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Official Sept 2008 NPD Results


GPsych said:
Hey, I never said I agreed with the guy, that's just what he said. I have no idea what he actually meant. My assumption was that he meant something with better graphics, but as was pointed out to me in the thread, he never actually mentioned that. He was probably just venting how much he hated Wall-E. I've never played the game, but it's a movie licensed game so I assume it's terrible. Then again, maybe he just had pragmatic speech deficits and could not articulate what was in his mind to the Target clerk. Maybe I should have stopped and given him a clinical interview and the Rorshach Inkblot Test after obtaining informed consent for psychological services. Of course, I would have had to get a release so I could post the results on GAF. There might be some other legal difficulties regarding performing a psych eval at Target as well. I would have to ask the Board on that one.
maybe you should have recommended a game?


Professional Schmuck
NPD Chart Get!



The last one shows the HD console lead over the Wii, which is still substantial. In fact, I would assert that the Wii may never overcome that lead.

All charts available here.
Private Hoffman said:
How am I eating crow from that prediction?

I have always been relatively bear(ish) on the 360 price drop. I was off by 47k.

Just because I thought it would be lower than it turned out to be, does not mean that the 360 suddenly achieved sales that I would consider an overwhelming success for a console with such a significant pricing advantage now.
Read your own posts here that you expected the 360 to take a bigger chunk of the PS2 numbers. The numbers show they took a bigger chunk than you expected. Now you come in here pretending to be in shock at the "low" 360 sales.
It's crow. Your eating it.


WinFonda said:
I would have expected a bigger boost on 360's sales... PS3 got a stronger uptick on MGS4 alone. I think Microsoft might be in deep doodoo when Sony gets their price down.

The "Wait for" spin from the Sony fans was lacking in this thread (which as has been noted seems to go slow, which is obvious why....).

Oh and, i remember when a 20k gap favoring PS3 was some sort of big deal. Now...look the shit being said.

Just :lol
GPsych said:
You don't have to believe it, that's your choice. I just thought it was interesting in relation to Pachter's upgrade statements and the Wii's current dominance in terms of family perception and MS's recent marketing direction. Sorry if you didn't like it.

There will be no upgrade. Wii provides a totally different value proposition: motion controls. If you like Wii Sports, it would not make sense to "upgrade" to a game that uses dual analog just because it has better graphics. It is more likely that people would (and probably are) upgrade to something like Mario Kart Wii.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
jj984jj said:
We know it did ~270k by February in the US thanks to IGN giving us the numbers (it did ~205 in the top 10 for January), and the last update we got for Japan was ~110k. It's not hard to believe that they shipped another 300k between the rest of the world and whatever they got out in the US March onward.
That's shipped. I'll believe that. But the number was sold.

(It's still a good number for an RPG I think, but I am curious to see if they made or lost money.)
DMeisterJ said:
That tag is funny.

I love it. My Gamecube 2 doesn't collect dust, third parties actually release good games for it, and it has good online support. Clearly superior to the original Gamecube. Hey, can a mod change the tag picture to this one instead?




Y2Kev said:
That's shipped. I'll believe that. But the number was sold.

(It's still a good number for an RPG I think, but I am curious to see if they made or lost money.)

What's shipped? The ~270k and ~110k figures are sell through to consumers from NPD and Media Create.


Lame trolling from a mod imo. Playstation 3 has nothing to do with GC in every aspect, only the worst fanboys claim that.


WinFonda said:
I would have expected a bigger boost on PS3's sales... 360 got a stronger uptick on Halo3 alone. I think Sony might be in deep doodoo when Microsoft gets their price down.

Did you say this when MGS4 was released?


_leech_ said:
I love it. My Gamecube 2 doesn't collect dust, third parties actually release good games for it, and it has good online support. Clearly superior to the original Gamecube.
This is so fucking annoying and stupid.


Scooter said:
Lame trolling from a mod imo. Playstation 3 has nothing to do with GC in every aspect, only the worst fanboys claim that.

I didn't quite see it either until i started seeing some Sony fanboys talking about how what was important was Sony making a profit, and that just hit me with a dose of the past.

I remember when Nintendo fans said that back in the GC days.
Kandinsky said:
This is so fucking annoying and stupid.

I didn't chop the image, sorry. I've seen it before but I don't remember who made it. But anyways, hey, it's all in good fun so relax. If the PS3 is the Gamecube 2 then it's definitely an improvement over the old one, anyways.
PantherLotus said:
NPD Chart Get!
The last one shows the HD console lead over the Wii, which is still substantial. In fact, I would assert that the Wii may never overcome that lead.

All charts available here.
I think you are right . . . the Wii may whittle it down for a while but HDTV penetration/interest will increase and Blu-Ray may catch on causing people to move to the big boys.

The Wii is nice for some stuff . . . but for online sports games & shooters, it doesn't compete.
Y2Kev said:
The 700k figure is shipped.

I think the point being is that with the sell-through numbers we have through March, it's unlikely that MS was stuffing the channels for it to hit that number.


WrikaWrek said:
The "Wait for" spin from the Sony fans was lacking in this thread (which as has been noted seems to go slow, which is obvious why....).

Oh and, i remember when a 20k gap favoring PS3 was some sort of big deal. Now...look the shit being said.

Just :lol
Did you have any sort of factual dispute you wanted to mention? The difference between PS3 and 360's sales were greater with the release of MGS4 than this recent price drop by Microsoft. It's not spin. It's certainly not "wait for." It's already happened. If you want to argue the reasons for why that is, then go ahead. But making a stink about it and attacking me is kind of pointless. If what I said is somehow offensive or distasteful to you that you feel the need to label me a "Sony fan," then the :lol are all on you. I happen to like my PS3 and 360 a lot. And I am indeed a fan of the PS3, but I don't identify myself with any of these companies.


WrikaWrek said:
I didn't quite see it either until i started seeing some Sony fanboys talking about how what was important was Sony making a profit, and that just hit me with a dose of the past.

I remember when Nintendo fans said that back in the GC days.

You should be the last guy here talking about fanboys. You keep getting banned for PS3 trolling all the time.

Sage00 said:
Sales, there's one aspect.

fail. it's not even close
WrikaWrek said:
I didn't quite see it either until i started seeing some Sony fanboys talking about how what was important was Sony making a profit, and that just hit me with a dose of the past.

I remember when Nintendo fans said that back in the GC days.
All fanboys are the same. Have you noticed how some of the bigger Nintendo fans of yesteryear sound a lot more intelligent this gen? Yeah, that's because the Nintendo fan talking points, rather than being pure damage control and spin are now jiving with reality.

So in actual fact, the crazier Sony fanboys this gen haven't suddenly gone insane. They've always been insane. We just haven't noticed up until now because for the longest time, their opinions coincided with the voice of orthodoxy and truth. By the same token, the insane Nintendo fans of yesteryear are still insane. They're just harder to spot these days.
Scooter said:
Lame trolling from a mod imo. Playstation 3 has nothing to do with GC in every aspect, only the worst fanboys claim that.
Yeah. At the very least, the Gamecube never fell behind the Xbox for over a month in Japan. This lame mod trolling of the Gamecube really needs to stop!


Scooter said:
You should be the last guy here talking about fanboys. You keep getting banned for PS3 trolling all the time.


But making false claims, and making up shit is common ground for Sony fans. I don't expect different from you.


_leech_ said:
I didn't chop the image, sorry. I've seen it before but I don't remember who made it. But anyways, hey, it's all in good fun so relax. If the PS3 is the Gamecube 2 then it's definitely an improvement over the old one, anyways.

I'm not. I thought we had strict moderation here to avoid this shit.


WrikaWrek said:
I didn't quite see it either until i started seeing some Sony fanboys talking about how what was important was Sony making a profit, and that just hit me with a dose of the past.

I remember when Nintendo fans said that back in the GC days.
MS fans said the same exact thing when MS killed the xbox early. It's always about profit.


listen to the mad man
speculawyer said:
I think you are right . . . the Wii may whittle it down for a while but HDTV penetration/interest will increase

the region with the highest hd penetration is the region with the lowest adoption rate for the hd consoles
WinFonda said:
Did you have any sort of factual dispute you wanted to mention? The difference between PS3 and 360's sales were greater with the release of MGS4 than this recent price drop by Microsoft. It's not spin. It's certainly not "wait for." It's already happened. If you want to argue the reasons for why that is, then go ahead. But making a stink about it and attacking me is kind of pointless. If what I said is somehow offensive or distasteful to you that you feel the need to label me a "Sony fan," then the :lol are all on you. I happen to like my PS3 and 360 a lot. And I am indeed a fan of the PS3, but I don't identify myself with any of these companies.

If we want to take a history lesson, MGS4 was supposed to be the game that turned the tide of battle around. Its effect lasted a grand total of one month and total sales tracked below new IP's like Gears of War.

MGS4 is gone now, and it didn't do a damned thing to change anything. Its so blatantly obvious software follows the hardware (the Wii is a perfect example of this, it has the worst lineup and is selling well above its competitors) that arguing "some game" is going to do anything is moronic.


avatar299 said:
MS fans said the same exact thing when MS killed the xbox early. It's always about profit.

Xbox fans are crazy too. I can understand why MS had to do it, but i'm not gonna be happy because MS did it, just because they had good reasons for them, since it was bad for me as a gamer that invested in the system.

Scooter said:
I'm not. I thought we had strict moderation here to avoid this shit.

WinFonda said:
Did you have any sort of factual dispute you wanted to mention? The difference between PS3 and 360's sales were greater with the release of MGS4 than this recent price drop by Microsoft. It's not spin. It's certainly not "wait for." It's already happened. If you want to argue the reasons for why that is, then go ahead. But making a stink about it and attacking me is kind of pointless. If what I said is somehow offensive or distasteful to you that you feel the need to label me a "Sony fan," then the :lol are all on you. I happen to like my PS3 and 360 a lot. And I am indeed a fan of the PS3, but I don't identify myself with any of these companies.

I think the reality of the current sales situation is that by the end of November, in terms of YTD "momentum", it's going to look like MGS4 never happened.
Private Hoffman said:
How am I eating crow from that prediction?

I have always been relatively bear(ish) on the 360 price drop. I was off by 47k.

Just because I thought it would be lower than it turned out to be, does not mean that the 360 suddenly achieved sales that I would consider an overwhelming success for a console with such a significant pricing advantage now.

It's only too bad that jimbo isn't here to express his disappointment.
you was bearish, off by 47K to the bad, and under by 47k over your bearish predition are now bad?? you thought 300k and that is bearish, but 347 is not enough?


Pretty boring NPD, no real big surprises anywhere and the top 10 is bland. The PC games mention was a pleasant surprise however :)


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
_leech_ said:
I love it. My Gamecube 2 doesn't collect dust, third parties actually release good games for it, and it has good online support. Clearly superior to the original Gamecube. Hey, can a mod change the tag picture to this one instead?

I cannot disagree. And I love the GC and have no real feelings toward the PS3
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