Couldn't play tonight either, for the same reasons. I should be available tomorrow after 8pm cst.
Sounds good. I will hit you up tomorrow night.
Couldn't play tonight either, for the same reasons. I should be available tomorrow after 8pm cst.
K. I'll check back at that time. Forgot all about text to speech. It's pretty good.Probably sometime between 6 and 7.
we have another one!
Let's play tomorrow night I guess. I have no desire to play tonight. Maybe Thursday. Are you still leading the division?
Speaking of people with more money than sense, my father-in-law just called me to boast that he bought a vacation home. In Tennessee. What the fuck. Who does that? What an asshole.
Near Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg? Only place I can think of in TN where that would be a good idea, it's a pretty dope place, nestled right in the Smokey Mountains...
Story, what's your availability like?
Near Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg? Only place I can think of in TN where that would be a good idea, it's a pretty dope place, nestled right in the Smokey Mountains...
Story, what's your availability like?
Birdles, I'm not going to be able to play till Wed Night or Thurs Night.
I might get home early from work today so can go at 630 EST if you're home by then.
Blue what time you home today?
Flight lands at 9. If I can get someone to pick me up ill be home by like 9:20 but ill need to walk my dog. If I have to take a shuttle then god only knows.
Also I talked up a ton of features for online franchise. So even if I don't get the job our voices have been heard.
Don't mention wanting actual useful things or you won't get the job!
When I talked about spectator mode with them I understood why it hasn't been done yet. Blame all the assholes who post exploit videos on youtube.
When I talked about spectator mode with them I understood why it hasn't been done yet. Blame all the assholes who post exploit videos on youtube.
When I talked about spectator mode with them I understood why it hasn't been done yet. Blame all the assholes who post exploit videos on youtube.
This is incredibly dumb. People don't need spectator mode to get that stuff out there...
That's bass ackwards. The best way to prevent cheese and exploits is by letting us all view the games. Secondly, those guys are still gonna post shit. You're not hurting anyone but the guys that want to watch their friends play online.
[edit] Oh, and a third thing: stop making such exploitable games or patch that shit out!
This wasn't the whole explanation but my reaction was much the same as yours.
I think this is one of the few times in my career where I had an interview and stuff I said actually made lightbulbs go on in the interviewers heads. I felt like some of the points I addressed were things they hadn't considered.
Also for the asshole crowd, I told them that I'd love to work on making draft classes truly dynamic so that people can't post spread sheets. Suck it.
Drizz, game time prob closer to 645 ET if that's ok
ASAP, Versteeg is back tonight finally. I don't want to miss much. I'll be getting on shortly to scout your team. Have a weird feeling this is gonna be a shootout..
Ferny is an 8 et start good?
i can't max out crysis 3 at 2560x1600. i can play it but i was getting 25fps with both gpu's pegged at 99%.
i have been defeated![]()
It would matter more if Crysis wasn't a fucking terrible and boring game
You're dumb and boring
Maybe if you weren't such a pothead you wouldn't be so boring
GG Rinse! Even if your Jags are a bunch of thugs, making sure you don't have to face CJ next time. That was insane. Everything about that game. INSANE. Ridiculous INTs on both sides, Zuzek gets 3 on the day! One was immaculate reception style. CJ tears his pectoral muscle going after AP's record in the 4th, he got to 268 yards rushing with 5 total TDs and is not out 24 weeks. That pretty much does it for my season, dunno what I'm gonna do without CJ.
And somehow this pothead does more in life than that trust fund baby!
That int that zuzek picked up off the ground was so weird; it looked like Lewis caught it and all of a sudden the screen turned around and you were going the other way
Oh yeah? How many hours did you put into Ni No Kuni yesterday? THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT.
Did you get the third character yet?
Yeah, didn't get much further than that though. I was trying to finish Suikoden II off but I think I still have a lot left.
Oh my god that Dead Space 3 commercial tops Halo 4 for worst fucking commercial in history. Phil Collins??? Really?