|OT| NEOGAF Pick-Up Post! Show Us Your Gaming Goods + more [Your images only]

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
Have just received the Xbox Series X I've order a couple of days ago plus one copy of Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania Edition for the PS4 lol.

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Been a while since I posted but I did get quite a few Black Friday and early Christmas sale items!


First up: games and controllers! Physical Switch game #118-135. Also a couple of cheap PS4 and 3DS games and some controllers. Loved the pastel joy-cons even if I don't really like using them. Still, they're nice for the collection.


Next is some anime & manga. I've been enjoying collecting some of my favorite shows and movies on Blu-ray as I love looking at pretty artwork. Physical all the way! When it comes to manga, I just get stuff with pretty artwork. I like reading a couple of chapters each night before going to bed so while I'm not hardcore collecting, I do read a few manga each month.


And some more Lego! Super Mario 64 is one of my favorite games and this block was on sale for €130 so finally picked it up. The building process is a blast, seeing it all come together. Also, two alpine lodges for the Winter Village.


And finally a couple fo 4TB SSD's to replace the old 500GB's ones. Not a hardcore gamer or anything so 8 TB of superfast storage is overkill, but they were pretty cheap so whatever. Having a bit of extra space is nice.

And thats probably gonna be all for this year. Still got a couple of packages of manga on the way but no idea when they're get here.
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Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
Lots of game purchases this week. Got a Series X last week and started picking up some Xbox One and 360 BC titles. I was quite surprised how cheap they were (spent around €40 on these 9 used Xbox games).


I've also finally received some of the Switch pre-orders I've placed a while ago, including the European release of World of Horror. Oh and snagged a physical copy of Journey for my collection, too!


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Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
So I guess that this is the last update of the year. I've received most of my imports during the course of this week, and also managed to snag some last minute deals on several Xbox BC titles plus some lucky deals on new games on clearance sale.

Atelier Marie Remake and DoA Xtreme 3 Scarlet from PlayAsia (got them both cheaper than I expected during their BF sale)


Several VGP imports that I've bought during their anniversary sale. All of them were quite cheap (I think around €60 with shipping and VAT included ), with Undertale physical being the most expensive get.


Here's all the Xbox BC titles I've snagged from a FB marketplace deal. I think I paid around €40 for all of them. Really happy with The Orange Box in particular as it has been delisted from the Xbox store back in early 2023 so the only option was to get it used.


And finally these 3 PlayStation games. Two of them were snagged during a clearance sale (paid €15 for Atelier Sophie 2 and €10 for Exoprimal) while Robocop was a Xmas gift from my brother.


Oh and I totally forgot about this brand new Prince of Persia 2008 copy I bought last Saturday.

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Nothing major this week as most of my stuff is trapped in Japan till after the new year as there's no way i'm risking the post till the madness calms down. Wasn't going to say no to a second copy of world of horror with the nicer box art & extra goodies inside.

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
My last haul of the year as some of these Xbox games literally arrived a few hours ago.

First pick-up was Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition which comes on 3 discs. Yes, you heard it right, first triple disc release on current-gen consoles!


A bunch of used Xbox BC titles I've ordered from various local game shops. Oh and a PS4 one as well. :p


And these two North American imports which have finally arrived two days ago. I now have the complete Atelier Ryza trilogy.


Aaaand that's it for 2023. See you guys next year!
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My final 2 orders from the meme company that I ordered back in 2022 finally arrived. My final orders from them going full meme in shipping time feels appropriate though.

Other stuff. Decided to try Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, and finally got a game I wanted to play 16 years ago but totally forgot about.
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Managed to get most of my remaining stuff shipped now that the xmas rush has ended a mix of the usual Japanese oddities.

Some gashapon a few books and some fitness bachi that are used with the latest game mode that was added over xmas.

The books are filled with ads that were in various kids magazines during the showa era i love stuff like this as i was born in the same era but totally unaware around the other side of the planet so it's fun to see what kids got upto during that time.



This months selection of capsule joy



The last thing which is what made the parcel obscenely expensive to ship is this....

The latest addition to the Egret II mini lineup, Contains the arcade memories vol 2 along with the mycomsoft cyberstick plus a few wxtras that were exclusive to this bundle like the flyers and keyring.

The stick is stupidly good quality, also works with megadrive 2 mini & pc right out the box, you can also twist & unplug the sticks to swap positions if you feel like it. The thing is an exact replica of the original sharp x68000 one.

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
Finally received my PlayStation Portal yesterday. Oh and I also snagged a copy Blue Reflection Second Light from Amazon. Now I'm waiting for my ESRB copy of Blue Reflection to arrive from VGP to start playing this magical girls JRPG.


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Another parcel dropped with some really nice Dragon quest stuff, also a record for parcel force it was only sent off from japan 2 days ago it's insane totally caught me off guard when the door went.


A replica red chest from the DQ universe and a mimic moneybox when you put coins in the eyes light up.

Some slime bookends, when my shelves go back up i now have something to stop the games from falling off the ends, it's fantastic how many home goods are DQ themed there's so much to choose from slowly my place will be made over lol

Couple of metal slime figures

And also some keychain figures that i didnt realise they were metal bells, think these are too nice to get trashed in my keys i'll have to find somewhere nice to put them got a metal king slime & a regular one.

One thing i love is anything that is from inside a game been made real, these are the ultimate & magic keys from DQ they appear in all of them in some way, they are life sized too and very heavy.


I had to split my stuff between 2 parcels to avoid stuff getting crushed so Gimmick collectors was in this one the rest of my switch games are in the other, already have the standard release but the collectors is too nice to pass up on the soundtrack been the highlight but the other bits are really nice, not bad considering it was £45 beats having to use LRG and waiting for months.



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Glad i shipped only these three together as the box on dodonpachi is stupidly flimsy it sucks when they are so fragile if i had put more in the parcel it def would have gotten crushed under the weight of the other stuff. Thankfully arrived pristine along with the other 2 replacements that got mangled from amazon in one of my older parcels donpachi has a nice pile of stuff in it plus i really like the alternate amazon jpn exclusive cover insert put the extra bits inside the box to keep it all together it just fits.


And my uncrushed replacements finally


Thanks to the other bits i needed arriving, i can finally finish off doing what i had intended to do with that small red treasure chest from dragon quest. With a combination of the gold coins and gems i picked up from amazon and the in game keys i can fill it up and have it in my display cabinet as a mini DQ diorama of items. Still need to add in all those DQ skill seeds & nuts but they are boxed up somewhere and i cant find at moment. Still have a few more pieces of dragon quest merch on the way.

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Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
Picked up these 4 physicals this past week at good prices. Not really sure how that ESRB copy of The Talos Principle arrived here on the local used market of my tiny EU country but I'm not complaining.

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Another week another box of fun goodies from Japan.

Caught up more of my amazon japan switch game wishlist, a couple of pricy ones in there this time. The main offender been dragon quest heroes 1&2 as it's only available in japan in physical form & there's no english on it either but it's one i have wanted for a while. Even a used copy of that is 9000yen+ on the other side of the scale was metal dogs that was 1500yen and it looks fun, worth a risk.


More gacha and dragon quest goods as i slowly fill my collection with stuff from that series i can't get enough of all the weird and wonderful themed items.

The slime tower is bigger than i thought it would be and the pot mimic is a little smaller, the other pot is a money box that you can smash & reassemble to get at your funds. The pot mimic is a small swing bin.

Love the design & even the face is moulded instead of a flat sticker or printing. No idea yet what i want to keep in it but it's too nice for sticking rubbish in.


The money box breaks apart into 4 pieces the instructions in the box say not to yeet it on the floor from too high up.

Some more slime bells reverse one of the couple i got last month so now have a regular & metal slime & king slime.

This months gacha are these weird bubble creatures, and some Kirbys from the gourmet race switch game. Had no idea they had even made figures for that one till i spotted them randomly.


Aaand that's it for a few more weeks.


Just one item today Roto's sword from Dragon quest, it also appears as the sword of light in DQ11, i only recently even found out this was a thing there's a whole set of replica items from the DQ universe. They are not full size the sword is only 40CM long. The shield & helm are not going to be cheap but i plan on wall mounting this along with the rest to Roto's gear. It's insane that all of them are crane game prizes all we get over here are crappy knock off plush toys.

The details are amazing but the gold plastic looks naff i am going to arts /& craft it and mask it all off and use gold & silver rub & buff to give it a proper metal finish as that stuff is fantastic at making plastic look like metal.



The runes say dragon quest which is a neat little touch
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Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
Wish more people would start sharing their gaming goodies since I love seeing what other gaffers are picking up. :messenger_grinning_sweat:

Anyway, I'm done early with game purchases for this week so here's all I've got since the last update.

I've also included the 4k blu-ray of 'Your Name' since I just received it today (would recommend the movie to everyone even if you're not into anime).

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More new arrivals from Japan, newest shin chan boku natsu game plus the game centre cx 1.2 replay went for the special editions of both as especially the shin chan game amazon goes all out with adding in extras even the outer box is gorgeous. Will get that on & played later.


Also some more re-ment hobby stuff. Spotted the pikmin terrariums cy chance, they look amazing so i couldn't resist picking them up will assemble them later & take pics.
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Opened up the shin chan box set, the contents are great i mainly wanted it for the art book yet again, but there's a few other bits including a soundtrack flexidisk i haven't seen one of those in years lol i never realised they even still made them.




The pikmin terrariums are stupidly high quality & surprisingly heavy, Had to look at the pics on the box as they don't have instructions on where all the lttle bits plugs into what holes where.





Wish more people would start sharing their gaming goodies since I love seeing what other gaffers are picking up. :messenger_grinning_sweat:

Anyway, I'm done early with game purchases for this week so here's all I've got since the last update.

I've also included the 4k blu-ray of 'Your Name' since I just received it today (would recommend the movie to everyone even if you're not into anime).

Your name was such a good movie, recently watched suzume with my wife (shes not into anime) and she loved it do had to look out the other related movies.

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
Welp, it looks like lots of my image links have broken so I had to go through the most recent postings to update them with working ones. :lollipop_pensive:

Anyway, this past week has been a big one for video game pickups. I've received my FFVII Rebirth Deluxe plus some other Switch and PlayStation games I was meaning on picking up for some time now.


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More dragon quest stuff plus some other bits & pieces as well as some more switch additions from my wishlist/preorders.

Roto's shield is the second piece of his equipment obtained, that's two down and 2 left to go the helm is probably the hardest & most expensive to find now as it came out ages ago. Love the quality of these things, too small to wear but large enough to mount to the wall and look pretty cool.


Also grabbed this neat looking slime hourglass it appears as the loading icon in some DQ games & has enough sand in it to let me make a cup noodle. Shame it wasn't more full to make it look like a slime properly but i see why they did it as 3 min is useful.

Another book to the library this one been on gashapon through the years from the 60's to the 90's, pretty much all full colour illustrations of alsorts of neat old gacha stuff. Will go read this over the weekend in more detail



Some more gacha this month to add to the collection some stackable slime DQ figures and some chonky haniwa and other ancient Japanese artifacts but i mainly got it for the haniwa.


Some switch stuff, a mix of alsorts in there. Was surprised to see the asian version of the DQ collection that has englis on amazon japan so i grabbed it as i have been meaning to pick it up for ages,


And finally my mugen gashapon, been waiting since last year for this preorder to finally be released. I love wacky gadget stuff like this, too much effort to describe what they do in detail so here's a youtube vid on them.

This lot will keep me going till next payday :)
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