I'm guessing the reason you haven't posted in this thread again is because you're completely sucked in to AC4.
Or its thanksgiving and I haven't started it yet !
I'm guessing the reason you haven't posted in this thread again is because you're completely sucked in to AC4.
Third PS4 better be the charm. Love Amazon CS. They gave me a voucher for a free game up to $60 on their PSN store for all the trouble.
FMT ignore my PM, its working!
Just did this myself. Still had $5, and it gave me another $5 voucher through amazon PSN store!Use the PS3 version then upgrade for 10 bucks on the actual PSN. Comes out to 45 total. 40 if you still have the $5 PSN credit from buying the ps4 on amazon.
Good news, we'll be able to get the $29.99 PS Plus special off of PSN.
Can order it two times.
Anyone play that van helsing game?
About a hour into AC4. Still feel lukewarm on it but i heard is a slow burn in the beginning so ill keep trucking forward.
I do enjoy how fucking Meta the story seems to have gotten in this one. Its like they realized their shit was way too serious and said "Fuck it!", while still keeping things interesting.
Is it the sticks? This seems to be the biggest complaint I read. Sticks are way too loose on XB1 controller.
I really hope Sony gives us PC drivers for the DS4.
I like them both. Still give the edge to the XB1 controller though.
Is it the sticks? This seems to be the biggest complaint I read. Sticks are way too loose on XB1 controller.
I really hope Sony gives us PC drivers for the DS4.
I haven't tried a FPS yet
Seemed alright from the vids. I'm gonna snatch it if steam ever works again...It's a good little Diablo like game. It actually has a decent story. Not a very long game but better than expected.
Since there is some crossover here and in 2k:
I'm starting the league next week. I've sent invites to everyone. If you aren't going to play then speak up so I can modify the amount of teams.
mass necros is so fucking dumb
i hope they nerf that shit back into the ground
mass necros is so fucking dumb
i hope they nerf that shit back into the ground
dat shadow friend... shake would be so proud
s4 was beasting... love watching high level players on swagger fiend.
even Loda was bitching about how dumb mass necros is after using the strat to beat liquid lol
lolEz wants to trade his Link between worlds for some shit
StarLadder Ticket and Dragon Commander.
w00t! Finally got a ds via TRU/eBay! Now all I need is FE and Zelda. Vita collection has gone up significantly too... now I have too many games to play!![]()
games you should get for 3ds:
fire emblem
smt IV
don't waste your time with animal crossing
I can't believe you guys ever considered that any shade of fun
which is why I'm qualified to speak about itDidn't you play it for awhile too. You were trading stuff with people in the NBA thread!
Are any of you getting Gran Turismo 6 on Friday? PS3 finale for me