Yeah, you're probably right.And you want to know why it worked for months? The girl was in a city for two months, likely not knowing anyone. You were someone she could talk to on a reliable basis. And you were just happy to have anything.
Yeah, you're probably right.And you want to know why it worked for months? The girl was in a city for two months, likely not knowing anyone. You were someone she could talk to on a reliable basis. And you were just happy to have anything.
Yeah, you're probably right.
I've been feeling the same lately. I'm young and this was my first real dating experience so I feel like I got too attached.
Started texting with this girl on tinder. There was a pretty frequent exchange at first (first two days) but the last two days she has only texted me at like 7am. What kind of time to write someone is that? I don't get it and it's annoying me.
Not everyone is as thirsty as me but come on. Oh well, guess I'll have something nice to wake up to.
Get a grip, dude. Maybe she woke up and replied/sent messages? If you want a date, ask her on a date. Stop making small talk.
I don't know if I want a date or not because right now I don't know that much about her. Only one pic, we exchanged like 5 messages each. Is getting to know eachother small talk?
You do that on the date. Otherwise you're wasting time talking with someone that you may not even like when you finally meet up.
The whole point of all of this is to meet face to face to see if there's attraction and chemistry. Texting is 100% different and not indicative of what an irl meetup will be like. Better to hasten the meetup, and spend all that texting time setting up meets with other girls concurrently. Or doing things to lead an interesting and attractive life. That, in turn, leads to more dates, and even meeting people offline.
You do that on the date. Otherwise you're wasting time talking with someone that you may not even like when you finally meet up.
The whole point of all of this is to meet face to face to see if there's attraction and chemistry. Texting is 100% different and not indicative of what an irl meetup will be like. Better to hasten the meetup, and spend all that texting time setting up meets with other girls concurrently. Or doing things to lead an interesting and attractive life. That, in turn, leads to more dates, and even meeting people offline.
Eh, I disagree. You can build a great verbal rapport over text with a girl that lays a foundation for an awesome date with no awkwardness ECT.. .
It is all a matter of what and hoe you text them.
I've had a number of amazing texting experiences that ended up falling totally flat when meeting in person. My dates aren't awkward at all. Not sure why they would be.
Hopefully she'll tell me her interests tomorrow (which is pretty important to me), then that might give me an incentive to ask her out.
You do that on the date. Otherwise you're wasting time talking with someone that you may not even like when you finally meet up.
The whole point of all of this is to meet face to face to see if there's attraction and chemistry. Texting is 100% different and not indicative of what an irl meetup will be like. Better to hasten the meetup, and spend all that texting time setting up meets with other girls concurrently. Or doing things to lead an interesting and attractive life. That, in turn, leads to more dates, and even meeting people offline.
I mean you don't just go, yo what are you interested in?
I usually get the girl to play a question game and I get her to ask the first question.
Goes pretty smooth and the conversation gendrally evolves pretty naturally based on what you ask.
You also have to hint at sexual questions being open for asking as well.
This should be stickied at the top of every page.
As for only messaging early morning - I do that sometimes when I'm busy at work / have plans throughout the night or with people. Although I'm normally a very good texter, life happens and those few minutes between waking up and getting out of bed is a great time to look through all of my phone's notifications / apps. Recently I was slightly annoyed at how little one woman was texting, went on a date with her, really enjoyed it and have only been going on dates with her since then. I connected more with her than the previous recent dates who were glued to their phone.
Just, whatever you do, don't be this girl:
Oh man! Today's OKC date was steamy! Lots of teasing, touching, kissing and inuendos in public. I think my dry spell is going to end pretty soon as in the second date let's just say. Long form post later since on the train.
I mean you don't just go, yo what are you interested in?
I usually get the girl to play a question game and I get her to ask the first question.
Goes pretty smooth and the conversation gendrally evolves pretty naturally based on what you ask.
You also have to hint at sexual questions being open for asking as well.
That's a lot of work, when you could be talking about all that on an actual date. It gives you a ton of stuff to talk about. But, you do you!
Why he texting at 5am?
Elaborate on that game? I do hate the "I live here and here, what about you?" back and forth exchange.
And I'm telling you some people are more comfortable and natural through text than in person. I don't see why you have trouble understanding that?
Yes, but that's like practicing basketball in order to prepare for a baseball game. Isn't the ultimate goal to meet up with them in person? Why not move for that ASAP? You'll find that most of the regular posters in here agree. They could be totally different (and often are) when you meet them in person. If you don't like them, you've just wasted all that time texting. Maybe it's a generational thing.
Why he texting at 5am?
Well you are the one swiping them.I'm not sure what's happening here, but I'm getting lots of Tinder matches with women who just say Hello/Hi/Hey (MyName) and nothing else. They don't have anything written in their profile either, so I know they're scammers...
Has this happened to anyone else? I went through an entire two or three months with no scammers and suddenly I'm getting them all the time.
Well you are the one swiping them.
My rule of thumb is if their profile is blank, it's an auto-swipe left.
That's true too.
The thing is that I'm just swiping all to the right because I'm getting so few hits in the first place.
Eh it's basically important to remember that, in the bigger picture, this isn't something to invest yourself more than you should.
I mean, I enjoy being matched with someone as much as the next person and I've had some really great experiences with this one person because of the app. Yet, the swiping part of the entire thing has always been just me wanting to do something with my hands while I wait/procrastinate on something. Hence, I don't mind being picky about my deck.
Oh and of this moment, the chick hasn't responded to the Monday date idea but I'm not sweating it since I'll chalk it up to her going to sleep. If anything, I'll follow up with her in a few days.
I think she did because my mom was baffled when she asked why I didn't have sex with her after I got home (I'm open about my dating life with her). She kept mentioning sex and sexual inuendos a lot. I might have been captain oblivious in the moment upon thinking about it. I might might have done goof but maybe I can rectify that; she asked me what I'm doing this weekend and I said not much, then mentioned going to the Afropunk Festival. I hope I'm not overthinking this.You sure she didn't just want a hookup?
Well you are the one swiping them.
My rule of thumb is if their profile is blank, it's an auto-swipe left.
I think she did because my mom was baffled when she asked why I didn't have sex with her after I got home (I'm open about my dating life with her). She kept mentioning sex and sexual inuendos a lot. I might have been captain oblivious in the moment upon thinking about it. I might might have done goof but maybe I can rectify that; she asked me what I'm doing this weekend and I said not much, then mentioned going to the Afropunk Festival. I hope I'm not overthinking this.
I was talking with a girl and she said
"...but I dont take the pill though
the hell.
Could be sarcasm, which never works over text.
Otherwise run. Run you fool.
I have started my backpedaling.
Doesn't it just imply that you need to use a condom?
Doesn't it just imply that you need to use a condom?
All is well. She's down to meet up on Monday. I'm meeting her at the place where she volunteers at so I was overthinking it. Guaranteed to hit a home run that night since I mentioned the blue balls to her to which she responded favorably to. It sounds a lot like the Mexican girl I messed around with last summer.Yeah, the innuendos, plus the mention of sex and kink on her profile, and her asking "what are you looking for" after your initial makeout seem like she wanted to hookup.
It'll be worth the extra subway fare I'm going to spend to see her. It sounds like I'm in for one hell of a ride next week! (pun not intended)
The deed has been done; she confirmed. Never gone out with a girl who's into kinky stuff so it sounds like probably going to learn a lot. Will keep an open mind. I'm a bit scared admittedly but in the words of Ice T: Fuck it (pun not intended again).
Hi GAF I made a tinder account for the first time
I have two questions
first is when is the best time to use the app I guess, have a friend telling me he uses it at night and finds more matches then?
secondly, from what I hear girls mainly just look at pictures of you right, or are there other things I should do to pimp out my profile?
I only have 3 pics and my bio is fairly dry so I'd rather that not inhibit anything.
so far only matches I've gotten has been a bot (or at least I'm pretty sure they're a bot since they messaged me first with "hiya baby") and one girl who I matched with but now isn't showing up on the chat screen
also I'm out of likes now lmao
Doesn't matter at all. I'd say writing to girls past 11pm is a bad sign for most, unless it's a late weekend and you're looking for a quickie.Hi GAF I made a tinder account for the first time
I have two questions
first is when is the best time to use the app I guess, have a friend telling me he uses it at night and finds more matches then?
Yeah very few people look at your description honestly. Just put a funny joke on there or something, don't write a long story about yourself on Tinder. That's not what works.secondly, from what I hear girls mainly just look at pictures of you right, or are there other things I should do to pimp out my profile?
3 pics is fine, it does the job. It's what the pics are of that matters. For 3 pics, I'd say 1) pic of you 2) pic of you doing something cool/activity, etc 3) pic with friends but where it's still easy to pick you outI only have 3 pics and my bio is fairly dry so I'd rather that not inhibit anything.