Like your women Furry and animalistic, eh?I only meet new women at 4am on the night of a full moon.
Like your women Furry and animalistic, eh?I only meet new women at 4am on the night of a full moon.
Right off the bat: I think you should nix the two selfies (pics 4 and 5) since they're the same exact pose and aren't doing you any favors.I was wondering if any of you kindly gaffers can give me some profile tips. It has been forever since I actually updated the thing and I'd like to make it more current.
Do not message me if:
*You are racist or sexist or ableist. I'm not about that MRA life.
*You assume that I will fuck you just because I am poly.
*You assume under any circumstance that you are entitled to a date and/or sex with me.
*You do not believe in privilege.
This never happened since as I posted in the Dating-Age thread a few days ago, she canned it from feeling sick and asked to reschedule. She's a major stoner girl with some issues so she smokes weed as a way to control them. As I said in that post, I think the weed paranoia is getting to her. I'm seeing her next Tuesday and if it turns into another tease fest, I'm going to move on. Just her getting stoned every day is a deal breaker for me. Getting another case of the blue balls is not worth the trouble.
Good luck with the dates! Kink is one hell of a subculture from the research that I did on it.
So my wife of 10 years and I split up. I joked with a friend that I didn't know how to meet women anymore and that I wasn't having any luck. He asked if I was on plenty of fish or eHarmony and I said no, I made an account on Grindr and none of the women were interested, even when I got desperate and tried for some of the less attractive ones...
I would call the reaction 'appalled' lol
Humour really helps with a time that otherwise fucking sucks.
Good shit Jhoan, that's moving pretty fast.
Been on a string of pretty good dates lately. Have like 4 dates this week planned, reconnected with two girls (one hit me back up even tho we haven't talked in months) who I had stopped talking to because I was in my feeling about someone else. Been getting closer again to this Korean girl I kinda fucked things up with. I can see myself being with her, but she's really hesitant. Still we always have a blast nowadays. Been pretty action packed
Okay, so I tried downloading Coffee Meets Bagel but it's not recognizing my zip code or even any nearby zip codes. I'm right outside Boston, so that's definitely not an issue... is this a known problem? Any workarounds?
Have you tried a zip next to you? That's rather odd since I'm out in the country pretty much and can still use the app.
I keep getting a message like "Oops, something appears to be wrong" popping up, so maybe something is up with it today?Okay, so I tried downloading Coffee Meets Bagel but it's not recognizing my zip code or even any nearby zip codes. I'm right outside Boston, so that's definitely not an issue... is this a known problem? Any workarounds?
Stuff happens since it's the nature of the online dating beast. It's worth following up with the other girl to see what's up as she might have forgotten. Keep at it.My fwb bailed on me too. The potential date this week told me she would get back to me and I've heard nothing. So a pretty rubbish week all round.
I prefer slower dates over being teased over and over again/fast ones. I have a gut feeling that today's date is going to be a waste of time so I feel like canning it. Then again, since she's meeting me in Manhattan, I can call the shots and end it early if I see that things are going that way again.Good shit Jhoan, that's moving pretty fast.
Been on a string of pretty good dates lately. Have like 4 dates this week planned, reconnected with two girls (one hit me back up even tho we haven't talked in months) who I had stopped talking to because I was in my feeling about someone else. Been getting closer again to this Korean girl I kinda fucked things up with. I can see myself being with her, but she's really hesitant. Still we always have a blast nowadays. Been pretty action packed
Try one of the big college zip codes. Then again, CMB has its share of bugs like Tinder does. At least the Android version does.Okay, so I tried downloading Coffee Meets Bagel but it's not recognizing my zip code or even any nearby zip codes. I'm right outside Boston, so that's definitely not an issue... is this a known problem? Any workarounds?
You can always delete your accounts and make new ones to reboot it. I definitely feel like I need to delete my Tinder profile and reboot it. Of course, nothing beats meeting people in person and at events.I'm running dry on people for every app I have. I don't even have premium for tinder. I'm not exactly looking for something past 25-30 miles.
Looks like I'll just have to start actually going out. That'll be interesting.
Stuff happens since it's the nature of the online dating beast. It's worth following up with the other girl to see what's up as she might have forgotten. Keep at it.
I prefer slower dates over being teased over and over again/fast ones. I have a gut feeling that today's date is going to be a waste of time so I feel like canning it. Then again, since she's meeting me in Manhattan, I can call the shots and end it early if I see that things are going that way again.
It seems like you've been busy. Good luck with those dates. Hopefully one of those pans out.
Try one of the big college zip codes. Then again, CMB has its share of bugs like Tinder does. At least the Android version does.
You can always delete your accounts and make new ones to reboot it. I definitely feel like I need to delete my Tinder profile and reboot it. Of course, nothing beats meeting people in person and at events.
Edit: Forgot to add that I texted the girl from last night and haven't heard back from her. Normally when this happens, they get back to me several hours later telling me that they weren't feeling it. I'm not sweating it though. I also set plans with graphic designer girl in stone for next Sunday.
Her Self-Summary : Are you looking for better or happy? If you're looking for better, you will never be happy because there's always going to be better out there.
Today - 9:01pm
If you're looking for happy then you'll always be looking because happiness is fleeting : Who wins a superbowl ring and retires? They keep playing until they have another. Is this a "damned if you do" scenario? It sure feels like one.
You have the right idea, I think a good relationship is two people still being individuals but enhancing each other's lives together.
That said, what does interest you? Your music taste is eclectic and your taste in hobbies is all over : Do you have a personal preference or certain project you've been dying to do?
What type of concert would you go to if you had a choice, anyone you've been wanting to see?
The "motivated to reach my goals" line spoke to me as thats been something I've been focusing on for years; An intelligent beautiful woman who has a creepy easter bunny picture taken only years ago was a nice bonus.
Today - 9:26pm
I'd answer your questions, but I'm not going to waste my time getting to know someone that's most likely to use the distance as a cop out, or some other bullshit excuse. Over it.
Have a good night and good luck
Wait, who sent which message?This is a new situation for me so any insight would be appreciated.
My profile : (Any advice welcome as well, I'll be updating and adding some pictures this week.)
Can anyone explain what exactly happened here? I'm confused.
Wait, who sent which message?
I'd critique your profile, but its set to "only visible to OKC members". Too lazy to create a new account, so *shrug*
She's tired of dating. Probably just made/updated her profile after a break up. Nothing towards you personally - though the really long first message might have something to do with it. Also in my experience the people with sad sack/woe is me profiles are generally wastes of time, they are just looking for a selfesteem boost/attention and never go past chat buddies.
For now, however, would someone be so kind as to look over my profile and tell me how it reads and if it needs improvement/deprovement? I'll send the link in a PM.
I haven't had any luck, and all my limited conversations have really fizzled out quickly, so I haven't had a need to post here at all. It's probably been a nice break, lol
I was assuming context provided that as I replied to her self-summary.
Tired of dating : She liked me today when I updated my profile before work.
Long message : The general rules of dating are fun but the individual is left to determine which they do and don't follow; A few short paragraphs is just who I am, and I was only that long to remark to her self-summary.
Nothing towards me personally : Yea, I work with the public, nothing a stranger does can hurt my feelings.
OKCupid - and online dating in general as a male - is best used as a casual passing tool you forget about and check occasionally : I've had some fun dates in my five years on and off, but you're far better off making a connection at work, school, bar, concert or similar public event. That's been my take anyways.
Can anyone explain what exactly happened here? I'm confused.
62% match?! I guess we can't be friends. The most obvious thing right off the bat that you need is more pictures doing different activities.For instance, borrow a friend's dog/cat and watch your visitors grow.This is a new situation for me so any insight would be appreciated.
My profile : (Any advice welcome as well, I'll be updating and adding some pictures this week.)
While you don't have to go into super detail as to how interesting your life is, it would provide a few details as how you're enjoying your life. Show, don't tell.What I’m doing with my life
Enjoying it.
The book How to Make Friends and Influence a People
You should message me if
You're genuine.
An easy fix for this is to make a Breaking Bad reference since you mentioned it in one of your favorite shows. In this case, something along the lines of "Cooking meth in an RV withOn a typical Friday night I am
Board or card games, working or karaoke.
Nontypical Fridays are a different story.
You're a busty blonde with Barbie doll eyes or stuff that interests you/pokes fun of yourself.
I'm busty.
I am not blonde however.
Nor a big eyed Barbie doll.
Or a woman.
For now, however, would someone be so kind as to look over my profile and tell me how it reads and if it needs improvement/deprovement? I'll send the link in a PM.
ArgyleReptile said:Much appreciated.
You can post your thoughts in the main thread if you want.
As a whole, I think your profile is very bare bones and average. Bare bones profiles work when the pictures are damn good since most girls won't bother reading profiles and the pictures carry it. However, for the girls that do read profiles, it's worth adding some meat for them to chew on. Hope that helps!
Overall fantastic profile.
I'm bombing at first dates lately. I meet the lady for some friendly conversation, and feel good about it until at the end when I ask to meet her again, and she acts like I'm crazy. Does anyone have any do and do nots for first dates? I didn't have this problem before, but maybe the mid-thirties women I'm meeting lately have different standards.
Thanks for the advice. It's only been within the past month. So just long enough to get frustrating. Though of course just after writing that I had a date with a woman who can't wait to meet up again. I'm the kind of guy who wants to understand how things turn out, so I'd rather have a bad first date that doesn't lead anywhere than a good one that's a one off.Define "lately". Weeks? Months? Objectively do you think you're fun, personable, easy to be around and listen as much - if not more - than you talk? (I like to go at least 60/40.) If so I wouldn't worry too much : We all have our string of bad luck.
First dates are about building attraction and getting to know each other so there's a lot of variables at play to worry too much. Personally I've had some excellent first dates I just didnt feel worth dating more and (admittedly more often) that happened to me. Reflect on what you can learn from and don't take it personally.
Had a wonderful night last night. Let's just say some stuff happened and my 1 year and 1 month dry spell finally ended. Was rusty but the tricks I learned last year were put to good use. I'll shake off the rust in due time. Things are progressing pretty damn well as I like how things are going so far.![]()
I'm bombing at first dates lately. I meet the lady for some friendly conversation, and feel good about it until at the end when I ask to meet her again, and she acts like I'm crazy. Does anyone have any do and do nots for first dates? I didn't have this problem before, but maybe the mid-thirties women I'm meeting lately have different standards.
Hahaha, thanks! Ms. I-gave-you-blue-balls-twice after dry humping her. Once she took a few puffs of her bong, it was on. I showed her my sketchbook but we never made it to the most recent entry.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)![]()
Which of your dates was it?
I finally convinced myself to make profiles on OKCupid and Match (neither paid) a couple months ago. I'm 35 and I have absolutely no social life and no dating experience so just making the profiles was kind of a big step for me. I left most of the fields blank except for favorite movies, shows, and what I'm looking for in a partner. I also made sure to put my barely above minimum wage salary on there too just so women know. I have a very unremarkable life and I don't want to hide that. I know that will drastically lower my chances but I don't want to mislead anyone.
I finally worked up the courage to message someone over the weekend with no response. But as soon as I sent the message I regretted what I wrote. I made sure to let her know just how sad my life was as if it was a warning not to accept the invitation to have lunch with me. I would say "oh well, live and learn", but her profile was really the only one that has stood out to me in the two months I've been browsing, so it does suck that I feel like I blew that chance, if I ever had one in the first place.
These sites really feel like better as a passive experience for people who are meeting people on a regular basis. Not ideal for people like me who very rarely interact with new people. But I don't want to be alone forever, so I guess I'll stick with it. I'll just have to not be so goddamn picky about possible partners. I'm sure as hell not a catch myself.
I finally convinced myself to make profiles on OKCupid and Match (neither paid) a couple months ago. I'm 35 and I have absolutely no social life and no dating experience so just making the profiles was kind of a big step for me. I left most of the fields blank except for favorite movies, shows, and what I'm looking for in a partner. I also made sure to put my barely above minimum wage salary on there too just so women know. I have a very unremarkable life and I don't want to hide that. I know that will drastically lower my chances but I don't want to mislead anyone.
I finally worked up the courage to message someone over the weekend with no response. But as soon as I sent the message I regretted what I wrote. I made sure to let her know just how sad my life was as if it was a warning not to accept the invitation to have lunch with me. I would say "oh well, live and learn", but her profile was really the only one that has stood out to me in the two months I've been browsing, so it does suck that I feel like I blew that chance, if I ever had one in the first place.
These sites really feel like better as a passive experience for people who are meeting people on a regular basis. Not ideal for people like me who very rarely interact with new people. But I don't want to be alone forever, so I guess I'll stick with it. I'll just have to not be so goddamn picky about possible partners. I'm sure as hell not a catch myself.
Good shit bro, where she from?Hahaha, thanks! Ms. I-gave-you-blue-balls-twice after dry humping her. Once she took a few puffs of her bong, it was on. I showed her my sketchbook but we never made it to the most recent entry.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Dating is like interviewing for a new job. You don't tell your interviewer up front that you are underqualified and lead a sad life. No, you tell them that you are ready to do your best. Just like you don't tell your potential date that you have "a very unremarkable life". How did you think that was a good idea?
Man this sounds like one of my good friends several years into the future to a T since he has 0 dating experience at 28, is picky when he has no foundation to begin with, and has self-loathing issues. I agree with everyone else that I think you should see a therapist for the rock bottom self-esteem issues.I finally convinced myself to make profiles on OKCupid and Match (neither paid) a couple months ago. I'm 35 and I have absolutely no social life and no dating experience so just making the profiles was kind of a big step for me. I left most of the fields blank except for favorite movies, shows, and what I'm looking for in a partner. I also made sure to put my barely above minimum wage salary on there too just so women know. I have a very unremarkable life and I don't want to hide that. I know that will drastically lower my chances but I don't want to mislead anyone.
I finally worked up the courage to message someone over the weekend with no response. But as soon as I sent the message I regretted what I wrote. I made sure to let her know just how sad my life was as if it was a warning not to accept the invitation to have lunch with me. I would say "oh well, live and learn", but her profile was really the only one that has stood out to me in the two months I've been browsing, so it does suck that I feel like I blew that chance, if I ever had one in the first place.
These sites really feel like better as a passive experience for people who are meeting people on a regular basis. Not ideal for people like me who very rarely interact with new people. But I don't want to be alone forever, so I guess I'll stick with it. I'll just have to not be so goddamn picky about possible partners. I'm sure as hell not a catch myself.
Good shit bro, where she from?
I finally convinced myself to make profiles on OKCupid and Match (neither paid) a couple months ago. I'm 35 and I have absolutely no social life and no dating experience so just making the profiles was kind of a big step for me. I left most of the fields blank except for favorite movies, shows, and what I'm looking for in a partner. I also made sure to put my barely above minimum wage salary on there too just so women know. I have a very unremarkable life and I don't want to hide that. I know that will drastically lower my chances but I don't want to mislead anyone.
I finally worked up the courage to message someone over the weekend with no response. But as soon as I sent the message I regretted what I wrote. I made sure to let her know just how sad my life was as if it was a warning not to accept the invitation to have lunch with me. I would say "oh well, live and learn", but her profile was really the only one that has stood out to me in the two months I've been browsing, so it does suck that I feel like I blew that chance, if I ever had one in the first place.
These sites really feel like better as a passive experience for people who are meeting people on a regular basis. Not ideal for people like me who very rarely interact with new people. But I don't want to be alone forever, so I guess I'll stick with it. I'll just have to not be so goddamn picky about possible partners. I'm sure as hell not a catch myself.