I'm currently addicted to Monster Hunter 4, and I was wondering if there is either A. Any reason to street pass in / near the booth or B. If Capcom will be selling any kind of MH gear? I know they tend to have a store at some shows just never been to the booth at PAX.
I'm not sure if I understand your question but I will try to answer.
I have never been to PAX, but I go to NYCC every year and it is my understanding that they are similar in terms of streetpass. Expect to get tons of streetpasses everywhere around the show, though the Capcom booth, Nintendo Booth, and the Handheld Lounge will likely be the hot spots. For the main street pass plaza, you will get more street passes than you could ever want to clear while you're there. Regarding Monster Hunter 4U specifically, you might not get as many, but you should still get dozens while you're at the show (estimate based off my experience with titles like K:IU and Animal Crossing).
Regarding merch, the had a bunch of stuff at NYCC last fall. To get a taste, you can look at their online web store:
There was also a vendor immediately next to their booth focused mostly on Monster Hunter merch, with tons of trading figures and statues.
Capcom's booth is going to be fairly large, but they have seemed to be mostly silent on their social media channels regarding the show. I have no idea what to expect from them at the show.