UncleScr00ge said:I can't download pastapadre's rosters for some reason. Crap.
Me neither.
UncleScr00ge said:I can't download pastapadre's rosters for some reason. Crap.
...is that on the easiest setting?sportzhead said:The AI takes some terrible angles. I mean just ass backwards angles on almost every play. You can literally run right at a defender and as he is about a two or three yards from you just turn and run parallel to him and the defender will stop on a dime and turn and run parallel with you.
The game some time looks like Tecmo Bowl with all the sudden shifts in directions.
Here's a good example of the crazy unrealistic player movement and angles.
Also check this out. Watch the UTEP player nine seconds into the video. He is right next to the ball carrier yet he decides to run away from him for some apparent reason.
Rorschach said:...is that on the easiest setting?
newsguy said:Well, I downloaded some legit and fully working rosters on my 360 (yes FIU is in there and properly edited and yes that matters to me). After 5 games today before work I'm pretty amped up about this year's version. You guys know how much I've disliked previous next gen football efforts. This one is "fun" The wide open gameplay is a breath of fresh air. I may be getting old and therefore less nitpicky about shoelace textures or overpowered o-lines, but the game put a smile on my face. busting open a huge run because I was nasty on the sticks was something I missed from last gen.
mr stroke said:what gamertag are you using for the Roster? I can 't get any rosters to work?
sportzhead said:Enter this gametag- EArosters com
Make sure you include the space.
mr stroke said:I downloaded that roster then uploaded it and still nothing? am I doing somthing wrong here?
sportzhead said:The AI takes some terrible angles. I mean just ass backwards angles on almost every play. You can literally run right at a defender and as he is about a two or three yards from you just turn and run parallel to him and the defender will stop on a dime and turn and run parallel with you.
The game some time looks like Tecmo Bowl with all the sudden shifts in directions.
Here's a good example of the crazy unrealistic player movement and angles.
Gamecocks625 said:That is pretty horrible.
Rorschach said:...is that on the easiest setting?
dskillzhtown said:Which setting are all these clips from?
GQman2121 said:Aside from the cpu defense being broken, I think I might be more disappointed about the custom control options being limited because there's just no reason for it.
sportzhead said:The AI takes some terrible angles. I mean just ass backwards angles on almost every play. You can literally run right at a defender and as he is about a two or three yards from you just turn and run parallel to him and the defender will stop on a dime and turn and run parallel with you.
The game some time looks like Tecmo Bowl with all the sudden shifts in directions.
Here's a good example of the crazy unrealistic player movement and angles.
Also check this out. Watch the UTEP player nine seconds into the video. He is right next to the ball carrier yet he decides to run away from him for some apparent reason.
Gamecocks625 said:Can you elaborate on this a little bit more? I just want to replicate the 2004 control scheme. My copy won't get here until Friday, but thankfully I got the thing for practically half off.
Shawnwhann said:Wow that's pretty bad and yet another reason why I don't play sports games vs the computer.... thank god for sliders!
To players complaining about the controls like they are new news, they have been the same on next gen consoles since Madden 06 back in 2005. Though learning the scheme requires some minor growing pains, I find it was a move that had to be made. On the old PS2 scheme, the right stick was effectively unusable without taking your hand off turbo. Offensively, now jukes (right stick) can be used in conjunction with the turbo (RT). Defensively, hit stick can be used in conjuction with turbo as well. These are two of many scenarios that are opened up by revamping the controls. Sometimes change isn't a bad thing.
But yeah, I do empathize with you guys that wish you had fully customized controls....
GQman2121 said:Is there an EA person on this board that can explain any of this or who can get an official word on why these control lock choices are made in the first place?
mr stroke said:what gamertag are you using for the Roster? I can 't get any rosters to work?
Sliders can not fix the problem mate, and this is going to happen online as well. It's the AI of your cpu teammates.
And as for the controls, speed burst has nothing to do with it, as it's one of the buttons that you can customize. I see your point but, can you explain why the X/A button HAS to be strip ball then? Why not just let the player worry about it?
Shawnwhann said:In my experience, online games are a much different beast as players can manipulate and move around AI players to overcome the shortcomings. I know on some plays I control upwards of 3 to 4 guys post snap, it's all second nature now....
Speed burst was an easy example of why moving the controls around made sense. Considering it is a button that gets used every play, it was important to fix the placement so it doesn't get in the way of the other control options.
Regarding the X/A button, I have nothing to say there. I rarely ever use the strip ball function as I rely on perfectly times blows from the hit stick to jar the ball loose. Considering you are used to that button being your speed burst I can understand your frustration as you attempt to adjust. My overall feeling is that the new scheme allows for a more fluid and option filled experience vs. the old PS2 scheme. To each his own though...
EA Dev via OP forum said:What the testers seem to think is CPU sliders don't do anything. The Human sliders change the Human AI and the CPU AI concurrently. They are now updating their test plans to cover this better so bugs like this will get caught in the future.
Does this make sense with what you guys are seeing?
Is there a drug test policy for EA's game testers? Not us, I mean the ones who are actually being paid for the work we're doing.
EA is double patching in the near future, one for the roster stuff and one for other fixes. I'm sure they will address some of the stuff you guys mentioned. I assume GAF Dynasty 09 doesn't begin without said fixes in place.FrenchMovieTheme said:there is no doubt that playing online against human players reduces the "bad angles" issues a great deal. as a human player, you're going to take control of a player in pursuit 99% of the time. of course this doesn't help when the ball is in the air and the COVERAGE pursuit angles (perhaps in the flats for instance).
hopefully the patch takes care of it!
GQman2121 said:Post in the thread that I thought was funny
I'd actually like to know that answer as well.
GQman2121 said:Like I said, let me worry about that. Don't just limit the my options because you "think" that's the way the game should be played.
FrenchMovieTheme said:it is cool that EA is reacting so fast to this but its just kind of frustrating that this isn't caught by testers. we shouldn't have to say "wow thanks for getting the patch up so soon!" for something like that. so either A) the testers aren't doing DICK, B) the testers dont know what to look for or C) the testers ARE reporting issues and EA is ignoring them.
now i seriously doubt that EA would ignore a comment like "hey, these teams are disappearing" but who knows.
i'm more curious to know what will be patched in the 2nd "gameplay" patch.
Shawnwhann said:Well technically they are well within their right to establish and mandate whatever control scheme they'd like. It's just funny listening to people bitch and complain endlessly about something wrong and naturally attribute it to incompetence and laziness. I'm sure the whole NCAA team wishes they could have everything all of us fans want in a football game done right at the jump. The reality is that not everything on the "nice-to-have" list can get in every year. Sometimes decisions are made to reduce scope or functionality due to development resources and timing. All of this "custom this" and "custom that" adds up to one hell of a test script for the QA team (being crucified as we speak). EA is giving us a roster patch in 5-10 days, and have already committed to another patch to come soon thereafter.
So yeah let the developers know, but you guys are going over the top a little bit....
GQman2121 said:Not that you're implying that I'm calling anyone incompetent or lazy, but I'm honestly just posing the question as to why they chose to allow custom controls for certain situations and not others.
I feel like it does nothing but isolate certain customers and from a business standpoint I'm not seeing the reasoning behind it
FMT said:are there any ps3 rosters online yet? i want to start a quick dynasty but i dont want fake player names!
GQman2121 said:http://www.easportsworld.com/en_US/video/36817
This is the best example of why I returned the game today. I love the single player dynasty experience that the series has been known for over the years, but when things like this are going on with the AI, I just can not let them have my money.
GS didn't have a problem letting me return it for store credit, so I hope Peter and co. have better luck with Madden this year.
GQman2121 said:
Yeah, I remember on PS2 launch day I popped Madden in (2001?... holy shit) and was blown the fuck away.Gamecocks625 said::lol Welcome to next-gen football
I long for the day where I can be blown away like I was when I first saw NCAA and Madden on the PS2.
This game has got to be the buggiest sports game to come out in the past few years.
Frenchie, we gotta play one tonight.FrenchMovieTheme said:you didn't play all pro football from what i can see (if you consider that video buggy, that is! if you're talking about the disappearing teams then you are correct!)
anyhow, good news for ps3 players as apparently the full rosters are now online. the rosters that i know of are marcantony and DTROSTERS.
the marcantony one has all rosters named but 3 obscure teams.