Uh, hickass country is like the main subscribers of satellite TV because cable isn't run here.
That's why my trailer has it anyway.
Anyone dota'ing?
I'm watching all these replays but my courier isn't getting engorged.
I'm on fool
I am too!
I am too!
Both an in and out of game rage quit. First time ive seen that!
How was I "bad" as Viper exactly?
Not sure how you start a game as Dark Seer going 0-5 but yeah bad as Viper.
Jesus fucking christ this is why people don't play dota
Tusk was level 18. How? How? How?
He was soloing the entire game as far away from anything that mattered as possible.
Looks like things go to shit when I don't play.
It was mostly because ez insisted on playing modes like random draft and single draft.
DD is my new favorite
Did they win? Had to turn it off before it even started
Klepek off the bombcast!!
Phantom Lancer is such cheese
My wife is so pissed about this Xbox twitch app. "You're...watching other people play games??"
My wife is so pissed about this Xbox twitch app. "You're...watching other people play games??"
My wife is so pissed about this Xbox twitch app. "You're...watching other people play games??"
You guys still playing?