Lesbian mcganugal

Lesbian mcganugal
I didn't even think of this. The way Snape treats Harry all the way until the very end of the books is going to have to be entirely changed for the show
I still can't believe JK Rowling is OK with this. She has been completely silent about it BTW
I still can't believe JK Rowling is OK with this. She has been completely silent about it BTW
And it's her perogative to do so.People forget that aside from the trans stuff Rowling is still very "woke".
Before she became enemy nr1 of places like Era and old Twitter, people used to make jokes, memes and YouTube sketches about how she would eventually reveal everyone in the books was actually black and gay.
It's always fascinating to me when i see people so obsessed with their own race.
As a Greek person, what's weird to me is the way you feel skin color makes a person interesting or different in some way.Most movies and TV shows still have a majority Caucasian cast
It's representation and different stories. Which was also the point of that post above this one. Iyanu fits that.... New story/IP that isn't based on a work where everyone is Caucasian.
Your take is weird, to me. Not bad, just weird.
As a Greek person, what's weird to me is the way you feel skin color makes a person interesting or different in some way.
Like why would i go out of my way to look for a story created by a white/black/whatever person? How does the skin color affect their abilities to create a story? Is it a "point of view" thing? Sure, 300 years ago i would be interested to see that point of view where skin color mattered so much it would affect your life in such significant way. I would be interested in someone sharing those first hand experiences, sure. But nobody is alive from those times anymore. So now give me the point of view of a poor person, a rich person, someone famous or someone who nobody cares about, someone doing an interesting job i could never do, someone who is smarter than me, someone sick, someone who experienced things i didn't or things i did but has different opinions about them, a good person who cares more in others than their own self, a bad person who doesn't care about others, etc...
So many interesting points of view and you only seem to care about the looks? And you seek stories created by people who just happen to look like you? I'm not saying you should avoid them but actively look for that specific thing? Yes, that's so incredibly weird to me.
And this whole "representation" argument... Why would you feel someone who looks like you on the outside somehow also represent you? Do you know that person? Do you know their personality, opinions, etc? Myself i would never think someone automatically represents me because they are look like me. I have met so many people who look like me and i would rather not share another molecule of oxygen with them, ever, let alone accept they represent me somehow.
You're looking at it from YOUR perspective as a Greek... I'm coming from an US POV. Our history in this country is VASTLY different from your own. Race is something this country has always had a problem with and one we are still having a problem with in ways similar and different to what my parents and older siblings lived through.
Representation is important because, up until now, "white" was the defacto color for the hero or romantic lead in a mainstream movie. Yes there are movies with predominantly black (or other POC) actors in the cast but those were always relegated to the "fringe" or "off-Hollywood". They weren't "real" Hollywood". Until Black Panther debuted, most Hollywood studios didn't believe a majority cast film could be successful (Marvel REALLY bet the house on it being a success). Even George Lucas spoke about this ... As more stories are being told that have nothing to do with "race swapping" and are original IP (like the aforementioned Iyanu) and not making Snape a black man, then we're going to keep having these discussions. In the US, Latinos, Asians, Native Americans, etc are wanting more castings or productions that feature those like them in roles that aren't stereotypical (maids, thugs, nerds, mystical brings, etc) and step outside the typical conventions.
I don't live in US but i'm (mostly) aware about this. I just don't see how you are helping to solve those problems.You're looking at it from YOUR perspective as a Greek... I'm coming from an US POV. Our history in this country is VASTLY different from your own. Race is something this country has always had a problem with and one we are still having a problem with in ways similar and different to what my parents and older siblings lived through.
Huh...Representation is important because, up until now, "white" was the defacto color for the hero or romantic lead in a mainstream movie. Yes there are movies with predominantly black (or other POC) actors in the cast but those were always relegated to the "fringe" or "off-Hollywood". They weren't "real" Hollywood". Until Black Panther debuted, most Hollywood studios didn't believe a majority cast film could be successful (Marvel REALLY bet the house on it being a success). Even George Lucas spoke about this ... As more stories are being told that have nothing to do with "race swapping" and are original IP (like the aforementioned Iyanu) and not making Snape a black man, then we're going to keep having these discussions. In the US, Latinos, Asians, Native Americans, etc are wanting more castings or productions that feature those like them in roles that aren't stereotypical (maids, thugs, nerds, mystical brings, etc) and step outside the typical conventions.
I'm glad we posted in the same time because otherwise it would look like I just copied you lol.I don't live in US but i'm (mostly) aware about this. I just don't see how you are helping to solve those problems.
Weird because even though i live in Greece i have watched a ton of mainstream Hollywood movies featuring black protagonists that were massively successful. For decades. Some of my favorites (just on top of my head right now) feature Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, Will Smith, Samuel Jackson and Wesley Snipes. Metric tons of movies featuring them in various different roles. Lots of fond memories with their faces embedded in.
Speaking of Wesley Snipes, there was also a movie before Black Panther (and before every other Marvel/DC crap) with another, more interesting hero called "Blade". That was an awesome movie, unlike Black Panther.
Now, i'm not sure how you missed all that living in US and all.
But you are right. Wanting to see more people like yourself in media is only just. Thing is, i don't see the issue? Especially for POC? Because what i'm seeing is a massive overrepresentation in media the last 10 years. It's actually hilarious because even here in Greece, where there must be literally around 68 POC in the whol land, half of our TV ads features them. If anything, your problem should be how media is patronising you by catering to you that much.
Yours was posted first so you beat me to it.I'm glad we posted in the same time because otherwise it would look like I just copied you lol.
And the funny thing is, you don't see nearly as many people (Asians or not) complaining about that.I'd say that Hollywood has a much bigger problem with Asian, particularly male, representation. They seem to shy away from casting Asians in action movies or masculine roles.
I'm glad we posted in the same time because otherwise it would look like I just copied you lol.
I'd say that Hollywood has a much bigger problem with Asian, particularly male, representation. They seem to shy away from casting Asians in action movies or masculine roles.
As someone who is non white, I always found it funny how I'm suppose to care if I get fully represented in a movie or show. For me story is all that matters to me. Representation always comes off as forced to me and as a result the movie/show suffer for it.
I love all those movies too
Read that part again because a single black lead is not a predominantly black cast, which was my point.
Hollywood Shuffle, Girl 6, Do The Right Thing, Black Dynamite... As an example of majority black casts.
Edit: most movies have predominantly white casts. Every one of the movies you posted is majority white. Just like the probably majority white people you see in your life, I see majority black people in mine (this is the case of many people unless they live and work in a major metropolitan area)
----------------Representation is important because, up until now, "white" was the defacto color for the hero or romantic lead in a mainstream movie.
--------------Yes there are movies with predominantly black (or other POC) actors in the cast but those were always relegated to the "fringe" or "off-Hollywood". They weren't "real" Hollywood".
Read that part again because a single black lead is not a predominantly black cast, which was my point.
Hollywood Shuffle, Girl 6, Do The Right Thing, Black Dynamite... As an example of majority black casts.
Edit: most movies have predominantly white casts. Every one of the movies you posted is majority white. Just like the probably majority white people you see in your life, I see majority black people in mine (this is the case of many people unless they live and work in a major metropolitan area)
Ah, okay I must have misunderstood. Then we can at least agree that this part is not accurate (without talking about a majority black casting):
But I also think that there are plenty of Eddie Murphy movies with a predominantly black cast and that was already back in the 80's/90's. Boyz n the hood or Dangerous Minds too. But I'm not entirely sure what the parameters are here.
Edit: Your edit: It's not strange that a lot of 90's movies had predominantly white cast considering this is what the demographics looked like back then according to ChatGPT:
I think I should watch Fuqua's movies. I've thought about watching Emancipation, but Will Smith just has his typical "I'm acting HARD" face on the cover so I've not come around lol. I am really glad that Jordan Peele has taken the step into movies and into genres that I love which are scifi and horror. I think he has a very unique "voice" in his movies and would like to see more of directors like him.I'm a huge fan of this black director named Antoine Fuqua. Training Day, The Equalizer Trilogy, etc. I admit I haven't watch everything by him yet. But he's a more recent example of a director who isn't white that makes fantastic films that have black leads
He did The Terminal List series on amazon. That's what I would watch.I think I should watch Fuqua's movies. I've thought about watching Emancipation, but Will Smith just has his typical "I'm acting HARD" face on the cover so I've not come around lol. I am really glad that Jordan Peele has taken the step into movies and into genres that I love which are scifi and horror. I think he has a very unique "voice" in his movies and would like to see more of directors like him.
I think I should watch Fuqua's movies. I've thought about watching Emancipation, but Will Smith just has his typical "I'm acting HARD" face on the cover so I've not come around lol. I am really glad that Jordan Peele has taken the step into movies and into genres that I love which are scifi and horror. I think he has a very unique "voice" in his movies and would like to see more of directors like him.
That's a great oneHe did The Terminal List series on amazon. That's what I would watch.
Age is tough on film because you need to have gravitas. People just look too young for too long. But I think a lot of us saw Hans Greuber from Die Hard more than actual Alan Rickman. Maybe in the 40's-70's you could have actors in their 30's pull off the teachers but I think they were ABSOLUTELY correct to hire older, exceedingly accomplished actors for those roles because that balances out the midling to atrocious kid performances.Y'all upset about Paapa's race when Rickman wasn't anywhere near the right age:
This is supposed to be a 31 year old, but it gets a hand wave because he's white. Put a properly aged actor in the role, and because he's black, it's considered "woke."
The book gave us Snape's age, but it never gave us his race. As of right now, Paapa objectively fits the part better than Rickman.
Right, I agree. They let talent and experience trump adherence to the character's description in the book, and it worked out well for Rickman. So why not give Paapa the same chance? He's a good actor and deserves the same as Rickman.Maybe in the 40's-70's you could have actors in their 30's pull off the teachers but I think they were ABSOLUTELY correct to hire older, exceedingly accomplished actors for those roles because that balances out the midling to atrocious kid performances.
My GOD this is inspired. Like that Jamie Foxx Annie movie a few years ago. I never knew I wanted this.![]()
Ran it by Grok and god dammit it would totally work.
Ran it by Grok and god dammit it would totally work.
I'm just glad to see that JK Rowling is heavily involved in the show. Not only that, she personally casted the actress who plays Hermione in the Cursed Child. Canonically, this is Hermione:
She is described in the book as having pale skin. Not how you would describe a black person.Hermione was actually white. Case in point, the first edition cover for the Deathly Hallows where she is white. Cover art that would have been approved by JK herself.
I wouldn't normally have an issue with race swapping, however it really only goes in one direction.
If an established fictional, or even a historical character, is swapped from white to another race, then we're supposed to applaud it. Anybody questioning this is automatically a racist.
Yet, swap an established non-white character to white and it's evil, racist "whitewashing". Juat seems a little bit one sided to me.
Personally, for fictional characters anyway, it should be the best actor for the job, regardless of race, but that only happens these days for white characters. Non-white characters are untouchable.
She is described in the book as having pale skin. Not how you would describe a black person.
Dunno what you're talking about. Somebody already suggested a white Blade and Miles Morales:Yet, swap an established non-white character to white and it's evil, racist "whitewashing". Juat seems a little bit one sided to me.
I think it's time we had white guys playing Blade and Miles Morales.
See any accusations of racism? Now on the other hand, look what happens when you cast a black actor as Snape:go finance it and make it happen. I'll watch it with an open mind as long as the actors are good.
Oh man, if they cast one of the generic looking mixed race kids flooding hollywood these days....the rumors of snape hitting up Lily gonna fly!
Defense against the dark arts.
The meta alone makes this casting choice worth it.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince of Bel Air
Snape to James: Keep Lily's name out yo' fuckin' mouth!
A bunch of weirdo adults obsessed with a series of kids books start spewing hate because the actor doesn't fit their headcanon. Also:Afrikaana Watermelonus
JK Rowling herself picked the actress to play Hermione in Cursed Child, so whatever officially sanctioned art you think is canon, actually isn't. This is canon:
It isn't. She is described as white in the books. So what is "canon" to you? The actual source material or a play?Dunno what you're talking about. Somebody already suggested a white Blade and Miles Morales:
See any accusations of racism? Now on the other hand, look what happens when you cast a black actor as Snape:
A bunch of weirdo adults obsessed with a series of kids books start spewing hate because the actor doesn't fit their headcanon. Also:
JK Rowling herself picked the actress to play Hermione in Cursed Child, so whatever officially sanctioned art you think is canon, actually isn't. This is canon:
It isn't. She is described as white in the books. So what is "canon" to you? The actual source material or a play?
Didn't she make that up later and say it was before they had plumbing? It can't be after Hogwarts was made because it's founder hid the Chamber of Secrets behind a tap in a bathroom, where a ghost lived in the toiletsI don't like Harry Potter and I'm British and I already explained Rowling's stance on this.
Btw its also canon Wizards and Witches shit their pants then use a spell to clean it up afterwards so I wouldn't trust her word as the gospel after the books concluded.
IDK bro she typed so much garbage on Twitter it damn near killed the series for terminally online millennials before she went anti-trans.Didn't she make that up later and say it was before they had plumbing? It can't be after Hogwarts was made because it's founder hid the Chamber of Secrets behind a tap in a bathroom, where a ghost lived in the toilets
"Her white face" she clearly doesn't remember her own work or she was trying to pander to a certain audience. That's from prisoner of Azkaban btw.![]()
Authorial intent is canon to me.
Authorial intent is canon to me.
We could also go by Rowling's own original artwork which shows her as white.
"Her white face" doesn't tell me her skin color. I'm not white and my face has been described as sheet white before. It's an expression to describe shock and fear."Her white face" she clearly doesn't remember her own work or she was trying to pander to a certain audience. That's from prisoner of Azkaban btw.
How about all the original book covers where Hermione is white?
Why not? People are referencing book covers that are way older than the tweet, which weren't even illustrated by Rowling lmao.Remember how Dumbledore was made gay after the fact? And you want to take some 10 year old tweet as gospelrubik's dude ? Despite what the her own books and art say? Knock yourself out.
"Her white face" doesnt tell me her skin color. I'm not white and my face has been described as sheet white before. It's an expression to describe shock and fear.
Like JK Rowling said, the books never said anything about Hermion's skin color, and authorial intent is the only thing that's canon.