What am I looking at here.
I was hoping so badly he would drop to me. Damn you Rors.Takatua, bitches! Thanks again, Soka!
A stats site created a ranking system for Dota players, says I'm in the top 98%.What am I looking at here.
A stats site created a ranking system for Dota players, says I'm in the top 98%.
Baker stats look off, haven't rushed for any TDs. Can't believe the sack numbers either.
There’s an emerging field in health care called medical ecology that’s concerned with understanding how the 100 trillion microbes living inside us keep us healthy. The field’s first breakthrough is the fecal transplant, taking poop from a healthy person and putting it into the gut of a sick person. It’s a real thing and it actually works.
I don't think we play this year pal. I play BigAT from the NFC East and the whole NFC North.I love my schedule since week 5 (in no order): AT, Soka, AT, CB, DM, bye, Birdles, Splat, Wellie, CB
Damn you GCQ!
Jordin Grey is getting DROY.
I don't think we play this year pal. I play BigAT from the NFC East and the whole NFC North.
Huh, I coulda sworn I play you this year since the schedule is the exact same as Season 1. I guess Cola took your spot in the schedule.
The schedule is the same in that it uses the same rules as the first season. Two of your games can switch though depending on where you finished in your division last year.
What time works best for you?Yeah, i can play tonight.
What time works best for you?
Oh my God the innkeeper is a Purrprietor! Fuck you Japannnnnnnnn!!!!!
Ill let you know dude, after 6 for sure but who knows.
I won't be available til around 4ct on Saturday Luke. When works for you?
Looks like I'll be going to the gym after work so it'll have to be after 8.
I haven't had download issues on PSN. That's only half the fun, though. The big issue is install times which happen after the download is done. Those are the worst. Not Wii U bad but annoying.
Anytime I download anything from PSN I just don't expect to play it the same day. I just start up the downloads then turn the system off. Thank goodness for being able to automatically download and install at night.
Anyone playing Planetside 2?
I've been playing for the last hour or so. I got killed once and killed a guy. That's pretty much all that happened. In an hour.
Why would you do that? You're going to need to buy the Wii U X game
God damnit... i said i was going to skip the rest of this gen(aside from madden) but now i have to go buy Ni No Kuni!
I blame FMT/Bluemax!
You guys think next gen Madden will suck like the first one on 360?
No it's going to be the best madden yet and have the most features out of all the versions.