Def. a lot less big games and developers. A ton more smaller ones. Some really cool small games I hadn't seen before and am now looking forward to.
I am hoping the reduction I am seeing is due to GDC overlap and not a sign of less industry support at the event.
Thanks for another awesome year, Boston and Boston-GAF, always great to visit your city, even if your drivers want too kill me!
Will have a few pics when I get home.
I live in the area, and even I have to admit that the police were doing a TERRIBLE job directing traffic around the BCEC. Seriously, I'm hard-pressed to know how they could have done a worse job.
It really looked like they had no real game plan and no communication and were just winging it.
I've had one whirlwind of a day seeing a bunch of stuff. It's my final night in Boston before I go back to NYC tomorrow. Had the pleasure of taking the T and it was good. Very fast and clean unlike the MTA. Love this damn city so I'm gonna miss it. Shout out to Sanjuro, Sober, Bearcatjosh, and Omega Squash/his wife. You guys live in a great city.
Had the pleasure of taking the T and it was good.
Well there are dumb things about it such as why the ticket machine wouldn't take nickels but took dimes which is so arbitrary. At least the Metrocard machine takes all change regardless. I also saw a girl flip the bird at a train conductor, curse him out, and bang on the door to try to coax him to open the door while the boyfriend wagged some dollar bills in front of the train when I got off at the Boston Common station. Pretty sure she was drunk but pretty sure that's common here and I've seen much worse in the NYC subways.Huh, most folks here would beg to differ. I guess it could be much worse, though.
It was nice meeting you too!
You had my attention but now you have my interest. I've worked at NY Comic Con for 4 straight years and plan on returning again this year. Ideally I would love to get a table at Artist Alley this year if I don't return as Crew. NY Comic Con is gargantuan in size compared to PAX East but I'm sure you'll survive. GAF meet ups are always fun as well if we get around to organizing one. You can ask me anything about NYCC.You as well and everyone from the meet up. I wish I was able to stay longer for the second meet up, but my friend wanted to drive back home together so we left right after Pax but it was super cool meeting everyone. I wish I was still able to drink but it is what it is haha. I hope we can do this again next year.
Next Pax, I'm definitely going to plan better so I can at least have a hotel to stay at and my tickets in tow.
This year's Pax, being my first was a fun experience.
I would say most of the Pros was definitely the tourneys going on. The Halo finals was anti-climaxtic as I was already briefed that EG wins everything so they were going to win hands down. They did so yeah, but at least I got to meet a bunch of huge popular gaming streamers and gaming personalities.
The indie booth was pretty much the best. I loved all the ones I played including finally being able to us Oculus. I'm a believer of VR now because of it so I'm probably going to look to buy one. Other than that, the cosplayers were really amazing.
Cons mostly are in due to the traffic and lines. A whole day can be wasted on one booth which sucked. I think that they should of cut down demo times so a lot more people could play. 15-30 each was just way to much time for one person to play one game. It was kind of ridiculous. A personal con was not being able to attend any of the panelsbut that's all due to better planning next year for sure. And that's about it.
So hopefully I will see all next year or even Pax Prime if I get the chance. If anyone is going to Comic Con NYC, I will be there as well. Once again, it was nice meeting you all!
@ActStriker, I know Sober is from TO hence why I gave him a quick shout out.![]()
looks like someone posted some gameplay from the armikrog demo. definitely would have made my way over there if I was able to attend.
looks fantastic.
Sorry for being vague on that, I meant to say you GAF members that live there. I'm gonna miss all those brick buildings and awkward streets. There's so much to see including outer Boston areas that I would like to visit someday.It was the 'You guys live in a great city.' part which I though referred to Boston
I have a mountain of League of Legends skin codes to give away and I have no idea how I'm going to do that since it's going to an eternity to photograph and distribute. They expire on March 13th. Any ideas on how to go about doing that?
Sorry for being vague on that, I meant to say you GAF members that live there. I'm gonna miss all those brick buildings and awkward streets. There's so much to see including outer Boston areas that I would like to visit someday.
I did have the OG Boston Cream Pie at the shop attached to the Omni Parker House and it was absolutely amazing. Too bad I didn't have seafood or the lobster sandwich or Sam Adams beer but eh, the pie was so good to go out with.
On my back to NY. In CT now. I have a mountain of League of Legends skin codes to give away and I have no idea how I'm going to do that since it's going to an eternity to photograph and distribute. They expire on March 13th. Any ideas on how to go about doing that?
Not sure if my throat is recovering from yelling at bars, or I'm getting sick. It's like an annual tradition.
I've been doling out the codes left and right on Twitter suddenly gaining droves of new followers in the process. While I can easily monetize them on eBay as my brother was suggesting, I'm choosing to follow Wheaton's Rule instead.No idea about the codes man.
I really did appreciate those comments earlier man. I wasn't feeling too great about myself today, so it was good seeing that. Thank you.
It's always good seeing you. You're adventurous and pretty open. I hope you had a good time at the enforcer party. It sounds like you stayed the night. Enjoy the trip home.
I was waiting for you to pop in. I have well over 100 (150?). Have given a ton out via Twitter and gained a bunch of followers in the process. Not cool? Getting added on Facebook by them since I find that a bit creepy and will ignore requests. Still, it's been fun doling them out and getting entertaining/thank you reply tweets. Didn't run into you this time since I was working at Albatross but I hope you had fun and got some sweet swag.If you came by tabletop at all during the mornings, then you saw mr Gvaz the tabletop hq librarian
I hope I helped you all out!
Also: I have obtained oh about...50ish League of Legends Arclight Vel'koz skin codes
They expire on the 13th of this month. If you PM me asking for one, I likely will not give you anything but coal in your stocking.
You didn't see anyone but I sure did see you on Sunday while I was talking to bearcatjosh. I think you briefly made eye contact with me before you kept on walking. Was gonna stop you but it looked like you were on a mission so I let you be. I'll see you next tiem you're in NYC possibly during NYCC. And I totally know that feel about camera issues; my mirrorless camera's charge broke so I spent the entire PAX weekend taking pictures with my phone to the best of my ability. The default S3's camera app sucks but I got some pretty solid photos otherwise of both cosplayers and other stuff.Didn't really see anyone from GAF this year, and since I pretty much just went to take photos, had a bad time due to camera malfunctions. I said I wouldn't go back last year, but ended up returning to stay busy, so I'm sure I'm likely to do it again next year. XD
You actually can't sell LoL codes on ebay, they'll turn the auction off
stop touching shit and then your face. also bring hand sanitizer spray
stop touching shit and then your face. also bring hand sanitizer spray
I've been to 8 PAX Primes, 1 PAX East, and 1 PAX South, and I've never gotten sick. Don't bring hand sanitizer or anything. I have the immune system of a god, though.
A few friends told me they've been getting sick since pax. Could be with the weather changing too.
I thought Sunday would be the day I get PAX Pox because my body felt like shit that morning, but I'm clear.
Haha yeah, you faded pretty early that night. Happens to the best of us.
I went hard on Friday
I'm going to try to get tickets to PAX Prime this year. Will be my first video games conference, so I'm pretty excited to check it out.
The girlfriend will be coming with my to Seattle, so I'm not sure a 4 day pass is the right way to go.
If I go for 1 or 2 days, what would be the best days to attend? Saturday/Sunday?
Saturday is easily the best day for PAX East.
I really want to grab Saturday tickets next time. Should probably mark my calendar or something.
When do tickets usually go on sale?