Just got home with my copy and doing a quick stream - http://www.twitch.tv/chucknyce
Add me if anyone's interested (Xbox One) ChuckNyce83
The game is really fun, especially with all its diverse class skills.
Tried to purchase in US store, is not working
Worked with Ryse last week.
From Germany? Worked for me few hours ago.
Just got home with my copy and doing a quick stream - http://www.twitch.tv/chucknyce
Add me if anyone's interested (Xbox One) ChuckNyce83
Damn this looks so fun, he's playing the horde mode.
I got a reload time decrease, for the cactus, from a sticker pack.Reloading takes much time, and even the jetpack cooldown didn't save me. Hope that stoopid plant get's diarrhea. (Sorry for minus.com being a shitty gif hoster)
so, I heard that game is 60 fps on Xbox One, which is great, but how is framerate on x360 - 60 too, or 30?
Seemingly can't connect to a match/server at the moment, but maybe that's just a product of there not being a lot of people online yet, or something...
Is anyone else having trouble joining servers all of a sudden? I can't seem to get into a game to save my life.
I think one of the reviews said that the plants were OP in that Gardens & Graveyards mode.Is it me or is it really hard to win a game as an Attacker? haven't won a single match of gardens and graveyards with the Zombie team.