The Xbox One version is supposed to be $39,99 right? Then why is MS selling it for $59,99? This doesn't bode well for the digital price 
So the game on Xbox 360 (maybe PC as well?) is online ONLY, even for Garden Ops which can be played solo. You can't even access the games options on the Xbox 360 version without being online.
So here is a video of the manual and credits...yay?
So the game on Xbox 360 (maybe PC as well?) is online ONLY, even for Garden Ops which can be played solo. You can't even access the games options on the Xbox 360 version without being online.
So here is a video of the manual and credits...yay?
Looks like EA has filed a copyright claim on my video. A video that only shows the manual, partial credits and the main menu mind you. Plenty of other videos show similar content.
I guess they didn't like that fact that I revealed / confirmed that you can't play on offline whatsoever on the Xbox 360 version.
so, what time is this up on xbone marketplace?
is there any footage of the 360 version out there - at all?!
so, what time is this up on xbone marketplace?
So no PC version and no PS4 version?
So no PC version and no PS4 version?
No, Microsoft, Peggle 2 and PvZ: Garden Warfare are still not enough to get me to buy a xbone.
So no PC version and no PS4 version?
No, Microsoft, Peggle 2 and PvZ: Garden Warfare are still not enough to get me to buy a xbone.
360 gameplay guys
Is the Xbox One split screen good for MP online matches as well? Or just offline?
Finally some people online to play with!
I had a couple of good matches in the last few minutes, the game is definitely fun and i can't wait to try Gardens and Tombstones tomorrow.
360 gameplay guys
Peggle 2 is pretty good...
Well given the Titanfall store page before MS took it down, they've developed the feature, but at least for now they are holding off actually introducing it (I assume it's retail complaints/demands).Xbox One really needs a pre-load option so we can get our digital games downloaded before the actual release date. Looking forward to playing this tomorrow if the reviews are good.
so, what time is this up on xbone marketplace?
360 gameplay guys
Dang, so my preorder got delayed from ToyRUs. Did anyone elses preoder get delayed? Usually I preorder from Best Buy, but this time I got it from ToyRUs since I had a gift card.
The only reason I'm excited about this game is the local multiplayer. Anyone with hands-on time, I'd love some clarification.
Game looks like a lot of fun! This and Peggle 2 make me really want an Xbone.360 gameplay guys
so, what time is this up on xbone marketplace?
Where the hell are the reviews? And when is the download going up?
Jesus, the online store is horrible.
Where can I find the game to order on my browser?
Jesus, the online store is horrible.
Where can I find the game to order on my browser?
Weird it defo isn't showing on the US webstore for me yet, direct page link?