Where you playing US or EU?
Where you playing US or EU?
No probs, EU player here ..... should be someone from GAF playing US.
I'll mess around on an EU server for the time being. Which server and faction are you?
The fighter aircraft in this game are such ass by default. Christ. Can I not get rockets on this reaver?
Got to unlock them.
How do I get that resource I need to unlock?
How do I get that resource I need to unlock?
Facilities will go from 300 seconds to secure at 100% influence, 600 at 50%, 900 at 33%, and 2700 at 0% influence.
Small outposts go from 60 seconds to secure at 100% influence, 120 at 50%, 180 at 33%, and 540 at 0% influence.
some of these numbers may seem a bit long, but we're considering the influence average for engaging in a base capture to be somewhere between 33-50% to be a 'fair fight', that means that a facility will be 10-15 minutes to secure and a outpost will be 2-3
We're moving over to an interact method to set charges on generators which will have a fixed time before they detonate, we're going to start with around 45 seconds for shield gens and 90 seconds for spawn generators, but this of course is open to adjustment. This will force the attackers to actively defend the sub-objectives once they place the charges, and allow defenders to have a more choices in how they defend bases, rather than just stacking up on the capture consoles.
Currently primary facilities provide fantastic defensive positions, spawn points for vehicles and infantry, exert a lot of influence due to their large region size, and of course give you that delicious, delicious Auraxium. However, they don't add a lot of strategic depth to the fight for the continent. To address this we're planning on adding specific facility benefits to base types, similarly to benefits that facilities granted in PlanetSide.
The current design would mean that facilities that are linked via territory control would apply benefits such as :
Tech Facility - ability to spawn heavy offensive vehicles (MBT, Liberator) at connected facilities, towers.
Biolab - slightly reduced respawn time at connected outposts, facilities, towers
Amp station - reduced vehicle spawn times, enhanced turrets
Tech Facility - ability to spawn heavy offensive vehicles (MBT, Liberator) at connected facilities, towers.
No thanks. This stuff worked in PS1 because the server population was spread among several continents and if you didn't get one tech plant you could try to swing around and take another. There were more Tech Plants on the avg continent than there are on the current continental setup. Now when one empire is taking it from both sides and gets pushed back toward their warpgate they not only lose the ability to pump out all vehicles because of resource shortages but now they can't even roll a concentrated armor column to push the front back? Yeah, that's going to work out great.
That isn't part of the next patch. It probably won't be implemented until at least Esamir is pushed to Beta for the exact reasons you mention.
Those reasons I mentioned won't change with the addition of Esamir. You'd need to rework Indar (Mao honestly needs to be moved further south anyways), and given how late this stuff is being thought about, probably part of Esamir as well. Even still I don't think a penalty as stiff as the old Tech Plant would work within the current resource intensive framework. PS1 you could hold one base with enough dedicated infantrymen. In Planetside 2 if your empire gets shoved into a corner you might as well wait for whoever pushed you there to get distracted because you probably aren't moving with how quickly our resource pools deplete without healthy incoming resource ticks. Restricting MBTs like that would make it even less likely that a down empire would be able to recover.
What would have them do then?
It seems like you're assuming that people wouldn't have the sense to back off of a continent and regroup somewhere else where the faction does hold territory and push there instead of fighting a losing battle.
PS2 is a lot more punishing for defeat than PS1 and I like that. You can't just retreat to the sanc and rebuild a massive army of vehicles, you actually have to hold territory somewhere at all times.
Where is the settings.ini located? Also is there a setup for someone with a dual core who just wants to run the game without fancy looking crap?Yeah I didn't play PS1 in its prime so I can't really say anything for sure. Perhaps doubling the spawn timer or resource cost would be effective in restricting the heavy vehicles, but still allowing a push to be successful if organized.
e: Higby saying that you'd still be able to spawn all vehicles at the warpgate if they went down that route
Here's my Ultra config for useroptions.ini for anyone that has a good rig
Code:[Rendering] GraphicsQuality=4 TextureQuality=0 ShadowQuality=3 RenderDistance=-1.000000 Gamma=0.000000 MaximumFPS=59 VSync=0 OverallQuality=-1 LightingQuality=5 FogShadowsEnable=1 EffectsQuality=5 TerrainQuality=5 FloraQuality=5 ModelQuality=5 ParticleLOD=3 MotionBlur=1 AO=0 VerticalFOV=59 GpuPhysics=1
Anywhere from 30-59 fps. 3570k @4.4ghz, GTX 670 @1280mhz, 2560x1440.
Of course if you want to kill performance via downsampling you can adjust "RenderQuality=1.000000" to a value above 1 and put shadows up to 5.
Changing the rocket launcher's reticle to iron sights is a terribad idea. I can't aim for shit now unless I'm in point blank range.
I have two n00b questions:
1. If I lock a Galaxy can people still spawn on it?
If you go into the vehicle management screen, currently keybound to page down I think, you can set your vehicle to squad/platoon. Last I tested if you do this your squadmates can drive/pilot the vehicle as well.2. Am I the only one who can drive/pilot vehicles that I spawn?
3. Do getting certs to upgrade weapons take forever? I feel like I am doing something wrong...
Soo...is there a way to use mouse look while flying?
I don't care about barrel rolls, I just want to fly properly![]()
There is a feature to look around when you are in an aircraft. You just hold down Alt or Ctrl (I forgot the specific keybind, but it's there).
Anyone else unlock the M60 mortar for the Liberator? That thing is poooop-tastic. It has a reticle that doesn't have any indication on where the mortar will impact. It's range is that of the mortarman actually throwing the round out of the back of the aircraft and nothing like it launching away. I can't even get a gauge on how destructive it is because of these difficulties; I haven't hit a single enemy. The mortar has been fixed at least once before - a few patches ago it suffered the same problem as the grenade launchers - upside down. So how could it be fixed? Establishing a dedicated role is a first step.
The idea of using mortars on aerial platform is not old-fashioned or unusual, but it has recently been done using a clever stabilizing system and GPS guidance. That allows existing dumb-mortars to be given new life on the wings of UAV's and other alternative attack packages. This allows allows them to dropped from on high, like way the fuck up there. But the mortars we have for the attack platform(Liberator) in PS2 is just the plain ol' dumb variety and it doesn't work. They seem to function as a lower powered, harder to use version of the bomb. If you want to fly low and slow enough to use the M60, you are vulnerable to both ground and air attack. The M60 replaces the tail gunners MG. The only defense from air and ground targets is to hope your bomber and mortarman can take out the baddies before you get dropped, then get the hell out of there. Some coordination with squadmates can net you an escort, of course, but that isn't a specific solution to the M60 - it's a solution to everything.
The M60 needs a reliable targeting solution, a faster firing rate, a slighter larger splash radius, and reduced damage to light armor to be the effective anti-infantry role.
No thanks...
Got alpha squad pack and bought 60 bucks worth of station cash. Theyhave a promo this weekend that pre paid cards from gamestop are worth double so my 60 dollars became 120. Plus the 40 dollars worth with the alpha pack gives me 12000 in station cash.
Think I'm ready for launch now![]()
I'll still kill you. All your money cant buy skill!
Edited my above post. It's actually 16000 in station cash
Honestly my playtime nowadays is limited however I played ps1 for 3 years so I expect to get good mileage on this ... I wanted to support the development team too.
What exactly will station cash be able to buy in game anyways at launch? Implants I'm sure and xp boosts. Weapon, certs and vehicle unlocks?
Edited my above post. It's actually 16000 in station cash
Honestly my playtime nowadays is limited however I played ps1 for 3 years so I expect to get good mileage on this ... I wanted to support the development team too.
What exactly will station cash be able to buy in game anyways at launch? Implants I'm sure and xp boosts. Weapon, certs and vehicle unlocks?
So more like this?
No thanks...
You wont be able to directly buy anything that affects gameplay...besides XP boosts. You cant buy weapons, certs, or vehicle unlocks. Only things you can buy are implants, XP boosts, and cosmetic things.
Yeah I don't even care about anything in the Alpha Squad but I bought it just to give SOE my money
Hah, no. No, thanks, not at all. I didn't say anything that would imply that, but the video was funny for all the carnage that was going on. To begin with, my post was about the airborne mortar and not ground-based . If you would look up a bit, you'll see that I suggested the damage to light armor be reduced. I also would like minimal damage to MBTs, as well, or no damage. I would think that which does little damage to light armor would be assumed to do little or no damage to heavy armor, but I see that isn't a shared thought. So, little or no damage to heavy armor. The firing rate in that video was crazy sauce, and so was the reload speed. None of that, please.
I will buy it eventually also because I want to throw money at SOE to support them. I'll only buy cosmetic things and wont even use the XP boost.
I was just joking
I saw "m60 pooptastic" and thought of that video lol
You wont be able to directly buy anything that affects gameplay...besides XP boosts. You cant buy weapons, certs, or vehicle unlocks. Only things you can buy are implants, XP boosts, and cosmetic things.
I haven't played around with implants at all. What do they do exactly? When I looked at the menu it seemed like they gave time limited boosts although I can't remember to what.
I'll most likely use the station cash to grab xp boosts and cosmetic toys.
It's all co-ordinated and everybody's paying attention and following directions.