch play. It's like you play more of the "gamey" part of Madden rather than football. Which again is fine, but doesn't make it any less annoying. Regarding Dime...that's fine do what you do just pointing some things out in the games that we've played.
I don't think you should be kicked out of the league or anything though but some things could change.
As someone who has no interest in american football
my only issue is dual qb use, the game should tell you what qb to defend but it doesn't
As someone who has no interest in american football I have no other way of looking at Madden. It's a game and I like to win. I run plays from the playbook but I don't seek exploits. I just use what works until my opponents adapts. I'm fine with making changes to appease the league.
Dota night?
As someone who has no interest in american football I have no other way of looking at Madden. It's a game and I like to win. I run plays from the playbook but I don't seek exploits. I just use what works until my opponents adapts. I'm fine with making changes to appease the league.
So you join a sim league? This isn't meant to be an attack, just genuinely curious now.
I like playing FIFA but I'm no means a big soccer fan and wouldn't think of joining any kind of league.
I'm not a good or even average player, but fuck this league if we have dudes doing shit like this.
Third and long he comes out in a zone and I run a play that has Julio running a streak, Crow is usering his lb and makes a b line to my TE running a curl on mid flight he runs straight across the field no doubt holding Y as the safety and CB pursuit changed. Most people would click on and user pick it or click on and ball hawk..he ran right out of bounds..Julio had the CB beat and the saftey cheated in the TE a bit and I pass lead to the sidelines which usually results in a huge gain or out of bounds. ( scored a TD against Bird with the same play and coverage in which Bird clicked on and was late and Julio went in for the score ) nope. The global hawk resulted in a bs into from the safety and even the cb recovered so much he was in position a magnet.
Nope. I have never gained an edge on the bs happened off season and I served my punishment.You fudged numbers. Is that much worse?
Nope. I have never gained an edge on the bs happened off season and I served my punishment.
My point is you shouldnt make such brash statements when you got a second chance. He is doing nothing that cant be fixed. Especially if he is willing.
Also your transgression happening in the offseason rather than during the season makes it no better.
.Crow has two modes of play. League and oh shit I might lose.
plays straight up for the most part running a Sim like offense like we all do.
Oh shit I might lose:
- sits in a dime D usering a lb and starts running around in circles presnap to get an artificial acceleration boost when the ball is snapped. Did did multiple times that resulted in him shooting into a gap and make a tackle for loss or even loss when I ran or super coverage on my slot or te.
I noticed on a goalline stand he made he did this and I waited till the clock was almost zero to see what he was doing. He made a couple bad reads on my snap and almost jumped the line but went back to circling him to get that jump.
I don't usually control the LB in dime since I like D.J Williams in man coverage. Maybe it was quarters since I do control the LB who is on a spy. But I don't recall running in circles. I'd need to hear this from more people.
- LJ brought up this global hitstick/ball hawk theory and I have witnessed the hitstick in league and random play and its obvious when it happens because the year is no where near the ball carrier and it does the missed hit stick animation and get it activates the hit stick for the closest defender. He brought up the ball hawk side of this and I saw in action with Crow. Now of course he will deny this and I won't have proof other than my statement since a replay of the play would back up what I saw but here goes.
If i'm running toward the ball carrier I will hit stick even if someone else already triggered a tackle animation. Just in case the runner breaks free. My defense is full of big hitters so I hope they do try to hit stick on their own.
Third and long he comes out in a zone and I run a play that has Julio running a streak, Crow is usering his lb and makes a b line to my TE running a curl on mid flight he runs straight across the field no doubt holding Y as the safety and CB pursuit changed. Most people would click on and user pick it or click on and ball hawk..he ran right out of bounds..Julio had the CB beat and the saftey cheated in the TE a bit and I pass lead to the sidelines which usually results in a huge gain or out of bounds. ( scored a TD against Bird with the same play and coverage in which Bird clicked on and was late and Julio went in for the score ) nope. The global hawk resulted in a bs into from the safety and even the cb recovered so much he was in position a magnet.
I don't like switching players, ever. I've seen defenders just stop or go completely out of position once I switch to them. So I just play my player from the snap till the whistle. I doubt I used ballhawk or else I wouldn't have run out of bounds. I ran to make a play but once it was over I just held the stick in that direction. Why does it matter if I ran out of bounds. I trust my defenders to make plays on their own. If they don't then too bad.
Now we all ball hawk. Especially on ducks or balls on our zones but this was bullshit and was blatant.
In a game where it was 10-7 and all of a sudden a pick resulted in him scoring and then this ball hawk bs pick gave him another scoring chance it turned a Sim game into fyidm with the bag of cheese.
I'm not a good or even average player, but fuck this league if we have dudes doing shit like this.
Crow must have bought you some really nice steam gifts.
I'm confused about the out of bounds play. If Crow is playing MLB that seems a lot of ground to cover to run out of bounds. If he ran out of bounds and off the TE why didn't you throw to the TE?
Streak passes are the toughest to make in the game. I could point countless examples of how pressing down Y has stopped me from getting a deep completion into an interception. I've pretty much stopped throwing them now.
If you press Y doesn't it take control of the player's movement?
Come on, man. There was two minutes left in the game and you were up 35-0. I don't understand why it makes a difference whether it was a PA or not, it was still a pass for a TD. It didn't really piss me off that you were running up the score, just saying that there was no need for it. The least you could do though is own up to it.
Its time for Ram to go
Id Shawnhann Ramirez before Crow
Crow was the LB. He ran to cover the TE, while holding Y so that the secondary covered. The ball was in the air but Crow just held Y and continued to run his LB out of bounds because he wasn't paying attention to the LB, just the guys he was "controlling" with autoballhawk.
That's how I read it anyway.
Sort of. Atleast from what Ive experienced. You still need to move your player in the direction. Then there's the talks that holding down Y on a completely different player turns ballhawking on for every defender.If you press Y doesn't it take control of the player's movement?
Yeah I got that. But if we are going to condemn Crow for ballhawk we might as well stop this league.
Certain people play me differently, treat the game differently. I know Smokey does it, Crow admitted to it (which would be my main complaint against him, the guy basically said he got Josh Johnson just to cheese me), and Luke last year would bend over backwards to fuck me in a game. I see them as good for the league, everyone isn't supposed to like each other, and people really seem to love to hate me, so if the shoe fits, ya know?
But I didn't cheese you with Josh Johnson. I play you differently because of how you run you defense. You don't rush many so my QB has room to run and I rather have Josh Johnson running than Peyton. Nevertheless Peyton still played the vast majority of the game.