I'll take the Broncos if that guy isn't. Otherwise I'll take the Chefs.
Hot damn. Didn't realize installs on XB1 were this bad:
I knew it was bad, but not this terrible. Can't even do background updates on XB1 either.
I'll sign in tonight.
I will sign in this weekend, I'm back in Michigan visiting family for Turkey Day.
Will be hard to shepherd my Colts while I'm poopsocking the Reaper of Souls beta doe
I will sign in this weekend, I'm back in Michigan visiting family for Turkey Day.
Will be hard to shepherd my Colts while I'm poopsocking the Reaper of Souls beta doe
We tested six multiplatform games on both consoles and every time, the PS4 was under a minute while the Xbox One install was several minutes long and required downloading an update before beginning the installation. When you include downloading those updates for each Xbox One game that happen in the background on PS4, the install times can get as high as fifteen minutes before you can even launch the game.
Assassin's Creed IV:
Xbox One (offline, no update): 5 minutes 50 seconds
Xbox One (with update, fastest connection): 7 minutes 2 seconds
Xbox One (with update, 10Mbps connection): 10 minutes 32 seconds
PS4: 42 seconds
The rest of these were tested on our office Wi-Fi which is around 9-11Mbps. It may have been faster on a wired connection, but you can compare your own connection speed here. These are our results:
Need For Speed Rivals:
XBO: 09:25 (including update)
PS4: 00:32
Just Dance 2014:
XBO: 08:48 (including update)
PS4: 00:45
NBA Live 14:
XBO: 16:26 (including update)
PS4: 00:35
FIFA 14:
XBO: 16:06 (including update)
PS4: 00:34
Madden 25:
XBO: 9:38 (including update)
PS4: 00:38
The fuck is this shit?! Yeah, y'all can continue to beta test that shit!
Well, it took me two years, but I finally beat Zelda Skyward Sword. Holy hell, that game is really disappointing.
The fuck is this shit?! Yeah, y'all can continue to beta test that shit!
The fuck is this shit?! Yeah, y'all can continue to beta test that shit!
Lol wtf how is that possible
Lol wtf how is that possible
Prepare for Madden 26, 27, 28, and maybe 29
cuz you watch tv while its installing
This is what happens when all the other divisions in MS won't leave the Xbox division alone.
PS4 is the new 360. XB1 is the new PS3.
Starting a league during the holidays sounds like a bad idea!
You're a bad ideathis league is a bad idea
Let's start a dota league!
this league is a bad idea
Let's start a marvel league!
running a league at all during the holidays is a bad idea... can't be helped during football season breh! can't wait for MLB the show ps4 league!
anyone got ravens ?
Im shit at madden but still have my copy unopen
never mind: Next season![]()
dang, maybe ocelott will give them up! not sure if he is a ravens fan or not... he's a new member!
I guess I'll take the Cards since nothing else seems remotely interesting. Defense!
Jeffrey Garcia is now the proud owner of the Arizona Cardinals! Soon they'll be the Castro Cardinals, as a 3rd Bay Area team will emerge!
I've played that game like five times. Don't make me really put effort in it, FMT!